💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

i think not playing ow for some time made me forget recons spread

Lmao, the game isn’t bad at all right now.
unless your main is completely UP and Blizzard keeps ignoring him…


But still most of my favorite characters got a buff :3, Orisa got her ult cost buff, Roadhog and D.va got at least somewhat fix (Roadhog: hook and his falloff is going to start farther, For both: Shotgun pellets that hit crits now do the correct damage), Soldier got his falloff buffed from 30% to 50%, and Moira got a buff that no one wanted, but hey who I am to complain for just a very little buff.

The only character that I like that have been nerfed is Brigitte, but… I have my opinion about how she should have been designed.

im feeling so bad now.
my happines meter went to space, just to be throw back at the depths of hell.


Is someone gonna play competitive in console today uwu?

Wake up, and what do i see two ferrets war dancing at the front door whilst a small pooch is barking at them from the other side… looks like a the start of a quickplay game TBH.


(One of my favorite images tbh.)


That’s not entirely accurate. The Hanzo would be punching the wall.


And Spamming some rage inducing voiceline… -.-

While the Bastion just dances in the corner.

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I fully disagree with this thread.

I almost exclusively play Bastion in competitive and find him to be very strong especially with the current meta and pretty much throughout the last 4 seasons.

I never got to play the original Bastion, his current form is the one I got introduced to, so I can sort of understand if players that used to play him back then don’t like his “new” playstyle anymore.

The only bad thing about him is that your team automatically assumes you are throwing or a troll and then proceeds to insult and flame you and tell you to kill yourself, while raining down all of the reports and “avoid player” on you.
Or they will just troll themselves because you picked a hero they don’t like.

And of course that your team starts playing as 5v6 and not 6v6, meaning:
You get absolutely no heals and fully ignored by your team, simply because you picked Bastion.

I play Bastion on every map type there is in competitive, both on attack and defense and I never change out heroes. I have an almost 60% winrate on Bastion.
And on every map type I get told, the moment I die once, “hey I don’t think Bastion is working out, please change” from players like the thread starter probably.

My winrate on him would probably be even higher if not for those instantly throwing/inting/trolling teams that get triggered when I pick Bastion and then keep playing as 5v6 instead of 6v6.

Bastion is super strong, he doesn’t need any buffs or a gameplay change.
He already got a massive buff with Tracer finally not getting a free kill by just using her ult, which was utterly ridiculous. But they changed that luckyly, finally some counterplay to Tracer, regardless of her still being a super strong counter pick to Bastion.
If you are a good Bastion you now have a chance to win against a Tracer.

The only thing that really gets you is a Genji and not the way you think.
I always perfectly stop shooting once he uses deflect and if any damage is on me I instantly heal, however solely his dash and then alt attack are enough to kill me in that situation pretty much always.
No matter how perfectly I excecute “stop shooting, heal, continue shooting” while his deflect is on / off, I will end up dying because his dash in that case is too powerful.

There is no counterplay to Genji unless it’s an utterly bad Genji.
As Bastion you stand 0 chance against Genji due to his free damage, no matter how perfectly you counter to his moves and skills.

That’s coming from someone who exclusively plays Bastion with an almost 60% winrate.
He is perfect the way he is.
That Genji 0 counter play thing sucks though, especially if you perfectly counter play him but it doesn’t work because he gets so much free damage in with his dash and alt attack.

My profile is public in case angry people don’t want to listen to reason (just like ingame you damn toxic trolls) and need a “proof” which then they will denounce anyway because “omg Bastion is so weak and a troll pick”.


I’ll be back to address this entire thing in a minute. -.-

Frankly, I’m a little insulted.
But, i will look at this as a third party, Solely in the name of Balance.

As you said, you didn’t play the original Bastion.
Which makes perfect sense having skimmed through your wall of text.
(Gunna go over it in detail here in a minute.)

Also, my own profile is public… in case ya want to compare some numbers. :3

Nice first post btw, actually has some substance… I’ve seen worse.

No one answers his question
Me sad

fax machine noises intensify


if it works for you great. climb to gm with bastion(i can see your rank).
but this does NOT mean hes fine. i play with him since the launch with him and i know how good pre-ic bastion was. nowadays he is not good in any way and doesnt require any skill, while back then he did. you might be winning alot of games with him, but that is you, only you. we want him to be viable for everyone, in low, mid and high ranks. playing bastion and actually getting kills without the hole team pocketing me or pulling the lfg system and having to partner with players from another region(having to deal with 200 latency is a delight).

You do not need protection or get pocketed.
All you need is a 6v6 team to win with.

If you are one of those that rely on a shield and turret form, that’s not the only way to play him and most of the time it’s counter productive if your team or the shield hero focuses on you only.

As Bastion you have to be mobile, quiet a lot of my critical kills come from the regular walking form (as in learn to aim) and then I sweep up the rest in turret form.

It’s not “oh he works out for you but he isn’t fine still”.
He is fine, you just have to play him properly but I guess you don’t even give him a try in competitive because the moment you choose him you get flamed down and forced to change or the moment you die once you admit defeat and play something else.

And that’s the reason why noone else is winning games with him.
You just stop to play him due to flame/insult or just by admitting defeat because you died once, gg.
That’s not a reason to buff or gameplay change him in my opinion.

He is viable.
He doesn’t need solo protection/pocketing.

All he needs is a 6v6 team, be it going in solo only into comp (as I always do because I can’t find friend playing Bastion only, all I find are people telling me to kill myself :I )

There’s lies most of the problems, in all game modes 6 person stacks are rare as hens teeth. If you have read the entire thread, I recomend it BTW some very good ideas mixed with a fair few jokes and Memes. Most are looking for ways for Bastion to be more viable solo. We Are most definitely are not asking to be a Meta pick but if it happens it would be mostly welcomed,

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Not a 6 player stack.
6v6 team means getting paired with 5 random players and them NOT refusing to play with you just because you picked Bastion, see my first post on this thread.

Also he is viable in solo, I PLAY SOLO ONLY.
Noone wants to play with a Bastion main unfortunately, they only wish for me to kill myself for picking Bastion while they are “forced” on my team.


then give proof. show pickrate, show winrate.
prove that he is viable and that it isnt only you(and dont dare pulling kolor here).

What do you want me to post?
Screenshots of all my previous competitive seasons? Oh wait that’s just me right, totally forgot that the opinion of someone who actually PLAYS Bastion doesn’t count but only the opinions from those that don’t even play him, right.

Proof why Bastion is viable but not played ever:

  • You get told to kill yourself the moment you pick and try to play him, forcing you to stop playing Bastion, hence leaving you no wins with him
  • The moment you die once you are being told that Bastion doesn’t work out and that you should change heroes
  • This here makes you not play him:
    “Attack Bastion why?”
    “Guess we got a thrower”
    “Please report this Bastion”
    “Bastion f***** switch”
    “K*** yourself f****** loser”
    “Guess I’m gonna throw as Bastion won’t switch”
    “Please report Bastion for playing a hero I don’t like”
    “We are being spawn camped on a payload map 6v6 but it’s solely Bastions fault”
    “5 Gold Medals and being on fire means nothing”
    “Also you are just dead weight without medals and you are not even on fire”
    “I’m just throwing because we got a Bastion”
    “I knew we were gonna lose the moment I decided to throw because someone picked Bastion and it’s only Bastions fault”
    “Guys just work around that Bastion I say as he is the only good player on the team but as he picked Bastion we all gotta act as if he is the troll here and fault at everything bad that happens to us”
  • You want to avoid getting your teammates to intentionally throw/lose the game just because you picked Bastion
  • You want to avoid being avoided https://i.imgur.com/201me15.png

That’s the proof why Bastion is not being played.
I am the proof that he is perfectly viable and doesn’t need a change, other than maybe allowing counter play against Genji and of course nerfing all the players who tell you to end your life.


Every hero is viable in ladder. The problem is that there are heroes that doesn’t pull off as much as others, and this are called the troll heroes ( Bastion and Torb are the only ones that are troll right now, Sym might still have low pickrate, but at least she puts a lot of things onto the table , but still she needs changes). The information that you are giving us is empirical and only yours, which proves nothing. Most of the community agrees that he is UP and stats since his rework shows that the rework was unsuccessful and a complete failure that just removed all skill from Bastion and put him in a worse state.
Also, troll heroes are just hated by the community, because of the reasons I stated, this is why people just try to attack them just like you said: