Bastion nerfs when?

Way too powerful right now. The accuracy buff he recieved was way too much of a buff. He and doom need to be gutted. Thanks.


Nerf Bastion?


What accuracy buff?

If he was actually strong, he’d be picked quite a lot more than he currently is, and he’d be more successful.

He’s super niche. When he works, he’ll work. When he doesn’t, he’s a throw pick.



Rework/buff him!

Give bastion a Rocket Pack.

You must be new. He got a buff where the longer he fires, the more accurate his shots become.

The delay that he just got a few days ago between healing and going back to shooting is a huge nerf

You sure we’re in the same dimension? He seems BALANCED to me.

Bastion will be nerfed when people like you leave the game for good… Since that isn’t going to happen no nerfs for bastion…

Probably not. You probably play on PC. I’m on Xbox. It’s a different meta with different problem heroes.

And he got a nerf before. His old spread was regular bloom with a max of 2 degrees spread, now it’s a 3 degree max that shrinks to 2.


I’m not sure what “people like you” is supposed to mean, but he is entitled to his opinion.

people like you = people who think bastion needs nerfs.

These people should leave overwatch, they will not help the game AT ALL

He is the worst hero BY FAR and has been for the longest time.


Idk dawg sounded pretty racist to me.

Or you could just offer advice on how to outplay a Bastion.
Everyone can learn, the community as a whole needs to be less Douchey to each other.

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Dude, i’m sure bastion has tank missiles on his wrist in the Xbox version. Its not THAT OP.

I think you’re the new one here… Bastion is pretty useless right now.

I can’t believe I’ve finally lived to see a genuine “nerf Bastion” thread


Is this a troll post? If not that’s kinda sad that you think he’s overpowered lol.


In all seriousness from me, Bastion is fine, maybe needs a buff.

In lower ranks, he can definitely mow teams down, but that’s only because people at low ranks either don’t know how to counter him or refuse to be the one to.

I’m VERY quick to jump on Hanzo when a Bastion is wrecking my team. Storm Arrows deletes him and from outside Bastions effective range.