šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

The devs donā€™t play their games, Iā€™m 100% they didnā€™t heard of Bastion healing between shot or rocket jump.


For the damaged robah

Well, canā€™t say heā€™s being ignored anymore, can you? A nerf is a form of attention, after allā€¦ Be careful what you wish for :stuck_out_tongue:

I need to go check the game, because I donā€™t think you could animation cancle self repair into primary fire.

Everyone focus on how huge the buff is for bastion and so on, but no one really looks into the animation cancelā€¦ might as well get rid of rocket jumping or bastion in generalā€¦


From what I understand they put a .25 second delay between being able to fire and your repair now. But hey at least they remembered Bastion existed!

Even if the fixed the least important issue he had while also giving him a nerf of sorts.

When you are making so many mistakes but lady luck secretly has a crush on you.

h ttps://media.giphy.com/media/KccWeHWOtV2ay6JJNK/giphy.mp4

Im not lvl 3 so pls be kind and post it for me :moyai: :+1:


Even I canā€™t these days. Just to busy to keep up the requirements for lvl 3.

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Ok the quality is kinda scuffed but you can tell whats going on xd

also thank you!


after playing a couple game with bastion, i can clearly see how underwelming he is from all the buffs/nerfed done to each hero in the game.

ATM bastion is completly useless unless 5 member of your teammates help him alot

and to add that barrier are stil a nuisance in this game

bastion is supposed to be scarry, not a peepsquike


  • sentry headshot enabled
  • ULT mode has +100 armor
  • a bit of a smaller spread (imo)


  • when hooked or CC, he stayes in sentrymode
  • +100 armor (sentry and recon)
  • +25% dmg towards barriers
  • recon has no spread (OPTIONAL)

smaller spread why ? simply becaus your a counter to phara normaly yet its the contrary.

and for the rest, its really not hard to kill bastion becaus 80% of the rooster are a counter to him lol
(sigma CC can take bastion out of his sentry modeā€¦like wtf ?!)

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Iā€™m 100% endorsing this.

These are simple changes that really really donā€™t change much, but they enable you to actually survive in a situation where youā€™re the largest target possible.

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hanzo hit like a truckn, to anything remotly largeā€¦
baptist imortality field is a question on why TF did they implement it

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Too oP sorry.
200HP and 300 Armor in Tank mode would be broken.

No spread in recon would mean perfect accuracy, I canā€™t imagine how unfair it would be for everyone. Plus the recon spread is not that bad actually.
And the 25% damage against barrier is not even needed.

The reduce spread with the Sentry headshot will make him a monster at 400HP with ironclad.

My change would be much better for Bastion I think.

  • Ironclad removed.
  • Bastion HP increase to 400 with 50 armored HP and 50 base HP.
  • Bastion self repair recovery time put to 0 again.
  • Bastion self repair duration increase from 4s to 5.3s.
  • Bastion rate of fire in Sentry increased by 20%.
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Iā€™m all for buffing Bastion but those changes seem kind of broken.

The main problem with bastion is his lack of mobility, I think any real buffs would have to focus more on his recon mode than buffing Sentry at all. Sentry heā€™s literally a glass cannon, you canā€™t make it any stronger or tougher without really breaking the game.

What they need to do is something to improve Recon mod (Iā€™m not sure what, but honestly something to do with ā€œScoutingā€ around would help as itā€™s called Recon mode. Enemy detection ability of some kind, stealth? aka no foot steps or something.

Oh and speed up his transformation speeds and/or give him a little burst of movement between all 3 modes. Seriously I see more bastions die trying to switch modes than anything else. Using Bastions Ult is almost a death trap as it seems easier to kill him as a tank than sentry mode.

Headshot is pointless as in max spread itā€™s pointless. Itā€™s only after firing for a bit does it actually matter

want it simple but good, here :


  • sentry headshot enabled
  • ULT mode has +100 armor


  • when hooked or CC, he stayes in sentrymode
  • +100 armor (sentry and recon)
  • +25% dmg towards barriers (sentry)

now tell me this doesnt make him playable, this is nothing like OP or too powerfull

I find sentry headshot pointless :woman_shrugging: but whatever

how does sentry headshot is pointless ? :confused:
it should reward your aim, not point and click adventure, like it was before with the huge spread