Bastion should legit be deleted from the game


What ISN’T a tough cookie when set up behind shields?

Other than extremely short range heroes, all long range heroes are tough behind shields because that’s the point of shields.

A shield is a shield, everyone benefits from them equally and in fact Bastion suffers worse from the downsides of shields as shields break and he has no good response to the shield breaking. Other heroes have great mobility or defensive abilities. Bastion has extremely slow response and self-repair is totally non-viable.

Look at the stats on overbuff, Bastion remains dead bottom lowest pickrate but Orisa’s pickrate has gone from just over 1% to above average pickrate. Look at Orisa’s pickrate in Master, it’s risen from 1% to 4.7% since March.

Bastion’s pickrate is in fact still trending down.

Torb’s pickrate is trending up.

Bastion in bunker comp is a man-bites-dog story.

Look at this video:

Came out 2019 April 29th, suggesting Bunker comp might be successful (though the conclusion was mainly to highlight its weaknesses), it’s the top youtube search result for “Bunker Comp”.

What happened about 2-3 days later on Overbuff? Bastion pick rate jumped from 0.70% to 2.55%… for exactly one measurement point then plummeted to 0.17% pickrate and stayed low. Clearly GM players tried to make Bastion work in GM but they just couldn’t get it to work. Bunker comp isn’t real, it’s hyped by a few youtube videos.

But Orisa is doing great, now has an 8% pickrate on GM. Higher than Rein’s pickrate at GM level

What’s the lesson here? Shields are strong, Bastion is in dire need of substantial buffs.

he is annoying ngl but he’s also really weak overall. I just want them to rework him to be viable more skill based and less dependent on sitting and waiting.

old bastion with shield lol
that range and defense was way worse. at least brig needs to get close

I think bastion with a shield could work tho.

The beta Bastion shield, with 1000HP that recharged while it was up was just ridiculous.

On the other hand, a shield that:

  • Had only 50-75HP
  • Was only active while self-repair was initiated (so not when shooting)
  • Was so small it had to be pointed at a specific enemy to cover bastion
  • Recharged only 20% per sec after being down for 2 seconds
  • Only for sentry mode (obviously) not recon or tank mode.

Because otherwise what is Bastion’s defence from ana sleep darts? From Roadhog hooks? From Storm Arrows? At least Bastion can theoretically spin around and shoot Sombra before a hack. Bastion now dies in only 3 grenades from Junkrat.

Such a shield would be purely defensive and inherently limited by the duration of Self-repair and really only there to make self-repair worth using in combat.

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I find it just really lame to lose to him because unlike Reaper and current Doom, u literally need a full team effort to kill him and if there is one teammate that feels like trickling is a viable strategy, you are going to just lose more times than not.

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Or you could just use storm arrows. Or ana’s sleep dart. Or Roadhog’s hook. Or Rein’s charge (either use shield to get close enough or do a curving charge around a corner). Or Genji reflect then swiftstrike combo. Or mei wall to provide cover to get in close and freeze him. Or Just corner peek with Junkrat and shoot only 3 grenades at him. Or Sombra hack him.

Or any long range hero, not just snipers, get a long angle on bastion and pour fire into him safely from the range where spread of his minigun is too much for that range. Even a very “non sniper” hero like Torb is singularly a hard counter for Bastion as he just has to plug bastion 6 times in sentry mode.

If Soldier 76 shoots at helix rocket at him from about 25m away while holding fire, the burst of gunfire and rocket arrive simultaneously for 300DPS effective.

So many heroes singularly counter Bastion.

And before you say “But bunker comps!” Orisa shields inevitably eventually break, and then any of the many people who have their focus on the orisa shield can so quickly destroy bastion.

I entered here only to see if a Bastion main of the megathread exert their rights against these thoughts.


it could but it could also be OP. I love the idea of it only appearing during repairs but I’d prefer it during recon NOT sentry or tank. That way it gives players a reason to move around

those things are the few counter plays while he’s stationary so I rather not take them away esp since bunker already gives him way too much cover. also he already shreds Rhog and can easily kill ana esp behind a shield. counter play is important but his recon needs more than his sentry imo. his sentry needs to be less stationary and if that takes damage away im cool with that or even changing it entirely would be ok imo

Despite the lack of aim needed for Moira, Rein, and Winston, I feel they have more skill in terms of strategy and adapting real time to the situation than a bastion. Bastion appears to be the most 1 dimensional character in the game right now due to his limited abilities.

Also, all DPS are punished by bad aim. But his aim is much more forgiving than the other DPS as he has a long reload time, fast fire rate and more DPS. Missing a shot as Widow, Hanzo, Mcree, and Ash is more punishing than mistracking the target a bit as bastion. Heck, even soldier needs to have good aim to burst enemies other wise he will just charge the ULTs of supports.

Every DPS needs to think about positioning, when to move, when to get heals, when to commit to a kill, but bastion just can’t adapt to the situation. He is stuck in his bunker niche where he relies on his team to keep him alive or feed against good players that can burst him down and deny him any hope of lasting to 2 seconds on sentry.

Is this good design? I can’t tell. He has a niche, a really cheesy niche, but maybe the game needs it.

Bastion is only good if even at least half his team decides to play the Bastion strat. Go play Bastion in 10 games and tell me in how many your teammates are happy to play with a Bastion.

If he was so easy, there’d be so many Top 500 Bastions in the leaderboards.

If you have a team that actually commits to playing bunker ALL the time despite how they might hate it, they will still climb and find success given the amount of coordination the opposing team will need to deal with it AS WELL as do it in a fast time so they don’t lose on remaining time. Will they reach top 500? If they arent talented most likely not. Will they win? They most likely will put up good defenses consistently, giving more wins in the end.

Again, I don’t think bastion is OP, but I can see the hate on playing against a bunker a lot during attack.

sombra counters him, ana can throw an anti when orisa puts a new sheild, dva diving him with sombra and genji, a counter bastion strat some times works xD. on a serious note bastion isnt the problem its his comps. a bastion without a tank sheilding him that drinks from his big tube, is legit a dead bastion. you see what i mean.

i mean i play bastion and i know he doesnt need skill ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

i cant tell if you are being sarcastic or you just have never played bastion

Started with Brigitte and Moira, then Tracer and recently Widow, now Bastion?

Whose next S76? “Oh he’s so powerful this one match cause his primary powerful and the rockets counteract muh main hero”.

Most of these delete hero threads are pointless and just bait for anyone who plays a certain hero

Hey! I do not move into line of sight of Bastion. The payload moves Bastions into line of sight of me.

No game in history ever deleting their character hero out of their game.Accept the reality.

He is harder than you think. He needs good tracking abilities, is heavily relied on positioning and is extremely vulnerable while in both turret (he couldn’t stay in it for long without shields, as he’ll be burned down by focused fire) and recon (huge hitbox, almost a tank one, tasty pick for snipers and other burst dds) modes. He’s also very weak against flankers and explosives.

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as much as he does require no skill whatsoever and is extreme cheese, he is stationary and can get easily targeted and taken down

thats only in higher levels of play tho, anywhere else he is completely broken

I don’t like him just because he requires a specific comp just to be useful. I hate when my team decides to go with bunker comp because that means I have to now play around Bastion… It’s just not a fun experience for everyone.

And he is incredibly weak, UNLESS he is built around completely.

He definitely needs a MAJOR rework. (imo)