Bastion is underpowered / change my mind

Everyone knows how bad Bastion is.

Would he be a must pick if every map was made in the style of junkertown?

Should bastion be a powerful tool in low ranks just like pharahmercy is?

Game changed so much, it doesnt fit bastion in it anymore.

Either go for a revert / rework or buff bastion with smaller spread and faster transformation time to let him compensate for the lack of mobility.

Bastion too strong after all the changes and buffs? Pirateship seen on every map?

Make bastion slide off the payload when in turret mode, but this change requires the faster trans as he would walk beside payload and transform when the time is right and area denial is needed.


He isn’t as underpowered as people think, he just makes fear because of his potential so he is focused down a lot, also the team needs to be made around him


Don’t forget Wreking Ball can wack his entire team(maybe not Orisa) right off the payload now, sinking the pirate ship.


Bastion does a lot of dmg but really can’t take a hit at any range. At close range he gets own by Reaper, Rein, and so many others. At mid to long range Hanzo, Widow and heck even Sym’s orbs tend to kick his but without a shield.

If anything he got a slight buff when Sym’s orbs no longer went threw barriers, it was a good way to sink a double shield bastion comp. The main problem with pure offense hero’s like bastion and to a degree Doomfist is they really can’t be balanced.

They either do a lot of dmg and get a lot of kills or are useless. Which means they are generally OP or worthless. Right now Bastion is easy to counter, but it takes time, coordination and the right hero picks. Which is why a surprise bastion at the last few seconds of Defense are so common.

He’s a very strong pick at clearing the point in OT and generally the attacking team has less ability to counter him in the time left (or they just can’t leave the payload/point).

He is NOT underpowered. Sounds like you have a bad comp.


Bastion doesn’t work anymore in my eyes.

He’s a glass Cannon and a big target like Blizz wanted, but that kinda backfired because of how much mobility everyone has now he just can’t keep up to be considered a threat…


Placement placement placement. Oh and he can walk and heal himself.

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They should just give him more utility, to be honest. I doubt that Bastion will ever be a popular pick by design, but currently he just seems to be outshined by other heroes like Soldier.

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Maybe he needs an upgrade

Bastion is not underpowered. He is a niche pick for certain maps and can work as a suprise pick in team competetive. As you said he is strong on junkertown, proof enough that he is not weak - he just does not fit in every team comp or map.


Play bastion like you would 76, not like a tob turret. You wouldn’t think he’s underpowered then. His recon his way stronger than people think, it’s not too far off 76s gun.

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Bastion just happens to be a little too situational. But I don’t think he is as bad as a lot of people make him out to be. A well played pirate ship is a nightmare to deal with.

But generally being a stationary high damage hero in a game with a lot of high mobility and barriers is just not good most of the time. People sometimes argue that because of the barriers a Bastion is a good pick, but in reality it’s often the other way around. Plus if you wanna get rid of enemy barriers, a Junkrat is often just much more efficient. Mobility + high value ultimate.

You are comparing to bastions from your rank and I appreciate tips, but i have over 100 hours on bastion.

Bastion was touched by devs like twice. Got nerfed because nanoboosted stacked.

Yes Bastion is a situational hero, his job is to deny an area to his opponents.

The problem is that in order to do his job, his team must pick a certain set of heroes, and be on a certain map, other wise he isn’t strong enough.

Imagine if Genji was only viable on Numbani when paired with a full dive comp, and had to switch off once his team loses a fight. I’m guessing people would consider him weak.


I don’t think he’s underpowered. I think some just don’t accept him as a niche hero that won’t (and, in my opinion, shouldn’t) be viable in every situation. Low usage to me doesn’t indicate a problem with him. I think he’s great in the few situations he’s built for, but only when properly played around.

how the hell is bastion underpowered? am i on mars??? he’s not, like at all.

It used to be that all Bastion needed was a minor buff to his recon mode. But with the new Hanzo, in order to make him viable, you are going to need some serious buffing. Hanzo powercreeped the feck out of the dps class

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Low usage is one thing, barley no usage is another. I would be ok if he has at least a %1 pick rate at the highest levels, he doesnt get there in any platform.


Hanzo should remain as a Bastion counter, thought it does feel bad when you see him activate storm arrows and think “well, I’m dead I guess.”

If Bastion got something like a combination of his old and new versions, I think they could make him viable.

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But at that point, why not just play Soldier? He does more DPS, he’s smaller and thus harder to hit, he can heal his teammates, his gun is easier to control the spread, he’s faster, he has better mobility options with Helix rocket, he has burst damage with helix rocket, he has a much easier ultimate…

Bastion shouldn’t be treated as an off brand Soldier, he should be his own character.

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