So I know the guy left, but still…
Actually, we have math on our side telling us he’s not fine. At just 25 meters, Bastion is doing about the same DPS as a Soldier (from any distance within his falloff range) that is getting just 25% headshot accuracy. By 30 meters, Bastion is doing about the same as a Soldier with no headshots. And when you’re shooting at something smaller than a training bot (for example, a majority of the cast) that is also moving, his DPS is going to be even lower. Yes, tank heroes will be a bit easier to kill, but not by too much, he still doesn’t take most of them out fast enough to not get countered by them (Reinhardt can pin him before dying, Roadhog can hook him before dying, can DM him and have teammates kill him before dying, Zarya can easily out-DPS him if she has a decent charge and a bubble)
Having a forced 50% accuracy when you’re 10 meters away from your minimum falloff range isn’t “fine”. Even if they reduced his damage by 33%, and reverted his spread (33% reduction, and add bloom back), he would still do more DPS than he does now at 20 meters. I would consider that quite the opposite of “fine”…
No, if they revert Sentry, Bastion will be fine. We aren’t asking for him to be meta. I don’t even care if he remains f-tier. I just want him to do his job properly, and be able to kill things that think walking up to an active minigun is a good ieda.
This isn’t giving a mouse a cookie, this is taking the cookie you’ve already given the mouse, and removing the mouse trap that you put in it as a joke.