Oh also here is the picture in the OP.
That’s an interesting idea for sure. The whole giving tank to E as another transformation as well is what ive seen before.
Also thanks for the picture post DrClan! I do not have permissions for that yet.
What power do you mean?
It has very little actual power… no point presence… and no intimidation to the point where you walk up to it without fear.
Bastion at higher elo can be played kind of for sure. It just relies on flanks and less time in sentry. But regardless its most of the time a bad pick because the enemy team can adapt to going dive on bastion. Which adds to the idea… IF they have a bastion to destory your shields, you may switch to dive to eliminate the bastion easier. He cant survive a dive in turret with the suggested changes.
You just need to spend an obnoxious amount of time on these forums.
eye twitch
looks at post count…
I like this idea a lot. His sentry mode fit’s more like an ultimate. And the tank can provide the mobility that he needs to be more efective and useful. The projectile damage and speed numbers just need to be adptated. And also, this could be mixed with moving him to the tank role idea as well. He could get his personal shield from the beta again, and use it together with the healing and also in the tank mode. (Of course, all numbers would need to be adaptated)
I don’t like it here. I think i’ll see myself out.
I really don’t want them to do this. It locks the main draw of the hero behind 20ish seconds a match.
And you’d still die the moment you use it.
ESPECIALLY if it was on a timer of any kind.
At all.
The power of mowing anyone in chokes or setting up a Bunker/Pirate-ship combo. The power was talked about for lower elos (sometimes if done very well high elo), and as higher elos there is no power since he cant output most damage since he dies fairly quickly. His intention of sentry is to output loads of damage, which is annoying in general for everyone. I find it fun about the character but its time to change his idea for everyone rather than a few people.
This is a flawed balance philosophy.
If the game were balanced this way, playing would feel horrific, and dying would be “Fun” for everyone.
how? just slap 30% ironclad on that bb
he’s got the ability to just MURDER anyone that tries to kill im in sentry mode.
Yea… no.
You’d be solo ulted, shredded, and honestly it would be more pathetic than it is now to play Bastion.
I think the best way if we are talking about his tank being a mobility would be just to add it to E as a mobility mode. Giving his ult something else on another topic.
give him the shield from beta. if someone tries to kill you, you shred them.
Honestly I think this ult wouldn’t be fun either to fight.
Oh hey… I have a rework which fixes this entire issue…
oh wait actually i stan this rework. fixes all the problems except sentry mode, which i STILL believe should be for busting shields and almost only that. other than that I LOVE this idea.
this just feels like a collection of nerfs tbh