Bastion's pickrate has been steadily declining in GM

Nobody has ever asked for an “I win” button. Now this is factual, you’re in bronze, reducing spread will make it harder for the Bastion’s there to deal with flankers. If he can’t hit them he can’t hurt them.

This effects both places in different ways.

You are acting as if this is an either or scenario. Such as “either he’s OP or UP because of sentry”. People give up too easily. People see something they don’t like then say

He has a 48% winrate and a 2% pickrate in bronze. He’s not even good their. IDK where all this OP in bronze stuff game from it needs to die considering it’s not true.

Guess what? Roadhog oneshotting people was “unfun” and yet nobody whined he shouldn’t have been added. Guess what they did? They balanced it and it worked.

If they actually listen to the community there are a ton of good ideas out there and input on what causes his problems. Put hundreds of people together and a popular idea will rise.
This was a poll for non Bastion players:

out of 425 votes from non Bastion players the top two results was reduce spread and add back headshots.
This was a poll for Bastion players:

out of 255 votes from Bastion players the top two results was also to reduce spread and add back headshots.

This thread has 272 likes and 40 dislikes on the old forums in favor of reverting sentry:
Overwatch Forums

Most of the people I’ve met on this thread also want something similar:
Bastion is being forgotten

I have butt loads of statistics support and evidence that something needs to change and the majority of people who care to vote about it want essentially the same thing: old sentry back.

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