F-tier heroes fix list:
Sombra- Incoming

Torbjörn- Incoming
What’s the deal? We have a full-blown concept going for a rework that we’ve even tried to simulate in-game and have balanced accordingly. We’ve fined-tuned things already! It’s a relatively simple concept:
- Now allows Bastion to see enemy silhouettes through allies
- Now gives Bastion a passive 5% damage resistance while in Configuration: Recon
Configuration: Recon
- Bullet spread now begins to take effect after 4 shots instead of 1
- Clip size reduced from 25 to 20
Configuration: Sentry
- Bullet spread reduced to pre-rework values
- Can now land crits with a 1.5x multiplier
- Rate of fire increased from 30 rps to 35 rps
- Clip size increased from 300 to 350
- Can now melee
- Now gives Bastion a passive 5% damage resistance while in use
- No longer uses resource while Bastion is at full health
New Ability (E): Configuration: Tank (Previously Bastion’s Ultimate)
- Transformation time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
- Reversion time reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds
- Damage reduced from 205 to 125 per shot
- Bastion can now aim freely while transforming
- Tank treads SFX volume reduced by 30%
- Can hold up to 3 rounds maximum
- Rounds regenerate at a rate of one round per 1.5 seconds
- Can now melee
- Golden weapon now makes Tank cannon gold
New Ultimate: Overclock
- 8 second duration
- Now gives Bastion 100 additional armor upon activation
- Halves transformation and reversion times
- Infinite Self-Heal resource for duration
- Infinite ammo for duration
- Configuration: Recon movement speed increased by 30%
- Configuration: Sentry immune to CC
- Configuration: Tank damage increased to 205 per shot
- Causes lights to turn red and begin blinking, emits klaxons for duration
C’mon, Blizzard, we’ve been clamoring for this for over a year now! Can we at least be acknowledged and told whether you’re looking into changing Bastion or if you plant to?
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Maybe use a reverse bullet spread mechanic on Sentry.
We toyed with that idea, but we came to the conclusion that it would promote careless spamming into chokes
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I mean, he’s got 300 ammo before reload…
That’s true, but we want to increase his skill ceiling so he isn’t OP in lower ranks and useless in higher ones
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Well that either means better aim, or some movement mechanics.
Which this concept has both of 
It promotes better aim by tightening his spread and giving him a 1.5x crit capability
It promotes mobility by giving him the ability to rocket jump whenever with Tank
Maybe reduce his damage, tighten up his spread by a lot, and give him a damage multiplier against shields to cancel out the first nerf.
And put back in headshots, and maybe bonus extra headshot damage.
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Possibly? We’re not sure what we would reduce it to, so we’ve decided that it makes more sense to increase the damage but make it harder to land
I think other shield busting options would still probably be better… He needs more consistent damage against players, not barriers…
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I thought the hamster was Bastion’s rework.
Else they’d be fighting for the title of “cutest hero”.
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Added an edit about headshots.
If the worry is about skill, make it so aim is required.
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please no. IDK where this stuff came from but I don’t want this.
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lower spread is better aim. spam isn’t exactly better aim.
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I hope they don’t rework him. I usually do well with Bastion and I don’t have to compete with people to select him. The only thing that I don’t like about him is his ult. I’ve gotten quintuple kills off of it but that’s rare. Mostly it’s very telegraphed and people just kill you.
They buff his fall off so lets see how that works.
I would really like a small Sentry revert, give headshots back, reduce spread a bit, but I doubt they’d do that… especially with all the lower tier hero reworks recently…
For sure. If they do some stat adjustments I wouldn’t mind. I just don’t want them to change the functionality of his kit too much.