Bastion Rework Inevitable

I can compare similar characters if I want to. That’s how they did it, so it’s not out of the question that something similar might work for Bastion. The time to kill is almost nothing in Rainbow Six as well as headshots are oneshot kills so Bastion’s gun isn’t anywhere near as powerful as Tachanka’s. Also Tachanka’s gun has no spread, only the gun recoil where it jumps up a tiny bit between shots.

He has a better gun in time to kill and a shield.

You cant compare two character from completely different games that work differently and are balance differently, regardless of how similar the characters are

All i came here to say.

I just did; so I can.

That doesnt mean that its a good argument

You know what else it doesn’t mean?
It doesn’t mean that the devs will even listen to months of work having been done by unpaid players to figure out the root of the issues, and even leave the largest thread on this forum that has yet to be addressed by a dev directly, to rot.

It doesn’t mean that we can get to them even if we had the change that would fix the entire game, because we’ve given them balance suggestions… we’ve given them our own time and effort for literal years.

And what have we seen?

I think Papa Jeff was speaking relatively. Like we used to have 4 dimensional hooks and 8 second Blades. You know?

The design of his kit makes him a God when babysat and worthless while playing alone

Bastion is one of my main 4 heroes. You’re wrong. Symmetra is the only reason people dont instantly go nuts when I pick him

So being babysat is needed…?

So being babysat is needed…?

Babysit has no real use cause Bastion’s effective range in sentry mode is very short. Enemy team will just take their time, disassemble your bunker and kill everyone. (Well unless its gold tier or something).
THAAD comp (mr president) is different story cause you simply have to push payload farther than the enemy team.

Symmetra with her teleport finally made this immobile short range turret useful in both defense/offense. Before the damage fall-off buff, Bastion was an utter crap hero. It was really painful to play him.

So he’s reliant on other heroes to be viable? That’s not really balance…

Leave my boy bastion alone.

Dont destroy him with another rework when literally nothing has been tried to bump him back to viability

Hes not even that Bad rn

He just needs a E ability

You’re really stretching the truth on that, even with a team helping him, there are still ways to disrupt the Bastion nest. I regularly go Bastion without any barrier to support me, in fact I go out of my to make sure that the team doesn’t need to depend on me to win. If you’re smart with how you play with him, then you can easily provide great cover without the need for a barrier.

Your “rework” (and I use that instead of butcher), just turns him into a hollow shell. Bastion is a turret meant to push people back, he has his own weaknesses and strengths. He doesn’t need a rework, he is fine as is.

Like Tank Mode…? Could give him a new ult while we’re at it! But a new ability would definitely require doing something to make sure he isn’t the perfect DPS with Sentry doing enough. Like nerfing it.

I have my own proposals for a new ability…

My idea was this: Simply, A barrier,

This barrier works similarly to defense matrix, in which, it is tied to a resource meter and can only be kept up for limited time, THe barrier also has yet another two limiting factors, that beeing a set amount of hp, im thinking arround 300 - 500 And while this barrier is active, Bastion cannot shoot, It is important that this barrier always favors the defender however and it has 0 cooldown

This barrier will serve as a skill based defense ability, for us bastion players, in which encompases the following SKills

  • Reaction time: Beeing able to react block a hook or a pulse bomb, While yet beeing tied to skill

  • Resource Managment: Wasting all your shield on a soldier shooting you with his primary fire from 50 meters away is a bad way to utilize this ability

  • Risk and Reward: Is it worth beeing unable to shoot, to put up a barrier? or will that just get you killed? Do you heal or block?

And best of all, This barrier discourages pirate ship, as a small barrier that makes bastion literally unable to shoot is counter-productive to the composition itself,

This also provides counterplay for bastion for quick brusts of damage, sombra hacks, pulse bombs, and gives bastion an option to retreat, and give bastion more independance from his team

A God in low rank. Don’t forget that !

Then what’s the point of a glass cannon if it can’t shoot? His repair already stops him from shooting, a second ability stopping his fire won’t help.

Bastion beeing a glass cannon was a thing we moved on long ago,

With the introduction of ironclad, and his base 300 hp, its very clear that is meant to be more of a “heavy assault” type character,

After all, you cant have a stationary glass cannon, Most glass cannons are hyper mobile, like tracer

How about being a TRUE glass cannon, but for a limited time and on cooldown to balance it, since something that powerful can’t be balanced when it lasts indefinitely? It’s feast or famine all over again.

I think that would completly ruin the point of the hero…

Again…While it may seem awkward to have a lot of abilities cancel your primary fire or make you unable to shoot, this is not really something that uncommon through the game,

after all, Rein cant shoot with his shield up, Reaper cant shoot while using his abilities, Roadhog cant shoot during TAB, etc etc