Battle mercy is bannable

So even though Jeff Kaplan jokes about battle mercy in developer updates, playing battle mercy is bannable as i just found out. Yet if you were to choose a moira or zen and prioritise damage over healing this isnt bannable, or play lucio and have nothing to do with the team so you can get ‘sick boops’ this isnt bannable, No transparency or clear limits once again by blizzard.

If people want context, i was forced onto support as people didnt want me to play any of my main heroes as they are all ‘off meta’ so i played mercy, I had zero help from my team vs a tracer and genji so i started taking matters into my own hands, every time i saw them flanking i instantly started shooting at them to scare them away, only to find out i am much better with my pistol than they are at killing me.

So every time they came for me, i killed them, simple enough. Occasionally a soldier died because i was killing the flankers. it got to the point where i had gold damage because of how often i was killing the flankers and our dps insisted on shooting an orisa shield only.

Next thing i know, account suspended and the only scenario blizzard mentioned was playing battle mercy and not staying to my role.

Does this mean that because i play hanzo, blizzard say i should never play support or tank?

Edit 2:
I informed the team i have never played mercy before but i am willing to try as they also flamed me for picking a 4th dps for those saying just pick dps, dont play healer if you arent going to heal, so i tried to flex, i had gold healing and gold damage for some parts of the game when we also had a moira.


77 posts were merged into an existing topic: We need an Official answer on One Tricking. :game_die: