💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

DVA has quite a nice aqua green colour to the resource meter on her defence matrix and it has a little graph next to it showing minimum amount you can use and so on.

Phara’s “fuel” resource meter is just grey but it has a little line next to it saying “fuel”. Moira’s resource meter is also a grey bar with with a little line parallel to it with a heal symbol.

I mean it’d be nice. But I don’t think it should be at the top of the “to do” list.

I’m the complete other way on Tank mode’s extremely cluttered HUD, there’s way too much distractions on there, combined with the extreme aim punch you get on each shot, I mean MY GOD, that’s not only a huge amount but it’s illogical.

the crosshair goes DOWN for 2 frames, to the LEFT for 2 frames, recentres with the barrel of the gun obsuring the target, then the crosshair shoots up for about 20 frames and then slowly returns and bounces around a bit. And if you try to recoil compensate by pulling down like you can with McCree, it doesn’t work the same as McCree, it then tries to pull the aim back down again as if the aim had kicked up and needed to still be corrected.

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I was just in a competitive game as Bastion and we used all of the damage boosts at once. Mercy, Orisa, Baptiste and Ana makes Bastion do 1,485 DPS.

It was amazing.

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Oh man, if damage boost stacked multiplicatively (is that a word?).

Interestingly, from the way Zen’s discord orb does multiply then Orisa or Ana could’ve been replaced with zen for even more damage.


And then wild genji appears!

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That’s what your own Genji is for.

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Watchmojo’s top 10 anime showdowns!

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So I was thinking what if Bastions Sentry mode was also put on resource meter (a big one) but in return he was compensated with an additional defensive ability similar to ice block or fortify. That way he can have more survavability in recon mode and his entire value wouldn’t be tied up in just one transformation.

What’s the point? A huge resource meter? This is like having Widow’s scope-in time be on a resource meter, it’s just going to be annoying having to stand around waiting for a cooldown to end to do what a static DPS should obviously do.

This is another example of “I’m going to reward you for walking instead of driving by shooting a hole in your car’s radiator” you haven’t actually rewarded walking, you’ve just crippled when and how often they can drive.

I think you’re assuming too many things are inherent to sentry like ironclad.

Ironclad has a distinct interaction with self-repair. Because ironclad has the effect of multiplying each health point then healing has more effect. Right now Bastion couldn’t have 100HPS healing with self repair as with ironclad it would be way too much. But without ironclad (instead, bonus armour in sentry mode) then 100HPS self-repair would make sentry mode about as able to counter the same amount of damage with healing but the same 100HPS self-repair would apply in recon mode.

Self-repair is only any good in recon mode to buy you time to escape, if you’re trading fire you can’t self-repair to mean you don’t get to 0HP as quickly as they get to 0HP (i.e. win) as you have to give up attacking.

That would actually help you in leaving sentry mode for recon.

Fortify is a SUPER HIGH damage reduction which is problematic due to how damage reduction interacts with healing. This is why 35% ironclad was so bad. having this back on tap would be returning to an old problem, it’s not a problem for Orisa as she’s a tank with a below average DPS gun.

Something like ice-block, trading mobility AND ability to attack for total invulnerability obviously favours Bastion just staying hunkered in Sentry mode or waiting around in recon mode for sentry mode to have not used too much “resource”.

Being able to viable exit sentry mode and self-repair being of an amount that it can really help prevent Bastion being tied up in sentry mode.

Sentry is already tied to a resource: the ammo capacity.

Just forcing Bastion out of sentry mode because a timer ran out of a meter ran out doesn’t address WHY bastion players stay in sentry mode: it’s because ironclad biases every choice to remain in sentry mode.

Say you suddenly get hit by a 125 damage Hanzo arrow, a hanzo is ducking around using cover, what do you do? I mean Hanzo has the drop on you, he’s just plugged an arrows into you from a good angle.

The arrow has shot off almost all your armour, you’ve got barely more than 200HP but it’s okay, if you STAY in sentry mode then Ironclad means you have effectively 254HP of armour. Your self-repair used in Sentry mode is going to be MORE effective in numerical terms than if you tried to heal in recon mode.

Also trying to leave sentry mode locks you into an animation where you’re so vulnerable: you’re still stationary yet you cannot shoot back and your opponent knows you can’t shoot back, this is the time to pop your damage abilities and finish the Bastion off. Only 3 storm arrows will be enough to finish you off once you even begin to try to escape in recon mode, too quick for self-repair to save you.

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Why would a resource meter have a CD? Does his self heal have a CD? He just can’t stay in turret mode indefinitely but gains more survavability in recon mode. Idk just an idea I had

I meant a resource meter is a type of cooldown, a continual cooldown.

Indefinitely meaning he must leave at a definite point… why?

Why must Bastion be kicked out of sentry mode within a definite point? Widowmaker has no such arbitrary downside.

Yeah, and I said what I think about it relative to my idea, what do you think of my idea?

One nice thing about my idea is it’s not a rework, Bastion still fundamentally the same sort of hero, it’s not throwing out the rulebook but modifying where established tactics are viable and also making certain cheese tactics less reliable.

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I don’t think he’s at a point where a spight buff would need a nerf as well.


I did some testing looking at old gameplay videos of Bastion, back when he had only 20/20 ammo to analyse how small his spread used to be.

The 1.08 patch notes said that “Bastion’s max spread increased by 50% and always at max-spread” after that Bastion’s spread was recorded as exactly 3 degrees so the old max spread must’ve been 2 degrees. As 3 degrees is 50% more than 2 degrees.

Measuring the number of pixels wide of Bastion’s spread on these old videos I can confirm bastion’s spread used to be as small as 1.2 degrees (approx) before bloom. But the spread also bloomed very quickly, within 9 shots (0.3sec) the spread was maxed out. Then once firing stopped about 0.4sec for the spread to fully reset.

The comparison with today is clear, after you’ve been firing for long enough, both settle on the same 2-degrees spread with the same fire rate and bullets with the same damage and falloff (except HS). The difference is the opening burst has potential to have quite a high density of fire.

Currently, when bastion opens fire at 30m range his fire is diluted in a circular area of 1.95 square metres, it used to be concentrated in an area of only 0.3 of a square metre. 650% difference in density of fire.

This should have been highly appreciated as an incredibly stark difference but this was totally unappreciated at the time as it was implemented at the same time as Ironclad’s 35% damage reduction. That had so many people so mad and reducing it to 20% didn’t really quash the anger, just led to it reemerging every time they were reminded that ironclad technically still existed.

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That’s the thing about IC, if you don’t already know about it you may not know it exists.

yup. btc bastion rework video is pretty bad

BTC? What rework video are you talking about?

(the discord thing?)

no, blame the controler

yt channel that is kinda bad

BTC it’s blame the controller. Bruh.

Euughhh, already it’s making too many sorta right but sorta wrong generalisations.

Half way in he’s already into the “i’ll reward you for walking instead of driving by shooting a hole in your car’s radiator” approach to “reworking” bastion. Right into talking about arbitrary limits on the duration of sentry mode.


BTC clearly hasn’t played much bastion, Sentry mode is NOT compatible with a cooldown or a resource meter.

Especially arbitrary limitations like the resource meter has to be full to even enter sentry mode.

“No changes to tank mode”

WHAT?!? BTC claims to know Bastion and despite such radical changes, no changes to tank mode?!?

And of course, Sentry as an ultimate.

I’m absolutely livid that this BS is getting to poison the public discourse so much.


I need to put this on a billboard…


This is one thing I never want to see.

Needs more durability.

I honestly don’t know why people suggest this, it would be so bad.