I didn’t even know he was picked anywhere higher than Diamond. I thought they were all Genji and Tracer mains up there.
The only time he’s picked in gm is when people use the pirate ship meta on junkertown bastion definitely needs a buff and quality of life changes it’s like everyone on the forums forgets who bastion is because i never see anyone discuss anything about him it already seems like he fell of the end of the world in peoples minds i’m suprised the devs haven’t looked into him in almost two years hopefully he might be one of the characters they’re looking into presently
I created a thread, almost 2 weeks ago, that was a poll that asked for both Non-Bastion players and Bastion players to give ideas about Bastion.
The most ingenious idea I saw, from a non-Bastion player, is to give him 50% Ironclad when transforming. Then switch his health to 100/200 rather than his current 200/100.
That would really help him out against corner peeking since that 50% DR would protect him, which he BADLY needs since the new Hanzo rework. Currently you get punished for NOT being babysat for a Rein+ Orisa.
Before his rework he was at LEAST playable despite having counters. Currently, it’s impossible to play him. He’s in the weakest state he’s ever been in.
Cardboard pea shooter, more like it.
Bastion is one good nerf away from healing the enemy team instead of doing dmg.
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They did change him last year but the sentry changes took a partial truth about what we wanted. Yeah, some people wanted it more tanky. nobody wanted sentry’s spread or headshots nerfed.
It’s like those super cheap thin glass panels that break at a sneeze.
and he’s a defense hero where mobility isn’t supposed to matter as much. There is no such thing as bad design, only people who complain that it is.
It’s like those Hollywood plates and glasses props; they’re meant to shatter.
At this point it still blows my mind that people aren’t willing to help him out. Some of the few remarks are just mind boggling, but I guess there will always be a vocal minority that hates Bastion with a passion, and will do anything to keep him down. Hopefully it doesn’t have any affect and he gets the fixes and buffs he needs.
Well, there’s a guy on this thread that’s happy that his pickrate is invisible and dropping so I guess you’re right.
maybe cause its an extremely niche kit and easy to counter
That’s kind of my point. If it’s so niche even the GMs refuse to use him in the niche he’s supposed to be powerful in. It kind of obliterates the “He’s niche!” argument.
It was a buff nerf trade off that was more of a nerf he just needs solid buffs on both defensive and offensive capability they could give him his old shield except it’s a temporary ability on a cooldown like winstons shield and they could narrow his spread by a good bit beyond that i’m not wise in the balance department for bastion, this is how i see it for all characters, no character deserves to be useless
They should reduce his spread to 2 degrees instead of 3 with bloom and allow headshots. Old sentry is what most of the Bastion mains on that gigantic thread wanted and so did a few polls with hundreds of votes from Bastion and non Bastion mains alike.
Yep that sums up the offensive department i wouldn’t know the specifics like you, i started playing the turret called bastion when my favorite turret symmetra was starting to feel extremely weak because the power creep with moira and so on, but bastion’s in that same spot as symmetra now and she’s getting reworked so i have some hope for bastion
I think the moment you buff his OP ability is where things just get out of hand.
So I propose more power to his recon mode is the way to go. Sentry is still good as a surprise attack in niche situations. Buff Recon and he will be viable in all areas other than always sitting in one position and shooting.
I know the weapon spread sucks on sentry, but as a player who occasionally picks bastion at times I know how powerful it can be too. The idea is to make it not the only viable option.
Dont get me wrong sentry isn’t great, but it isnt like bad either. Its just that, out of that bastion has nothing else to do.
This is where maybe they should buff recon.
Buffing recon would make a lot of sense because anything to improve his turret mode would probably be called OP in the low to mid ranked games. The problem might come up though is Bastion in Recon mode is very simular to Soldier 76, just worse in almost every way.
The hard choice would be what could be done in recon mode to improve Bastion’s pick rate without over shadowing Soldier? A minor idea I had is “stealth mode”. it is supposed to be a recon type mode right? Why not have his foot steps be super quiet so he can sneak up on people?
Or perhaps have some kind of sensor/scanner to identify nearby enemies, again to go with the Recon theme. Basically a sonic arrow like ability centered on Bastion or something that pulses out form him on activation.
Since Symmetra is losing Photon Barrier, do you think it would be useful for Bastion, especially versus long distance peakers?
EDIT: wrong ability name
yup something like this, and also maybe a soldier sprint like ability perhaps on a CD where he can kinda use to gtfo if his flank didnt go well as planned.
I always thought he should sprout wheels or something to move quickly. Sort of like an inspector gadget type deal, roller skate shoes. I mean he can transform into a full on tank (though it’s no faster than walking). Why can’t he have some tank treads for feet in recon mode?