Beams Nerfed, D.Va Still Trash

im sure they’re asking you to switch off because either the other tank is another off tank or orisa

I’ve already gone through this in another thread. Overbuff’s roles don’t matter. The stats are perfectly reliable. Whenever devs have published stats, it has been proven.

Not profile shaming. I’m simply trying to show that you’re a not D.Va player going around being condescending in D.Va threads, using public information.
Nothing on your profile is to be ashamed of. Your behaviour is.

I’m not going to do theorycrafting all night from scenarios you made up to suit your narrative.

Combined to a much higher winrate, that makes him a tank played way more, with much more success.
And that’s only GM. In other tiers, he’s played even more. In Master he has 6 times D.Va’s pickrate, and his winrate is 8% higher!
In Diamond, 7.5x D.Va’s pickrate (9th overall), still an 8% higher winrate! (10th overall!)

Not what his pickrate shows. He’d have D.Va level pickrate if that were he case.


I expect sigma nerf haha

I feel like she could use a defense matrix buff now that we have 2-2-2

Don’t kill me


You’re the one who came up with the comp of that is full of counters. It simply doesn’t work against the meta it’s up against for the reasons that I listed.

He’s an easier hero. You clearly have more experience in tiers like that though, so I’ll defer to your expertise on that.

His pickrate is incredibly small. That is my point. You’re comparing two heroes with very small ~1% pickrates and drawing conclusions. Rein’s rate is boosted by stalls, but they’re very nearly equally bad. They’re bad because you can only have 2 tanks, and there are 2 tanks that are simply better.

Dva and Winston will be better once Sigma and maybe Orisa gets nerfed. It’s possible that they won’t, but for the moment, there’s no reason to buff just the heroes that are countered by a meta created by overtuned heroes when there are other heroes that are almost as bad that aren’t countered as much by the overtuned heroes.

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If she’s not that unplayable… That means she’s unplayable to a degree.


D.VA is going to be crap for a while if they keep her armor/DM changes the way they are


Convince your other tank to go WInston. It can be doable. Not gonna be easy but you know, it’s more rewarding when you do.

I did that once.

The comp did not work


"Learn 2 adapt" & "X trash hero is fine"

Where have I heard that before? Funny how it’s being parroted around by the same people every single time.

It’s always that narrow mindset of “I am right, you are wrong and therefore I don’t have to take your arguments into consideration”.

It never ends. :roll_eyes:


No thats an utter lie, and i can say that as a dva main, right now if you dont get double barrier you’re just “throwing” or at least thats how your teammates sees it


Doomfist/Sombra/D.Va/Winston/Any support
should hard counter
Doomfist/Sigma/Orisa/Moira/Lucio/Any second DPS
any day of the week. All of the heroes on that second team have one or more hard counters in the first team. The opposite isn’t true.
Your stories about boops and ults are theorycrafting.

Irrelevant. He’s a better hero at the moment, that’s all.

Across all tiers, he’s on par with Orisa.

I don’t get how you can get to this conclusion.
Reinhardt is played much more, with much more success than D.Va/Winston. He’s not niche as you describe.
Unlike D.Va/Winston, he’s weak against Orisa/Sigma due to the fact he can’t help in the shield war. Orisa/Sigma melt his shield.
D.Va/Winston counter Orisa/Sigma. Reinhardt doesn’t.

Perhaps you should stop bothering people for using the only stats that exist then.

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Eh I was feeding a bit on Roadhog in a game then swap to, finally pushed through. Got some kills ate some orbs and pharah rockets. Died once and after we reached the second checkpoint in Rialto someone on the team said “I don’t know why we have a” when I killed 3 people the last fight and ate a Barrage. I think people’s perception of is that she’s terrible when she is average to decent depending on map and situation.

Sure, I guess your experience proves we were all wrong, and her trash winrate in every tier is just a myth…


Beams will always counter Dva though. If I’m Zarya, I love farming an ult charge off a Dva or Roadhog. Just saying.

47% winrate isn’t that terrible, and I never said she’s good compared to other tanks like Orisa or Sigma. Winston is in a much worse spot, many dps has just as low if not a lower winrate than her. All I said was playing isn’t throwing, at least it doesn’t feel like it compared to when someone is playing Soldier and just shooting shields not able to do anything else. feels okay to me, me as in my opinion so you don’t have to get so triggered when against Moira to eat her orbs and pharah because she’s one of the only tanks that can defend against her while damaging her.

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I mean with syms nerf it takes her what? An extra .1 of a second to melt a generic 200 hp hero at full charge?

I wouldnt expect a big change.

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I’ve known dva hasn’t been viable to play for like half a year now and I have long since accepted that my main is probably the worst character in the game right now. I don’t hold any hopes to dva becoming viable until they give her big buffs.

Till then, I’ll be playing some better games more worth my time investment.


I can hold my ground against an anti-D.Va team…but only if the rest of my team is doing really well, too. Otherwise one Sym/Zarya will melt the life out of me…literally.

It is ridiculous that some heroes, being only one of them, are incredibly redundant thanks to the rotten meta right now.

If every tank except Orisa and Sigma are trash, maybe it’s an Orisa/Sigma problem.