Bastion nerfs when?

How do you get your arrows to punch through 2 shields?

By flankingā€¦?..

ā€¦and over 20k posts in this thread disagree with you. Iā€™m sorry.

Damn you play against teams that donā€™t know how to bunker? Lucky.

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Most people play Hanzo purely as a backline sniper. In nearly all games but against bunker thatā€™s the best way to play him.

Against bunker however, 1 of 4 things happen when you flank it.

  1. They dedicate a shield to you, which allows your team to only have to bust through one.

  2. They donā€™t dedicate a shield to you, you kill Bastion, your team wrecks them.

  3. 2 or more of them chase you down, leaving their team vulnerable, and your team wrecks them.

  4. One of them chases you down and it hinges on you winning that duel. If you win, yoir team does too.

On top of that, no one said anything about bunker. Your thread was specifically about Bastion.

You didnā€™t say ā€œNerf bunkerā€, you said nerf ā€œBastionā€. Implying that Bastion all by himself is OP. Heā€™s not.

99.9% of people on this forum disagree with you for a reason. As demonstrated by the 20,000+ reply megathread linked above.

However, it is acknowledged by everyone that at lower ranks, he does really well. So it stands to deductive reasoning that only a low rank player would think heā€™s anything but underpowered.

Itā€™s not just Hanzo either. Heā€™s just my preferred choice, because I am better at him than the other counters.

Reaper can flank the backline, use wraithform into Bastions face and 3 shot him. Yes, a lot of times this ends up as a trade, but trading Reaper for bunkered Bastion (Emphasis on bunkered) is like trading a knight for a rook. Itā€™s worth it.

-Hog can hook him.
-Sombra can hack him or his shield
-Junkrat can arch grenades at him while out of his line of sight
-Genji can often swift strike --> deflect kill him and get out before anyone can kill him
-Zarya bubbles in general
-Pharah & Soldier can similarly flank like Hanzo
-There are a LOT of ults that insta-delete Sentry Bastion and thereā€™s nothing he can do about it. Case in point, Hanzoā€™s dragon.

And those are just the ones I can think of.

That was ages ago and it barely even helped him succeed more LOL.

Felt like a year ago actually.

Edit: Looked it up, it was sometime early December, because I wrote a guide on him around that time.

Bastion literally stops me from playing the game. He can single handedly destroy a whole team. His ult is way to strong and he can self heal.
Why canā€™t doom self heal. Would only be fairā€¦

Please donā€™t. We already have enough issues with the PC Master race and there really isnā€™t enough difference between platforms to warrant such comments. There are more differences between Xbox and PlayStation than Xbox and PC.

[Retracted: Found it]

The oP is bronze I think. He live in a parallel universe where Bastion need a nerf.

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It isnā€™t Bastionā€™s fault. Itā€™s the fact shields are more dominant than ever in this meta. Now that shields are starting to get nerfed he might be alright to deal with soon.

If you are having trouble fighting a Bastion with no shields to protect himā€¦ I donā€™t know what to say to you lmao.
Either the Bastion is really, really good or you are really, really bad.
(or you are simply refusing to switch to easily counter)

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Even then (With shields), heā€™s still asking to get ulted into oblivion.

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This is yet another case of the forums completely misunderstanding what makes a character good. Itā€™s not Bastion thatā€™s good, itā€™s Double Shield that ENABLED him. Therefore the thing that needed nerfing was the double shield which they did.

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The forum has demonstrated it understands just fine, itā€™s just outliers like this person that pop up every once in awhile.

I respectfully disagree. I just read a front page post on how because Kabaji died to a Moira 1 v 1 who ulted meant Moira was OP. And two others explaining that Doomfist needs werenā€™t enough. And that Mercy has a lack of viability. That is not to say the forums donā€™t think of great things, but in totality, not very thought out.

Oh no, youā€™re right about thatā€¦ I only meant that everyoneā€™s on the same page as far as Bastion is concerned.

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Bastion nerfā€¦?

How about we do the opposite?

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Heā€™s still OP. They just used him in OWL. Thereā€™s no denying it now.