Bastion, still the worst hero in the game

Even with his buffs he got recently, Bastion still sits as one of the worst heroes in the game right now. The recent Genji buffs do not help at all either. Why must this hero sit in the gutter for so long? Even Sombra and Sym had minimal shining times in the last 2-3 years with GOATs (Hackfist) and Double shield.


Because he should stay at the bottom.

His very design can become instantly broken with minimal changes. He already dominates ppl in lower ranks.

Only way I can see a buff is if sentry mode is massively nerfed.


He does not. If we use Overbuff, which is although untrustworthy, all we have, he still sits at one of the least played, lowest winrate. People just complain about Bastion as if they see him 24/7 in the lower ranks, in which they dont.


Because ppl dont want to play a character who is designed to just sit there.


Personally I still consider Sombra or Wrecking Ball the worst. Bastion maybe weak but he does shine very well in a coordinated group and can win games. He is just not ideal in solo play or to specific comps.

Sombra however only has one use which she does not do very well. As for Wrecking Ball, most would probably not even consider him a tank.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I am not saying he is good. He definitely needs buffs, but he might not be the worst.

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Bastion canā€™t never be really buffed without a rework of his sentry mode , something like putting it on a long cooldown.


If he does, how comes heā€™s one of the lowest picked heroes at those ranks too?


Because he is extremely boring to play.


Doesnā€™t matter, if he dominates as much as you claim he would be a big pick in the lower ranks.


Bastion needs a complete rework. Itā€™d be for the best, for everyone. Iā€™d personally lean hard into the transformation gimmick, steal a lot of inspiration from Transformers: Fall of Cybertron in making the transformation fluid and dynamic, and go from there.

The game needs to move away from ā€œChoke Points: the Be-All End-All,ā€ anyway, which Bastion is pretty much designed for.


This is one thing that I love about Bastion. Transformation heroes have always been my favorite in any game. My problem is, is that many community thought up reworks try to bend away from that and it would deter me from ever playing Bastion again. Now if there is a rework that instead focuses solely on making him a true transofrmer hero, I would gladly go along with it. Only problem is that Blizzard is so hesitant to change, the community even moreso.

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Because they arenā€™t willing to rework him. If they buffed bastion above 5% pickrate I would probably quit. His current design is absolutely horrendous and I am confident that only a fine number of players would actually be okay with playing against current bastion frequently.


Yeah, I love transformations, too. The Transformers game Iā€™m talking about was some of the most fun multiplayer shooter action youā€™ll ever see.

I think I posted some about it here, but itā€™s been a while. My idea is that Bastion should constantly be moving and shifting forms to meet a certain need. Itā€™s dynamic and awesome enough even for that sweet OWL viewership!

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Oh, shut it with that garbage. Popularity isnt equated to ā€˜funā€™ when it comes to competitive viability.

How come you think double shield, the ā€˜most boring metaā€™, was played for months on end, and then now in OWL, eh? Despite all the hate Orisa, Moira, Brig and Sigma got for being such bunkering, stationary heroes.

For the vox populi of competitive, what wins is picked. Fun is irrelevant.

Bastionā€™s never even been popular, but he was picked quite a bit in the 2 days he dared being formidable. Compare that to Moth Mercyā€™s birth or the skill-gimped Genji we have now.

Popularity is affecting his balance priority, make no mistake, but to base pickrate primarily on the concept of Fun in a competitive environment? Thatā€™s just a red tinted straw youre grabbing.

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wrecking ball is one of the best tanks if a skilled person is playing him

Likewise this is might be why so many players have hate towards him. Though I do not think it is justified most of the time. Nor do I agree with all the hate.

Heā€™s more of a tank than Hog, Zarya, and DVa.
An I play both Hog and Wreckong Ball with a dash of Zarya. Would play more Zarya but it hurts my brain how easy she is compared to all the other tanks.

the only buff i can imagine on him is, giving his old self barrier back, so he doesnt need the whole team just sitting with him 25/8/366. It would be a bad idea giving him back headshots and smaller spread

And he normally is if a team needs to make a brain dead defence to win.

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I can gurantee more ppl play a character because they are fun rather then how viable they are in comp. Especially in lower ranks.