💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

GOATS is why hero bans should be mandatory in OWL. Geoff Goodman’s argument as to why they aren’t doing it is because Jjonak is an amazing Zenyatta. But I want Jjonak to be a good OVERWATCH player. Not just a good ZENYATTA player…


Exactly this.
Isn’t the game supposed to be about changing between characters during the match?
Then put bans and let the teams adapt!


It’s actually eunanomous in the pro scene that hero bans should be a thing. It’s just Blizzard being stubborn


Even more when Jayne has proven that it works and the teams won’t ban Brigitte forever, for example.


I just want the teams to be unique like in season 1. I don’t want season 2 to be “YO WHO PLAYS GOATS THE BEST???”

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I mean, Playoffs and Stage were very satisfactory to see, then it just became WHO GETS THE BEST REZZES AND WHO DIVES BETTER. Then they added Brig and variety started until the Double Sniper Meta came. Finals were pretty fun to watch. And now… we have GOATS…

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Stage 1 of season 1 was the best overwatch league ever gave us. Specifically because of the Houston Outlaws and Pine from NYXL

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Ah, I remember how satisfactory was to watch people play Junkrat on the pro scene. Then he was nerfed and he was never seen again… which is also another thing that makes GOATS the unstoppable meta, tank counters are just dead. The only one being viable enough is Mei, and she didn’t fix the problem, she caused SNOATS too!

Bastion until now has just seen play on Junkertown in OWL and on Hanamura in Conteders. Reaper just saw some play in a triple DPS comp in Oasis I think on OWL. Junkrat was never seen again.

Edit: Also Doomfist… RIP Doom


I attempted to play deathmatch… WHOOO I shouldn’t have loaded up the game.

I’m more angry than i was before i started playing.

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playing ashe more and more, getting some good results I just need another hero i can have fun if the armour nerf is worse than i think it will be.

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but adding headshot ? SIGNE ME THE F IN !

tough, thers needs a spread fix,
this much spreadk might not be a prob for some, but is still so randome on where you shoot

headshot, reward aiming/being precices, thats where the old bastion was satisfying to play, even when he was bad, because we could airm well and get rewarded
something the the DEVs failed to understand for him now

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Am I the only one who really doesn’t like the idea of bans?


His place in a standard team fight should be somewhere in the mid range, between backline heal supports and Frontline tanks. Of course having a good peel based tanks and supports would be an optimal team composition to have Bastion focus on shredding shields while the supports and tanks focused on preserving their dps.

But of course this is an ideal team that is willing to build different team comps but that would be presumptuous (not like there are other team games that can develop similar team compositions to OW, just venting).

Point still stands that for me, Bastion shouldn’t lose ammo for damage or reduced spread. He is meant to kill from mid range, which is somewhere he can damage tanks optimally while being protected.

You’re not the only one. Brigitte has already received substantial nerfs despite the fact that there are other top contenders who are left unnerfed. Seems rather odd to me. Just because I don’t like Sombra doesn’t mean I want her banned (until the hero selection pool becomes large enough to justify players to ban a character from being played in match, like league of legends ban system, but I doubt it will happen in OW looking at the rate of character creation).

Wasn’t he supposed to be a tank buster from the get-go? The fact that he had head shot was a byproduct of a new game, but overtime his role developed into a more proper defensive shield breaker and deterrent for most players till they could charge ult. on payload maps, hense more ammo to blast at shields and bodies, ironclad for survivability. The whole point of an immobile tank buster is to find a good position to set up in and do as much damage for the team as possible, it was never flashy like genji, it wasn’t glamorous like Reaper ult, you just did your job as damage dealer.

Knowing the macro game of a fight is what defines a Bastion. A limited kit means a player can focus on basics of team fighting and positioning.

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tho, bastion is not doing his job, becaus of the ability they gave him

I wish bastion could be picked as a 2nd dps with out the need of shield heavy bunker like comp, like come on.

Maybe a shield on cooldown or meter would be needed…but at this point who cares…


We were talking about bans only on pro-play so the meta doesn’t take over and the stages start fresh everytime. Having bans in-game is actually a bad idea. And no, is not about which character you hate and ban it, but about talking with your team and protect and ban the heroes so your composition works, and if the enemy team bans a hero that affects you (ex Winston when going Dive), adaptation is important (ex Hammond).

It may switch up the meta for a bit, but it would in just settle in as part of the meta.

With continous balance, the meta will shake up even more, meaning that banning certain heroes may change between Stages. This at least gives fresh air everytime you watch a tournament instead of just watching the same composition run everytime with the exception of some maps.