Beams Nerfed, D.Va Still Trash

I don’t play D.Va but supports, mostly. If any D.Va players are looking for a fresh perspective, don’t play a healer. I dislike playing with D.Vas at the moment because they are such huge damage sponges. You heal one up and they’re back in no time flat, waiting for another top-up.

She’s bad. she needs buffs if she can’t even counter what she’s meant to.

Yes. A hero which can’t function properly and that relies on teammates babying it throughout the whole match to be valuable… isn’t considered trash?

I think this is matter of preferences when it comes to usage of words. I prefer to label as a bad hero. you prefer to use the word “trash” to get your point across, both believe the hero needs a buff…?

If you did not jump to conclusion and type without finishing reading our little discussion, you would see that I’ve countless of times said “ is bad and is in need of a buff.” I just believe “trash/garbage” isn’t the right word.

You’re contradicting yourself a bit here.
How does D.Va function properly without relying on teammates babying her throughout the match when she can’t counter heroes she’s meant to ?
(Much like Bastion needs babysitters to counter barrier stacking… Except that actually works.)

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Why play D.Va when you can just play busted @$$ Sigma instead? You hate to see it smh

First, and bastion are completely different when it comes to survivability. has easier escapes and does not rely on teammates babysitting her to the extent bastion does (if she does at all?). Does she require a barrier and if the barrier isn’t provided; does she have to switch because she has higher chance of threat coming her way?

How exactly does the team babysit (every hero requires healing by the way and that’s all i could think of?) let’s talk pre-nerf current simply does not work. and bastion aren’t a good comparison. and that’s definitely an over-exaggeration.

Then I guess all those threads about D.Va being hard to keep alive by support players were just my imagination.

Because there’s nothing her team can provide that helps her doing her job.
Not even healing.

Fine job dismissing a valid argument before they’re even made.
But yes, D.Va needs healing, more than any other hero to function. She needs one or more pocket healers.
Unlike Roadhog and Bastion, she has no self-heal. Unlike Zarya, her protection is easily bypassed, and she has a fat hitbox/critbox. Her damage is also pretty easy to heal ever since they nerfed it.

I’m sorry but I find posts like this to almost be rude in a way. It’s very patronizing.

People put in LOTS of time to their mains (D.Va) and learn everything about them and how to utilize them.

Sometimes nerfs affect heroes so badly that they CAN’T “simply adapt”. Posts like this scream that you’ve never even used a hero in this state. I’m a tank main and every time I use D.Va I feel like I literally have no effective use at all. I’m like a giant ULT piñata that gets hard countered by half the cast.

She is not “fine”. I hate seeing this word…


And guess where my blames goes on for that? Blizzard! She’s not in need of a team babysitting her but Blizzard to buff her and revert the unnecessary changes done to her.

It’s not dismissing a valid argument but an expected one. Every hero needs a healing and saying a few supports stated that is a hard hero to keep alive does not prove that she’s babied to the extent bastion is. For all i know, she does not have to worry about getting x hero and x hero or else she won’t (wouldn’t) work. at. all. She does not have self-heal but she has an ability to escape which roadhog and bastion lack.

The whole idea behind playing D.Va is getting as much value as you can get without getting demeched. Similar to Roadhog you really need a barrier or corner to play around to use D.Va properly. Without one of those you just feed the enemy team massive amounts of ultimate charge and spend most of your time out of mech.

When they shortened defense matrix a few months ago it made D.Va have to be much closer to her targets to save teammates with matrix. Which on the surface sounds fine; but what it’s really done is force D.Va away from her corner or friendly barrier if you want to save people with matrix . You’re basically forced into a bad position to use defense matrix.

Plus, double barrier is brutal for D.Va. If you stand back behind your barrier you can’t contribute much… if you dive in your healers have a tough time healing you since there’s always a barrier up.

D.Va definitely needs a little help but I think they should address Doom and double barrier first. Then see where D.Va is at once those become less oppressive.

A small boost in the mech’s toughness is all she probably needs ultimately. The crit spot makes the thing feel like paper mache sometimes.

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She’s in a worse state where no x hero can help her.
Bastion works better right now as you can build around him. The best way to build around D.Va right now is swapping her off to another tank.

If she escapes, she’s not doing her job.

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And that’s what I meant. There is nothing helping her currently and her pre-nerf state was much better. Bastion has always been a hero that can’t properly function without a proper team, 2shieldmeta does seem to favor Bastion more (and i’m happy for that).

Escaping threat that might lead to possibly being eliminated? Don’t know where exactly you’re basing this off on but escaping from a situation where you have little to no chance of staying alive is indeed a good strategy. she can’t do her job dead and is better off finding heals.

Sigma is in original Brigitte levels of broken though

shes needs some armour or something outside useing dm shes useless cant survive

I didn’t expect otherwise from a beam nerf.
Beams always were a thing that hurt D.Va, always. But it was fine and acceptable like “ok, these are the characters I must be extra careful when engaging them, because they can ignore my defenses and wreck me.”.

It’s everything else that’s been scaled up while her own defenses got scaled down that hurt her.

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That is pretty spot on. I think the fact that her crit box is so large as well really hurts her as well and gives ult charge way too easily to the attacker. DVas shotguns are also pretty bad with the spread and fall-off in double shield meta.

At some point, the onus to “adapt” should have fallen on the shoulders of others who appparently, for the life of them, couldn’t possibly wait 2 seconds for DM.


I think at this point, if the devs don’t want to give Dva any more DM - then fine. What she needs is a significant boost in damage. The damage her fusion cannon does is pitiful - and it only works from 5 meters away which is nothing. The damage her missiles do - assuming that you somehow hit with all of them (which you won’t), does less damage than a single 76 rocket despite taking more skill to land. And while you can fire both abilities at once, the two of them are aimed differently so it’s more like you have to choose which ability you’d rather miss with.


The ability itself seems the same, but DVa’s defense matrix is very different in it’s purpose. DVa can quickly eat a Moira orb without any downsides, whereas if Sigma decides to absorb it, his cooldown will be ongoing for a long time in team fight. Plus, it doesn’t give him much shields. It’s best to use Sigma’s ability during team fights when there are a barrage of bullets flying at your team, or when you know a very critical ult that you can absorb is about to be launched. Of course, Sigma lacks the mobility and range of his absorption technique, so if a Hanzo is about to use his ult, it’d be best for a DVa to fly up to him and absorb it rather than rely on Sigma’s slow speed and short range. Also, with Bastion, it is very difficult to get an effective use out of his abilities. Bastion melts Sigma’s shield, and it’s difficult for Sigma to move close enough to Bastion in order to reliably absorb his bullets. Otherwise, Bastion would just shoot elsewhere. DVa can easily dive a Bastion and has long range with her defense matrix to stop Bastion from just shooting somewhere else.

D.Va can keep her DM up only for 2 seconds. Sigma can put his shield in his face to be able to walk up to him, when the shield breaks use his shift to eat all his bullets and then put up the low recharged shield back as soon as the Ability is over.

so Sigma is way more effective in soaking up that damage to give your team a chance to kill that bastion than D.Va with only 2 seconds.


Did you saw the massive nerfs she kept getting? All in DM and armor, its not just because im a D.VA main, anyways she is not really effective with double shield meta and dumbfist, she gets melted close to zarya and sym

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