Bastion needs a fix ASAP

That’s the point of the barrier only regenerating while in Recon… it rewards Bastion’s who know when and where to move, and to keep their enemies on their toes.

And it punishes Bastion players who ground themselves and refuse to leave even if it’s too dangerous, or simply that they’ve been allowed to sit there for too long.

So now you’re assuming things.

No one mentioned the Beta barrier, and here you are… assuming i meant exactly literally that.

It would have somewhere between 500 and 600 HP.
Which btw, for a stationary barrier, is very little.

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But it rewards teams who just wait for the DPS to play peek-a-boo with guns and spam the barrier down. Not really fun for anyone if that happens.

although 600 HP was probably overdoing it on my part

If they do peek around corners like that over and over, they’ll be peeking into a river of bullets from what’s behind the shield. That’s the point.

You should not survive peeking a Bastion up close, repeatedly.

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Okay well first, that was a question. I wasn’t assuming anything.
Second, a 600 health shield could work on him. But again you have to be careful. He could easily become oppressive like that.

Barriers, DM, healing. It doesn’t even need to be the kind of repeated peek-strafe that Hanzo does, because the barrier doesn’t come back and you’re home free if Bastion moves.

This is his design.

If you attack him directly, and give him the time to set up, he should be oppressive in a 1v1, if you don’t have any plan already to kill him.



This is the point…

This is the entire freaking point.

It should be hard to get a Bastion to move. It should be deadly to engage directly on your own, and rewarding if you do force it to get up… but if it’s set up and prepared to fight you, you should be at a disadvantage when it comes to area denial.


Its worth a shot. And yeah he definitely should be oppressive in reckless 1v1s. I’m not sure if I’d be comfortable with bastion buffs after all these shield nerfs, but then again, I guess the shield nerfs hit him harder than anyone.

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Much much harder.

He not only doesn’t break shields as reliably as other heroes, but he cannot be protected as easily as other heroes now.

He has no use.

But if both sides know that it’ll just be peeking with spam until Bastion gets up, Bastion is incentivized to leave as soon as something hits the barrier, so he can sit back down somewhere else ASAP with as much barrier remaining as possible.

I think it’s better if Bastion has a way to block light spam that is renewable, so this doesn’t happen.

This is a non-reactive and very… strange… way to look at it.

A Bastion wouldn’t need to move themselves at the first sign of damage, like a Hanzo would run away from it, that’s the point… you should be able to lay down fire at wherever the poking is coming from, and if they keep peeking… they enter the kill feed.

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I would argue that bastion, despite his terrible state, has been indirectly nerfed in almost every patch in recent memory. Even if they were small nerfs. Its not even Just the shield patch; mobility buffs to nerf him, the nerfs to hanzo didn’t help him In particular, soldiers ptr buffs nerf him, sombra’s ptr buff indirectly nerfs him by increasing her play rate, and with orisa and baptiste being harshly nerfed, the main comp hes used in was also nerfed.

He has needed a fix A$AP since the closed beta. I think it is clear, at this point, Blizzard is not in any rush.

If they keep peeking, D.Va DMs them or Rein barriers them, because that’s easier to regain while still being useful than Bastion’s barrier. Not to mention just peeking unpredictably to force Bastion to waste ammo.

This is why buffs to the hero don’t require “Nerfs to compensate” Literally everything else until this, has been a nerf to him.

If the Bastion does waste ammo, he’ll reload… which is another chance to dive him.

But if you don’t dislodge him, he shoots you. Again. And again.

People are so quick to run away… that’s the opposite of what a good Bastion should do given the correct area denial… not just pick up and run, dig your heels in. And be rewarded for how you play it out.

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Its true; in his current state he definitely doesn’t need compensation nerfs. I mean, that’s what put sombra in the dumpster, right?

Let me tell you something… even if Bastion had headshots like he used to, and the same ammo as he used to, around half of the heroes in the game would still directly hard counter him.

He would still die to every single Roadhog, every Sombra, every Reinhardt, and every Tracer.


300 health plus 500 non-healable barriers just isn’t enough to dig your heels in, though. 400 with barriers that can actually recharge when not in use might work better, because Bastion could do the Rein strat of alternating armor facetank and barrier while getting healed with at least some effectiveness.