Bastion overheat mechanic?

Because Bastion has been destroying any chance I have at fun since I got the game.

but he’s barely picked in high ranked games…

oh i checked ur profile and ur gold so I guess bastion is strong in lower ranks

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this is a nerf, and if your having trouble againt the weakest and easiest hero to counter…im really worying on how you play the game

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yo ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

20 chars

I’ve had plenty of tire pumps and blenders overheat on me. It makes sense for Bastion’s machine gun to overheat as well.

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… that’s assuming every bullet hits. Really? REALLY??!@?!? How many situations does a Bastion hit every single bullet on his target? HMMM???

Bastion is one of the weakest heroes in this game and you want to nerf him. RIDICULOUS!


SO you’re angry that you lost a 2v1? What is wrong with you???

You can turn text chat off.

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Oh, this could be cool. I’ve been trying to imagine ways Blizzard could give him incentive to use recon more to help him on attack rounds. Would be cool if the amount of heat he had could trigger some sort of bonus upon turning back into Recon mode. Like a temporary speed boost or damage/healing buff. Maybe nearby enemies could take damage because he gets so hot? Something that could make him less of an investment/burden for his team.

He is. Too strong, in fact.
Nobody works together to kill the toaster face so every time I face a Bastion in comp I end up deranking.

Back when placements didn’t matter (well, they still don’t, but this was when they placed you a couple hundred SR below your last season end), I dropped to about mid-high gold because I didn’t play that much. I might have played 15 games (25 if you include placments), and I never saw a Bastion…

Was that before or after the Sentry nerf?

I’ll admit you see Bastion bunkers a lot less now, but that’s a curse in disguise because people aren’t as knowledgeable on how to beat them.

Also, I’ve done some thinking and I feel like a lot of grief would be amended if Blizzard made one simple change: changing the Sentry bullets to Projectiles. The Sentry mode is best used for shieldbusting and it’s damage doesn’t really benefit from being hitscan in the first place. But that change would make it easier for his counters to counter him.

After the Sentry nerf. It was the season before got her rework, because I still played her back then.

If you want to give him the same spread as Orisa, make the projectiles about 1.5-2 times her projectile speed, and give him headshots, then go for it.

Yeah, just turn Sentry Mode into a slightly better version of Orisa’s gun. It would make it so much easier to zip around him as Tracer or rain rockets down as Pharah (at least bad Pharahs. Good ones already know how to stay as high as possible for as long as possible). It would even buy one or two extra seconds before a shield breaks.

(Slightly off topic but earlier today I actually managed to beat a Bastion set up on cart as Orisa with a Reinhardt backup. 2900 shields is a lot for even a damage-boosted Bastion to burst down outright, and they only had a Reinhardt shield. I still don’t exactly know how we won. I think it was just a well-timed Barrage from our Pharah that clutched the win.)

It would need to be a significantly better version of Orisa’s gun Bastion gives up all mobility to shoot it, and also he’s in the damage category, while Orisa is a tank…

If you’re making it easier for a bad player to kill a good player, then something is wrong here…

Pharah and Bastion are kinda meant to counter each other. If Pharah stays far away (Like maybe high above the bus in Kings Row to the furthest edge of point A), then she can counter a Bastion fairly well. If the Pharah is lower to the ground and/or fairly close, then Bastion should counter her. And either way, Bastion should put enough pressure on her that she should probably drop out of the sky (unless she’s miles away).

Yeah, counter shields can work if you have enough shields and/or shield break potential. Pharah and Junkrat are really good at breaking a Bastion’s shield, because he can’t do anything to them while they’re doing it since they do full damage at any range.

thats why you need to go spam comp

Sure he can. If he also gets sentry headshots, his sentry barrier, and a smaller spread back as well.

Oh you want to nerf the most exploitable and team-reliant hero in the game without compensation? Blow off.

I was thinking for something like this but here is the thing:
300 bullets flies by very fast so reloading is already something like this.
Also you don’t really what to shoot when there are no targets since everyone can see the line of fire and hear your position as well anyway.
On top of that shields requires a lot of fire to go down so you don’t really want to overheat mid fire.

Teams built around bastion are scary