šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

ā€œCompletion date? When itā€™s ready.ā€


Also Diego, if you want to upload clips just go to your highlights and save the ones you want. They can now be found in your computer files ready to upload.

My fellow Mercy mains are trying to eat me, so Iā€™m going to hang out here for a while.

If you see that bloodthirsty angel swoop by, aim your gun at her and tell her to get lost.

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What did you do to upset them?

Looking cute and apparently delicious?

There are two factions of Mercy mains (no, not #revert or #remain) - those who want to eat the bunny and those who want to protect the bunny.

My protectors were temporally out, so they surrounded me andā€¦ started to discuss suitable ingredientsā€¦ :scream:

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Was it that Plarpoon fellow? Those were some pretty graphic images they were postingā€¦

Heā€™s the ring leader! But there are others, just waiting to kidnap andā€¦ andā€¦ :sob:

I canā€™t help looking this cute! You donā€™t eat cute!



On the down side he knows you might be here, on the upside you are surrounded by Bastionsā€¦

Do I need to find clips of me killing Mercyā€™s as Bastion?

Yeah letā€™s have another, horribly designed gimmicky hero pushed into the meta.

Just what the game needs.

I mean, in a way that kind of feels horrible to me too sinceā€¦ yā€™knowā€¦ flaps wings

But I do feel safe with all these Gatling guns here ready to protect me! :heart:


1st. You have a Bastion icon and are saying he is horribly designed and gimmicky?

2nd. We donā€™t want him to be meta, just about Mei levels of viability. Good at what he is supposed to do, and what he is supposed to do is something actually useful(not breaking barriers).

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It was just a idea but you are rightā€¦ alarm would also fit.

You are save here. My most played character is Mercyā€¦ but I am a Angel with a Minigun so let them comeā€¦

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I donā€™t play Brig very often (because Iā€™m actually really bad with her) but when I do I make sure to peel for my other supports!


I am on console :ccc

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2,5 hours or 4,5 I think. It will to 90% happen today.

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Sees console and becomes happy

Reads Xbox


Yup, I am waiting for it uwu

Now I am sad too :cc


I liked rein a long time ago and played him for a season. Thatā€™s the reason why I can pick Brigitte and be effective. That and because I can make flankers lives a living hell. The Angel turned into a knight of destruction!!