šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Howā€™s he going to get close enough to use it? Aside from getting hookedā€¦

Think less ā€œReaperā€ Shotgun, and moreā€¦ Roadhog right click.

More of a skill shot, and less of a spread weapon.

Of course, assuming Sentry also workedā€¦

Roadhogā€™s right click is pretty bad for a primary weapon. I still donā€™t know what you mean because itā€™s one big projectile that deals next to no damage until it splits.

Yeaā€¦ thereā€™s nothing really like it in OW At this timeā€¦ Hard to explain.

Basically a projectile shotgun, that acts like a hitscanā€¦
(without actually being hitscan)
Instead of a cone spread, more of a ā€œBeamā€ Of bullets.
With extreme Falloff, of course,

Similar to Doomā€™s small hand alt fire, justā€¦ if it had very little spread.

His pellets still come from a single point and spread so do you mean like a multi barreled shotgun that shoot linear hitscan shots? So more like a bunch of rifles strapped together. Or rather I guess small slug shotgun shells.

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Lets go with that, yea. Sort ofā€¦
I was originally imagining it still being projectiles, but yeaā€¦ that could work.

It would only be great if Sentry ALSO Worked, butā€¦ it would be a really cool ā€œPanic modeā€ While in Reconā€¦ Especially if it had a decent cooldown, or a timerā€¦
(Think a gun form of storm arrowsā€¦ just not actually OP)

Wait. Like storm arrows, but without a timer? Based on shots used? That could be extra cool.

A machine gun. Unless you just mean the ammo runs out or duration whichever comes first.

I wish he were like the heavy class with the temporary personal barrier.

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Less machine gun, and more ammo count.
Shotguns are coolā€¦

The recoil effect could literally be the ā€œReloadā€

Are you talking about in addition to his sub machine gun that he has now?

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Chibi doesnā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about anymoreā€¦ I mean, we have seen that heā€™s got all kinds of upgrades/extra uses.

Would be kinda cool if he just, Switched the rifle for a shotgun, and went all ptsd for however long until either the ammo runs out, or the ā€œTimerā€ or whatever.

Where would the gun be? Animating him getting a different gun or swapping his recon out like he does his hand for the welder would be super hard considering his model has already been created. Imagine editing something thatā€™s already finished.

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Yeaā€¦ thatā€™s the problem with a lot of new weapon ideasā€¦ But consider thisā€¦

Doesnā€™t he switch his Hand for the wielder? At leastā€¦ that happened in the shortā€¦ So whatā€™s his recon gun hiding?

(Unless thatā€™s literally inconsistentā€¦ In which, screw EVERYTHING)

Yup His Hand is the wielder.
Which also can interact with other machines through some kind of direct light based relay? Why has this not been talked aboutā€¦ <.<

This makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Alsoā€¦ i am just sat here assuming that IS the wielderā€¦ if not then i need a Detailed List of all of Bastionā€™s extra utilities, and a reason why we CANā€™T Use them.

Let me stick my welder in your face so we can talk using our minds

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If i were a sane person, that might scare me.

Good thing iā€™m a Bastion main.

Also a human who forcibly vibrates the air around me, so the holes in the sides of other peoples faces can tell what iā€™m thinking.

Possible idea. Remove the turret head
hit box, it was placed there to give turret mode a greater weakness when bastion could actually make people fear the hero. At this time itā€™s something that no one miss.

I would be ok with it staying, as you said, If he was something worth Fearing to get near.

I would even be perfectly fine with a Longer setup time Yea, you heard meā€¦ If he could output dps like he used to.

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That should be answer. Bastion should be troll pick. Then they will remake him again.

Guys I heard you need another thing to discuss? Ok then:

Reduce sentry spread by 30%
No headshots

Tank faster transformation
Do not have a time limit anymore
Ends when you fired the 8 bullets
End automatically after 20 seconds

New E: Flashback

For a few seconds Bastion remembers what he is suppose to do and transforms into sentry and will shot armor and shield piercing bullets for 4 seconds.
After that Ganymede flows to him and he goes back to normal (animation takes 1,5 sec)

15 sec cooldown

Just a random idea :wink: