šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

whers my treathining BEEP BOOP ?

oh it got nerfed and killed and dissmantled almost 2 year agoā€¦i forgot it myselfā€¦

this needs to cahnge !


I think you cured my dyslexia. :thinking:


Ok, and how is he getting close to you?

If he blows Wraith form, then he is a free picking because you can see him coming.

If he flanks and catches you off-guard, then itā€™s no different than a Tracer flanking. Thatā€™s why I always watch my back when the enemy runs heros with mobility.

This goes in line with what I said above. My tracking isnā€™t god tier, but I always have the advantage if Reaper blows Wraith to get close to me. Itā€™s not 100% in my favor, but it certainly is doable. A flanking Reaper will have higher success against you, because if you arenā€™t watching your flanks then heā€™ll get a free shot on you. Kinda like a western duel, whoever shoots first, wins.

The flaw with this is that Bastions hitbox works against him. Plus, Reaper with a brain will always hug rooms and tight corners, because CQC is his area of effectiveness. Thatā€™s why I stated that Recon will never win against Reaper. Reaper has no obligation to fight a Bastion at range, and Recon canā€™t keep up with Reaperā€™s life steal.

Simply put it, treat Reaper like Dva. Once DM/Wraith is on CD, they cannon challenge a Bastion. However if they get the jump on you, it might be too late to fight back.

Uh you know Iā€™m talking about Reaper, right?

The hero with the Wraith Form which is 100% total invlunerability and immunity to CC while +50% move speed?

Butā€¦ heā€™s 100% immune to damage in wraith form.

Wraith form allows him to travel 25m before the duration runs out. A 25m line of sight is pretty far and he quite reasonably has wraith form to cover that ground.


So wraith ends with him 1m away from me, that is DEFINITELY a challenge to Bastion, he doesnā€™t need wraith form, he can kill Bastion so quickly.

The same Reaper with the joke of an ability called Shadowstep?

If Reaper is blowing Wraith to get to you, not only do you have the advantage of DPS, he is suiciding into you, so at the very least your team should react to the Reapers presence after you die, because his escape mechanism is on CD.

So what? Dvas 100% immune to damage when her mechs health reaches 0 and she comes flying out. After that happens, sheā€™s free fodder. The same goes for Reaper. Once Wraith is on CD, he has no other option but to ram his face into yours. You either shove your barrel down his throat or you respawn, and try better next time.

Now I done agree with his lifesteal buff, but nothing about his engagements has changed. You should know that.

My point is that they have to fight or die. DM and Wraith are defensive abilities as much as theyā€™re offensive.

1m away or not, there is a good amount of skill needed to combat that. Itā€™s seems like youā€™re making it out to be far worse than it actually is, like itā€™s somehow worse than a Genji spam-jumping over you.

There are many many reason why a Reaper wouldnā€™t be so deterred, the fact is they do dive in and try to go just for Bastion, either hoping for a trade or exploit how I cannot go where my other teammates go because they are idiots who donā€™t realise I canā€™t stand where they are standing. They can dance left and right and avoid more of the damage from, say, an Orisa. But Bastion in Sentry mode canā€™t do that, I have to hang back.

DVA doesnā€™t deal 280dps with 50% lifesteal. Also DVA moves at half speed when using primary fire. The same does NOT go for Reaper.

Yes it hasā€¦ his lifesteal makes him able to absorb way more damage.

Thereā€¦ is a lot of new textā€¦ could somebody fill me in? <~<


Reaperā€™s lifesteal makes him way tougher for everyone, especially Bastion. Or is he that tough?

Not really.

2 unstoppable forces at close range are going head to head.

Both need the skill to aim. Lacking in said skill, does not make Reaper OP.

The problem with lifesteal is that it only makes Reaper good at the things he could already do.

Reaper could always come up on a Bastion and 3-shot him. However, Bastion could always kill a Reaper once Wraith is on CD.

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Yeah. Reapers only winning that if he gets the drop on him.

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Which is my point.

Wraith on CD = Reaper HAS to engage, making him predictable.

Reaper Flanks = No different than if any other Flanker, flanked.

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Notice the critical clause is relative, not absolute.

Far less skill for Reaper to track where a target moves relative to movement he controls than Bastion track such movement that could change with no warning.

Hun, Bastion is a stationary target who only needs to aim when a Reaper engages him, donā€™t start rating skill among the heros.

Obviously if you are circle strafing even a stationary target you need to move your mouse to keep aiming at the target. Itā€™s just easy because itā€™s automatic how you need to adjust aim to compensate for movement.

h ttps://s3.dexerto.com/thumbnails/_thumbnailLarge/Bastion-Pathfinder-Overwatch-Apex-Legends-final.jpg

Make recon less thicc more s l i m

shady pls stand up

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Overwatch Forums Recently ā€œhey you know how overwatch is a team based game with objective focus, then youā€™ll love this game with none of that, only one life per game (except in special circumstances) and a way smaller hero selection with much more boring heroesā€

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Here you go:


Suddenly, Iā€™m reminded of Lawbreakers.

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IDK, Iā€™ve at least heard of Apex Legends, first thing I ever heard about Law Breakers was that it was being shut down.