Battle Pass SCAM (yes, yellow coins != credits)

Because this is a forum, and the majority aren’t spending time on it. They’re busy playing the game instead of spending it here whining about anything and everything.

The icons and colors are different, there really isn’t more to debate here.

Haven’t insulted anyone, but if me stating facts is an insult to someone, then sure.

Here’s the thing. This is Overwatch, with its own currency system. Other games have their own currency systems as well. How other games use their currency systems is irrelevant here.

What kind of deliberate manipulation are you referring to in Overwatch, with the Coins and Credits system? Could you perhaps elaborate on something you’re so eager to debate?

You can see your credit balance when you click on the coin icon when you click on skins/weapon etc… Seriously? You spend all this time, racking up 5000+ forum posts, but you have yet to figure out how to see the 3 different currencies in-game…

As for why they haven’t included legendary skins for Credits, i don’t know. Don’t care either. They’re pixels at the end of the day and have zero impact on the game it self.

But that’s not what we’re debating here.

We’re debating the visuals and the names of two different currencies, and i still can’t figure out how daft you have to be in order to see a similarity in a word that is both different in pronunciation as well as the letters within each word, with the exception being that both words start with a C…

For the record, as for real life use of both words…

Coins = Physical currency.

Credits = Non physical currency.

Both are used in different contexts.

Most games also use coins as their main currency, not credits. I don’t know how long you’ve been playing games and what type of games you’ve played but something tells me that you haven’t really been around too much…

If you scroll up a bit, you’ll see I did find that button, yes. It could be used as an example in schools for how to hide something. The credit balance is totally missing from the battlepass menu and the shop menu, by the way, and it would be relevant in those places.

Actually it is. If you read my post again carefully, you’ll see I was talking about the skins that ARE available for credits, but the game doesn’t display this fact. The topic is the bad UI around coins/credits, so it’s relevant.

You’re nitpicking and you know it. Besides, real life use matters little, because we’re talking about use in a videogame, where, as I said, credits and coins are often interchangeable terms. I could also list dozens if not hundreds of works where credits refer to physical currency, if you want. Star Wars, for example. And in Overwatch itself, back before OW2, some people referred to the tokens as credits, some as coins. Here’s a guy with 8000 posts mixing up the two yesterday:

I guess people will eventually to learn to use the words precisely in OW2, but Blizzard hardly made it easier.

This would apply if they both showed up in the same text. Then yes, the distinction is obvious. However, most people seeing any of the words on their own will just think “currency”. I myself, even after reading the dev post about season 3 changes last week, had to double check which term is which, because videogame credits and coins generally just mean the same damn thing. I think you have to be willfully obtuse to say otherwise.

Did you understand what I meant by not looking at this in a vacuum? The pattern I was talking about emerges if you look at other games besides Overwatch. With that in mind: (26:00 for the most relevant part)
See also: the entire mobile gaming industry (which AAA companies, including Blizzard, love to ape)

Tl;dw: borderline immoral psychological manipulation has been the bread and butter of “free”-to-play games for years, and Blizzard has been giving us exactly zero reason to believe they are any different.
If you don’t want to believe conspiracy theories (even a decently well-founded one), if you do have goodwill toward Blizzard for some reason, then I guess you can say they’re not making things confusing and uninformative on purpose, but at least acknowledge that this is just bad UI design. (Bad UI design that they just so happen to benefit from.)

PS: Blizzard doesn’t deserve your goodwill.


It’s quite unfortunate that you feel you were scammed.

No company should use such dark patterns to jbait people into transactions.

In fact, there have been recent lawsuits for this in the gaming industry.
keyword: dark patterns

Then why did they change the coin logo from gold to silver?

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