Bastion thread: The recent hitscan changes are good but

I think his main problem though is survivability, which is why I think Bliz should remove ironclad and give him the barrier (though not 1000 health.) This should allow him to be less reliant on his team and add more surviveability.

He would still have Ironclad, just not passivelyā€¦ I donā€™t think his survivability would really be that huge of a setback if he had his damage back. If he can kill before being killed, then I think he would be fine.

Putting a barrier on E would be okay I suppose, but theyā€™d have to be careful with itā€¦ Not allow him to shoot while using it or something. Have it be for surviving things like Storm Arrows, a Hook, a bomb, but not allow him to kill while remaining unkillableā€¦

Alright, spit-balling here: Bastion auto-repairs in recon mode at half the current rate of his activated ability. E - Configuration Tank, but each shot does 120 damage in stead of its current 205, and his HP is reduced to 200 with no armor while in this mode.

As for a new ultā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦Configuration: Helicopter?

Either that or make it so his ult speeds up his transformation times so he can zip back and forth super fast between them.

Bastion is f tier in bronze like he is everywhere else. It turns out even the worst players can handle an immobile turret.

Bastion has his niche uses no other hero has and i donā€™t think it would take much to push him over the top. Whatā€™s most worth addressing about him is his clunky ultimate. Just increasing the transformation time in and out of tank form is all i want to see for now. Letting him end tank form into sentry form (instead of always recon) would be really nice, as well.

I meanā€¦I see bastion as having really only 1 method. Either shoot in recon or shoot in sentry. Outside of these, bastion really doesnā€™t have a lot of options or choices.

He really needs better accuracy, even if it means lowering his damage. Itā€™s extremely frustrating not being able to hit your targets simply because you have a spread the size of a shotgun on a stationary turretā€¦

I refer you to the post I made earlier with the Sentry revert and Sentry nerf. He needs to be more consistent, even if they want to roughly keep his current damage values (though that would be near impossible, because he does a LOT less damage at range, so theyā€™d have to just pick a good damage value for him).

Youā€™re not wrong about the Tank mode transforms though, that should probably also be addressedā€¦ His ult is extremely annoying to use because of the 5 minute transform timesā€¦

He seems inherently designed that way to me, and thatā€™s not specifically bad. All he has to be is a hero that works in specific situations and forces the enemy to adapt to you. As soon as they do, the Bastion player should swap off, just like any hero that starts getting countered.

I think the spread is mandatory to keep him in check as primarily a shield/tank buster :man_shrugging: I certainly donā€™t want to see an Overwatch where Bastion is effective at every range in both sentry and recon xD

Soā€¦ as soon as the enemy actually attack me?

Got it. -.-
Flawless logic.

I payed 60$ For that Overwatch.
And would gladly pay that again, if only i could play it for one last time.
I actually had fun back thenā€¦

Spread isnā€™t the way to keep him in check though. All that does it make him infuriating to play because you should have had that kill, but because of the spread, you werenā€™t even close. And then other times, you get lucky, and you do get the killā€¦ RNG should not be an inherent part of his kit. Iā€™m fine with either reducing his base damage or reducing his range, I just want better spread so that skill is actually rewarded, and he isnā€™t literally forced to be a spray and pray character. Reducing the spread makes no difference against shields, because youā€™re going to be hitting basically all of your shots anywayā€¦ Heā€™s not really a tank buster, because he canā€™t kill the tanks before they kill him. The only tanks he actually counter are Winston and Hammond, all of the rest either counter him, or itā€™s a neutral fight.

If youā€™d like more information on how bad his spread really is, you can check out this thread. He does about the same damage as a Soldier with 25% headshot accuracy at 25 meters, and heā€™s basically useless at any distance beyond that. If he could move, that would be fine, but since heā€™s stationary, he has absolutely no way to close the gap between himself and the enemy besides trying a 1 second transform 3 inches from their face. Itā€™s a really really bad game design to have him so insanely inaccurate. It works on flankers (he has about the same spread as Sombra and Tracer, slightly larger than Sombra, and a fair bit smaller than Tracer) because they can easily get close to the enemy. Bastion doesnā€™t have that luxury.

Iā€™d also like to throw in that Sentry used to be viable at longer ranges, and it wasnā€™t brokenā€¦ He wasnā€™t viable at long range, but he was at medium range, which is supposed to be his intended range anyway.

I mean, if you are playing alone without any team strategy, yeah, you should probably get destroyed. xD

Soā€¦ If i solo queue, and play to the best of my ability, i should stand no chance anyways?

Got it.
Duly noted.

What? lol, you arenā€™t playing to the best of your ability if you are picking Bastion with no team synergy. Itā€™s a team game, after all. Itā€™s not as if Overwatch is a terrible game if you canā€™t effectively play Bastion 100% of the time.

Yet i can load in as Tracer or Soldier and literally carry games with Zero coms, and Zero care for anyone else.

When playing as an accepted hero, you donā€™t have to care about ā€œTeam synergyā€ They just Are Strong in the places where they are strongā€¦ and any good player can tell you, that if a hero needs OWL Levels of team management just to be Nearly Viableā€¦ Something is very wrong.

Well, not as tracer or soldier, maybe hanzo/widow/zen, but i understand your point. If you take care to observe PTR patch notes Blizzard is making it very clear they are flattening out the power levels of heroes. The ideal Overwatch is a game where one tricking is going to be bad for your SR no matter who you play.

Iā€¦ Didnā€™t say anything about ā€œOnetrickingā€

I said, solo Queue in.
As in, i donā€™t have a six stack of friends, who just so happen to all have comsā€¦

In that sense, Every hero should be Somewhat Viable, when played solo by a skilled player, And yet, your argument was
ā€œWithout the most team effort, you just shouldnā€™t stand a chanceā€

Which i am forced to disagree with, wholeheartedly.

I enjoy using Bastion as a situational hero. The last thing I wasnt is for him to be S or A tierā€¦that would make the game stale.

good! dumpster (which is what imma start calling him) is literally the most annoying character to fight in the game BY FAR. iā€™d rather hanzo be given 1,000 buffs in his current state and 1v1 him for the rest of my life than go against a dumpster.

dumpster mains need to realize that if heā€™s ever made viable, the playerbase would riot. thereā€™s no way of making him strong without making him insanely OP because of his horrible, obnoxious kit design.