Bastion Rework already looks awesome

Legitimately makes me wanna main the boye. Also taking space with the mobile turret and high damage aoe bombs? Sign me up!!!

The ARTILLERY STRIKE AND THE SIREN SOUND EFFECT IS SO SO COOL!!! AHHHH It looks like it really forces the enemy to reel. I love it. His gun looks a lot more satisfying too as opposed to now where it’s just a worse soldier gun


Don’t forget, Sentry can fire the grenades too!


Bastion’s Grenade also seems to be able to allow him to rocket jump, so the loss of Configuration: Tank is not even remotely a big deal anymore.

The more I learn about this rework, the more I want it to just replace OW1 bastion.


Haven’t seen you yet today electro. What are your thoughts on the reworks in general?

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It looks a lot more fun in general, but that ult is super questionable, 600 damage? Really?

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Love both of them.

Sombra is more independant as an assassin and her wallhack utility is awesome. I love that Hack no longer disabled abilities for the entire duration.

Bastion is able to stand his ground better and contest medium range combat with his new and improved Recon, and being able to move in Sentry is huge. Losing Repair is a small price to pay for being able to launch a bouncy explosive.


Yeah, I’m not so sure about the number either… seems a bit strong lol

Damage will be good with Grav. It’s more meant to zone people to where you want with 3 mini doom ults.

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Gonna bully the Ana mains.


Mortar strike would be pretty banging if it was more over time like bangalore’s ult in apex, except not total crap.

Revenge for all the sleeps and Anti’s over the years. They had it coming.

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They really did. Teach that granny a thing or two about trolling

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Gonna be three, as I surround every single escape route.

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Artillery mode looks awesome. And finally a bit more mobility in turret form.
I might need to turn into a Bastion main when OW hits. :sunglasses:

If they reduce the hitbox, I might actually use bastion in OW2. Right now, he will have the same problems torb does, massive hitbox making him die too easily to poke.


I’m never playing the hero again. Not with these changes… not even if the hero is my favorite in the entire game, I don’t get to play again.

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Fair point, but he seems more meant to play corners with grenade until he can push with turret recon or artillery.

Everything I have seen with what they have shown with OW2, poke is going to be a massive concern. Fights are going to be decided on who gets the first kill so expect the weak link to be extremely focused, and in this instance, that will be the 300 health, tank hitbox bastion.

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Hard to say without seeing hard numbers of dmg, reload time etc. Big one how long it takes to transform, the almost 1 second delay Bastion currently has is a massive problem and often gets him killed.

That said it’s nice to see the Bastion rework has many of the suggestions fans have been saying for years. Change his forms, make the Tank a second form and all that. About the only thing I never heard of was the Mortar Ult option. But it makes sense code wise. It’s basically three small Metor Strikes. Can use roughly the same code as Doomfist uses I think.