Start with this
Sentry Revert
- Configuration Sentry
- Reduce maximum spread to 2° (Currently 3°)
- Bloom added to weapon
- Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
- Reaches 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
- Headshots added
- Ammo count reduced to 200 (Currently 300)
- Ironclad
- Passive damage resist removed
- Only applies during self-repair
- Damage resistance increased to 25%
- Self-repair
- No longer consumes resources when it cannot heal Bastion
- Starts healing instantly instead of having an 0.5 second delay
- Able to reload while repairing
- Applies Ironclad for duration of repair
- Configuration Tank
- No self damage
- Tread sounds reduced slightly
- Adds 150 armor
If Blizz thinks he’s killing people too fast, and/or they want to raise his skill floor/ceiling, then replace the Sentry mode section with this
Slight Sentry nerf
- Configuration Sentry
- Damage reduced to 12
- Headshots added
- Bloom added to weapon
- Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
- Reaches a maximum of 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
- Ammo reduced to 250
- Deals 25% bonus damage to barriers
Boom, non-OP Bastion. If they went with the nerfed Sentry mode, his DPS will be lower in lower ranks where good headshot accuracy is less common, and he’ll do better in higher ranks where good headshot accuracy is more common. His barrier damage will remain unchanged, because it doesn’t make much sense to nerf that. Basically what they tried to do with the spread nerf, only it doesn’t feel awful to use because you miss 60% of your shots even with perfect accuracy.
If you want a full rework, then do this (It’s a Tank on E thread). The Sentry nerf thing also works there too, but I still think it’s better to start off slightly strong, and then make slight nerfs (assuming they do said nerfs on the PTR, and not in the following months…)