Bastion needs a fix ASAP

You would seriously consider giving bastion a self shield and headshots back?


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I’m not hearing any… intelligible… reasons not to.
If you’d like to make your case, go right ahead.

I have the numbers to back it.

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4 years later and hes still gutter tier

I dont think they’re in a rush to fix weak heroes sadly


It’s reasonable enough, now that people actually know how to use counterplay. Remember the days when Genji hard countered Bastion with Deflect?


Certain people don’t… and they would still die to a Bastion, and come here and complain… and never learn. That’s the issue… you can’t please everyone.


I just pray to heaven that they will see this subject, even if it is a small glimpse into their retina. I will not lose hope for this gigantic machine.

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These things were removed for a reason, the devs wernt just one day, yeah lets remove these functions for no reason.

It’s fun for the bastion and everyone else just groans the whole match, like in beta, like when he had super ironclad. Heck even now every time there is a bastion it’s just groans (in my games at least, the enemies even apologize in ways that don’t seem sarcastic).

Remember the protect the president bunker meta-ish? Both the enemy and allied tanks complained it was boring, same for healers, sure some liked it but it was just boring for the most part.

It’s not about numbers (well it kinda is in a way), it is about many, many getting bored, again, like they did twice before.

Now if they removed some power from sentry and gave him a third (fourth?) option, I could see that being okay, if it didn’t make an enemy team have to spend the match dealing with him.

I see you didn’t care to read my suggestions at all.


Reading must be difficult for you.


No Bastion’s design is not if he’s set up he’s oppressive. His design is if his team sets him up he’s op. A lone bastion any higher than I’d even say gold is a easy kill. And that’s the problem. Bastion’s design needs to be gutted and completely overhauled to be somewhat useable. Especially give elements like Mercy Rez and bunker hold. Bastion needs his entire reliance on his team changed so he doesn’t terrorize low elo.

The exact opposite is true due to how fundamentally badly - designed Bastion has been for years lmao :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

And risk Bastion being protected by up to 3 shields right now??

Yeah… That could maybe even be enough to make Bastion overpowered in low/mid - ranks (which is the absolute last thing this game needs).

And let’s not even get into the fact that a shield wouldn’t fix any of his fundamental design problems, but it would make them much, much worse…

Thank God to be honest that the developers haven’t done made a decision as terrible as this yet concerning Bastion and dare I say, the health of the entire game…

And this is supposed to be the compensation nerf for all of this unreasonablly enormous net buffs you’re suggesting (net buffs which by itself are mostly a no - no for such a broken hero as Bastion)??

Yeah… That’s probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in months…

Hmm, maybe, but the overall spread of Sentry would have to preferably be tighter in order to guarantee a more skilled play style, something that Bastion currently lacks…

We all clearly know you dislike Bastion existing… don’t make a fool of yourself.


Bastion is fine. Leave it alone. It. Don’t be naive.

Bastion needs a total rework, not just tweaking.

He needs to gain different things for his different forms. Speed boost in Recon mode perhaps? Maybe passive regen in tank mode. Perhaps giving him a shield in sentry, or a faster ability switch. Maybe change it so the tank mode has a rapid charge ability that has a CC.

As it stands Bastion is just there waiting to be killed by a few phara rockets, rat grenades, or hanzo arrows, or displaced by a single Mei wall. He’s great at punishing people who don’t counter him.

He’s basically terrible at everything else.

Hopefully he’ll get a full rework.


“We all clearly know how biased and ignorant you are concerning Bastion… Don’t make a fool of yourself.”

Two can play this game you know :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

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One of us has people agreeing with them.

The other one, is you.

I’m sorry to sound so blunt, but the thing is… it’s just numbers.
Bastion is wet cardboard, and no matter how many buffs he could be given, any half way competent DPS could probably still kill one without even a second thought.


so can other heros, why should bastion be any special?

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Try #deletegenji it would be bastion’s best buff. No go derp in his face and reflect from nowhere.

I feel Hanzo is the better pick against Bastion to be honest… But I do enjoy deflecting in Bastion’s face. Makes me feel like a terminator.