šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

That was a jokeā€¦ :confused:


Needs to glow as well, just so people canā€™t lose him. And he needs to be really loud while using it and announce himself as it starts up and finishes.

But at least you can cancel his ult early to reload recon.

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Rename Tank Mode to Cannon Mode.

But itā€™s a tank though?


Welcome to the ignored clubā€¦i feel for you and all Bastion mains

Blizz just donā€™t care about us plays MJā€™s They donā€™t care about us

If Brigitte doesnā€™t get a spaghetti emote tomorrow Iā€™ll be saddened

Sincerely, The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

Has anyone seen Kolorblindā€™s new video? He hasā€¦ interesting opinions on Bastionā€™s state.

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I saw the title

Sincerely, The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

I see your track and one up you.

I Have blocked Kolor on all social media for multiple of reasons one of which is the absolute garbage way he/she treats people of this thread and the collective ideas we have been working together on to make Bastion more viable.

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Iā€™d settle for Sentry being uninterruptible except by Hack. Thatā€™s the crucial thing for me. Itā€™s far too easy.

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Thatā€™s just broken. Iā€™m all for redistributing Sombraā€™s power but thatā€™s just a terrible idea.

The ā€œI would sit on Bastionā€ one? Whatā€™s he say?

Specifically doesnā€™t affect Sombra. Just removes all the single-button, EZ counters to Sentry.

Someone in the comments of Ariaā€™s video was saying he should have been in.

That would have gone terriblyā€¦


If only for a Cannon-Butt-Jump, hope this makes you beepy-boopy mains feel better :smiley:

Yes he thinks that the weakest character in the game is fine because only he can play himā€¦ he also dont have the statistics on his sideā€¦ and also not the experience from Bronze to Diamond like we do. And when we all in the tiers feels that he is even bad in Bronze even a former bronze playerā€¦ I dont really know if you can say that he is fineā€¦

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Firstly, awesome job on voicing your opinion productively on an OW hero. The argument is well-researched, etcā€¦but I have an honest question:

How can one ask for a rework of ANY hero when they havenā€™t played Overwatch competitively? OP is not even ranked this season ā€“ so how can they provide insights to how a hero is played if they havenā€™t played the actual game at a high level? Quick play and comp are vastly different, theyā€™re basically too different games. Iā€™m not even trying to SR gatekeep, but having no time in competitive means that you donā€™t actually have honest insight onto how a hero either works or doesnā€™t.

We play comp. Dont just rank stalk the hole time that would help. We play from Bronze to Diamond in the end if you consider the active people that plays bastion alsoā€¦ how can you play a hero that is so bad that you get reported 20 times in a single game in comp?

Dont take it personally but: comp is crap in the end. Dont consider it as a AAA+ argument. It is notā€¦