Bastion Rework already looks awesome

I always wanted an artillery move like that, looks fun.

Supposedly it will be susceptible to DM, will the dva have to look up? DM is finicky at best right now, is that getting a massive rework to actually, you know, function correctly?

Trying to DM pharah rockets and moira orbs has me dubious at this interaction.

Embrace the change. You gave never ending grief to the current state of Bastion, now you’re upset that he’s getting a massive rework into something that’s possibly not a niche frustrating hero?


Bastion is getting a massive rework that removes his identity as a Transformation Hero into a cooldown based hero. These changes don’t fix the problem he has right now and also don’t look near as beneficial for the hero as what they’re removing. ChibiFox gave never ending grief for bastion because they wanted Bastion to be improved, not ripped up and thrown away to become a whole new hero.


my main concern about this skill is how it would work when bastion is… under roof? can he fire inside of buildings???

Simple. It’s Doomfist logic.

it works just like Doomfist’s Ult, which means that the enemy can easily just walk out of it. Gg its going to be useless just like Doom’s ult :relieved:

Actually, unlike doomfist ultimate, standing anywhere in the circle as a squishy means instant death since it does 300 explosion and 300 impact damage, three times! (No falloff from the center like doom ult)

That’s three whole areas where you FORCE the enemy to move, and depending on map geometry you can essentially ‘checkmate’ slow targets such as ana and zen into an inescapable situation. That’s super strong. And you can do it anywhere in the map FROM anywhere in the map. Safely tucked away. It’s also a lot faster landing than doom ult


I figured as much but I’m not sure it works the same exact way, wish they would have shown it on that exhibition game a bit more

yes and no… there’s 3 air strikes so while enemies could walk out of it you gotta trace their path with the 3 shots, of course predicting a tracer is almost impossible but someone without mobility, like Ana is subjected to a lot of pain

I think Geoff said there was falloff, he mentioned that a direct hit does 600 but getting hit by the AoE is less at the edge and climbs up to 300 near the center


Perhaps because a “Transformation Hero (where the transformation is an immobile turret with insane DPS)” just doesn’t work in a fast paced game like OW(2)?

But whatever, keep hanging on to a hero design that cannot possibly be balanced in the game they’re placed in.


I never said I want Bastion to be a balanced hero. I love niche heroes. Too bad people like you don’t really care about a hero.

Not to mention, these changes do nothing to actually fix the problems he had. Its just new and shiny, he’s most likely still going to be a bottom tier hero in OW2.

I won’t speculate what tier he will be (it’s honestly dumb to do that at this point, with so much more information to come), but I DO care about a hero – and I think niche design discredits a hero.

Niche means they aren’t generally good, people get flak for playing them, and thus can’t enjoy the hero they want to play.

I simply have a different perspective than you obviously.

Which is why I probably am not going to respond to this thread anymore.

Because someone has a different opinion than you?

Forums are about discussions and opinions, I hope you learn to mature someday and are able to handle healthy debates rather than just pouting and leaving the discussion entirely.

There are niche heroes, then there is bastion that just never worked in any circumstance other than the experimental changes that made him so OP he was a must pick.

At least he will be playable now, and he is still a transformation hero that isnt locked in place and useless.

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Zarya / Bastion ult combos for sure…

That sounds like nightmare fuel, he will still have 2 charges after the first one kills everyone in it. You avoid the grav, now you need to avoid the death from above.

Okay okay… no healing, no more ultimate mobility… ultimate endangers you greatly while in use now, 40% loss to damage while in sentry to give you something that ultimately makes you more easily dived onto and moved around even if you can “scoot around” for 8 seconds… a cooldown that means you’ll be dived onto and likely killed the moment Sentry ends, Recon shoots slower so it’s less useful for defense in close range, the new ability is easy to miss and honestly unreliable from the looks of things, and you’re telling me it looks good?

Point out the part that looks good?

You’re just worse casing scenario every change when we don’t even know what the new 5v5 dynamic on new or reworked maps will even be.

The part that looks good? A big rework to his current unviable state, with probable balance changes moving forward.

Pick out a single detail of what I said that is an upside.