Beams Nerfed, D.Va Still Trash

In this recent patch, I had hope for D.Va. I thought “Hey, beams aren’t too powerful, maybe it won’t be as painful to play against!”

Loads into game
Goes in
Get’s Melted by Zarya

Teamchat: Switch off D.Va

Nope, still unplayable, nice :slight_smile:


She’s not that unplayable. Even I can play her still just fine cause I learned how to adapt.

Stop overreacting.


dude…she feels utterly horrible to play right now…

like, whats even her point? diving highground? hammond is better at that.
eating ults? yeah good luck with that since the delay addition to her matrix. (i suck at timing this)


Always love those people that “adapt” by hiding their stats, and the fact they don’t play that hero.
As far as I’m concerned, you’re a Pharah main. Of course you’re glad D.Va is in the gutter.


Sigma, who is by far the best tank in the game, literally hard counters her and her dive partner, Winston.

May I ask what you expect?


He doesn’t though. It should be the other way around. He’s immobile, and Winston can completely ignore his defenses.


Oh really?

Gotta love the forum logic here btw. I’ve played this hero a bunch actually & I’ve learned how to adapt with every hero they’ve changed the past 3+ years.

As far as im concerned, im not a prahah main. Im a flex player actually.
I really dont get where’d you get the idea that im a pharah main only though.
And where did I say im ‘‘glad’’ that dva’s ‘‘gutter’’? Cause I literally cant see me saying that anywhere.


It’s a bit more complicated than that. I didn’t really want to put in the effort of explaining why, but here goes.

Sigma creates an environment where counters to Winston (Doom, Lucio, Reaper and [I guess] Moira) are extremely viable in all situations (even situations without an enemy Winston).

Sigma also directly hard counters Dva because he can

  • Instantly reposition his shields (Dva can’t use her mobility to instantly reposition to get semi-flank damage).

  • Use boulder to interrupt missiles, DM, or boost.

  • Has an ability that pseudo-fills the same role as Dva’s biggest niche: DM.

  • The environment that counters Winston also counters Dva

At the end of the day you can only have two tanks now, and Sigma is overall just better than other tanks. Ask yourself, why go Winston when you can go Sigma? And if you’re going Sigma, you’re going to go with a tank that has good synergy with him, such as Orisa or sometimes Zarya, but which is certainly not Dva.


Just because someone can play Bastion in top 500 doesnt mean hes good.

Likewise is currently trash tier and even her stats reflect this.


Oh boy here we go again with the forum logic. (No offense ofc)

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You guys need to learn to adapt. DVa is fine in her current state and still fulfills her role as a Tank for her team. She’s a lot better now than she was a year ago, that’s for sure.


That’s something that someone with zero knowledge of top 500 would say. Try to play at the same level as Kolorblind (who I actually played with today). He’s a fantastic Bastion, and to say that he isn’t good just cause he plays Bastion at a high level is a silly thing to say.

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Oh we witch hunting now here eh?

I wouldnt rely overbuff stats at all if I were you cause they literally doesnt prove anything now anymore.
(I havent logged on my overbuff account for months just to give that information out btw as you can see)
But it was a ‘‘nice’’ attempt from you though to try prove something here.

Using online stats aren’t always the best measure to gauge effectiveness. Players can remove themselves from the sample size be leaving their profiles remain hidden. Not only that, but it takes players from a wide variety of ranks and lumps them into one. It wouldn’t be an accurate study to measure a Bronze player’s stats next to a GM. Finally, let’s assume there’s a new Overwatch hero that’s released and he is only chosen once, by one person, and wins one game. His stats will say he has a 100% win ratio, but does this mean he is overpowered and needs balance changes? Seriously, what do you think?

why do you think the beam nerf would do anything when the meta is double shield

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I want the old DM. Not even the original DM, but the partially NERFed DM from months ago - the one that was just a little bit longer/could absorb things farther out.

Dva needs some love.


Yes, they’re favored by the meta of Sigma and (to a lesser extent) Orisa. They also are the two DPS heroes that counter Winston/Dva the most. I don’t feel like you refuted anything that I said. It speaks something that even with 2 DPS that “counter” Sigrisa, they’re still solidly meta and nearly must picks.

Alone, Sigma does not have all of the tools. He still counters a lot of what they can do though, and he is even better at countering supports and DPS that work well with Winston/Dva). That is why few metas are comprised of a single hero. A solid Lucio with a boop, a decent Moira with lots of AoE heals, and a doom and reaper with massive amounts of close up damage are more than enough to absolute shred the dive duo. The viability of these counters is made possible because Sigma is so overtuned.

Their shields also block Baptiste’s heals, Ana’s grenade/heals, and Zen’s discord, so Winston and Dva would have to make do with lesser heals, which is unfortunate for them, but not exactly a problem with them as heroes.

You say that they were overnerfed, but they’re about the same level as Rein and all three were solidly meta before 2-2-2 and Sigma’s introduction. They’re also only slightly worse than hog, who was meta literally hours before Sigma’s introduction (and who received no nerfs whatsoever).

Jeff himself has stated he regrets adding DM to the game, so don’t expect any buffs to it ever.

1 Like has been mediocre on ladder for months and months, the Goats nerfs just put her down to Winston levels of uselessness

Like do they even run in OWL, the entire reason she was ever nerfed in the first place?

Or is the Sombra thing where the balance team is a month behind and nerfed for literally 0 reasons as the meta she was decent in ended because of 2-2-2 lock


Also this HAS to be a joke when Sigma literally got DM+

I mean other than the uptime on it, he’s got a 1500 health omni-positional barrier that can block everything except Hanzo ult, AND and ability like DM that just deletes things anyways