💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored


no thanks

no thank you very much

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Boosting his resource meter by a bit, and putting a shield on E could be interesting. An infinite durability shield that uses the same resource meter as repair so he only has like 7-8 seconds of a shield, but if he uses it all on a shield, he doesn’t have any resource left to repair…

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That actually sounds fun, but it would make him impossible to duel. So it’s not happening.

Brigitte is near impossible to duel… Also, Bastion should be impossible to duel… last time I took a minigun to a knife fight, I won. I mean uh…


Ever try fighting an Ulting Brigitte…?

Literally impossible to out Damage.

Well, given that you miss.

Aka, you Can Kill her, if… you don’t miss after being stunned (Impossible) And or HAVE AN AIM BOT.

All it takes to easily wipe bastion is to have him focus on someone standing behind him, turning the core critbox right into the enemy main frontline.


I meant trying to 1v1 him

Which is why if someone walks directly up to his back, forcing him to turn, he’s supposed to be able to SHRED THEM.

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Tracer wouldn’t stand a chance
Soldier wouldn’t stand a chance
Genji wouldn’t stand a chance
Roadhog wouldn’t stand a chance
Zarya wouldn’t stand a chance
Hanzo wouldn’t stand a chance
Widow wouldn’t stand a chance
Zenyatta wouldn’t stand a chance
Doomfist wouldn’t stand a chance
Reaper wouldn’t stand a chance
McCree wouldn’t stand a chance
D.Va wouldn’t stand a chance
Pharah wouldn’t stand a chance
Mei wouldn’t stand a chance

It’s an awful lot of heroes that wouldn’t be able to duel him, don’t you think?

Hmm, maybe even don’t allow shooting while shielding, but give basically all of his damage back… Also remove Ironclad

And Pharah would still stand a chance, splash would still be pretty good against him…

I thought we were talking about with the old spread back, and if he could fire while shielding she wouldn’t be able to stand a chance.

But yes if he couldn’t fire when shielding, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but I don’t know if it is or isn’t.

Ironclad: “Bastion used to have a shield, and we wanted to give some of this survivability back in a different way.”

This just does it in a not as different but also not as broken way… probably…

Old spread and current trans time would be enough.

I’m not settling without the headshots back I’m sorry, as long as I get 2 degrees spread limit and 2x headshots back I don’t care what else happens to him.


In all reality, not a lot of heroes Should Be able to take on a Bastion, 1v1, and walk away alive let alone unscathed.

Would you run straight into a small room with a master rank Soldier 76 main??

The same principle applies.

Completely agreed.

This is basically my exact stance on things.


I think his DPS is probably good enough (assuming he can actually hit things), but the 30 dinks per second, we need that… The only think that sounds better is Mei headshots on the bomb guys in Uprising…


Oh I didn’t say that those heroes SHOULD stand a chance against Bastion, I just said that it’s a difficult thing to implement because that many heroes rely on direct damage and CC to kill Bastion and giving him a shield while firing would crap on all of them.

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I don’t think that he would be gutted without headshots back, that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about those 2x headshots though.

Even if they don’t add them back, I’d really like 1x headshots just to be able to track that stat, and not have the average headshot accuracy in GM be like 4%…

In case you were wondering what i meant here…

No player would walk into that room with the Soldier and think:
“Which hero am i playing, and which button deletes this with the lowest effort?”

In their eyes it would be a skilled matchup… -.-

Bastion, should be the same thing, Times TEN.
Since he’s a stationary target, if you choose to take it on point blank, you should be in for the fight of your life…
(All assuming that both players are relatively Good at the game.)

Oh yea, i got what you were saying… :sweat_smile:

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