Bastion is fine where he is

I’ve said it several times, I’ll ask all of you again: What does he bring to the game if he is made ‘viable’ the answer I keep getting is nothing. Subjective nonsense that doesn’t denounce his current state. In essence you people have nothing to say but ‘buh he not fine’ why is he not fine ‘cuh i- only have one job?’

just like this Grantman you fail to say anything that really matters, you speak on what you think he needs but… C’mon man, if he’s deleted from the game nothing happens.

Answer the question, what is his job?


Flag this and move on.

Iol oh yeah, definitely a troll.

Reaper sucks too, that’s the reason they should be buffed, all you’re doing is reflecting every question thrown at you by asking others questions, except at least we answer them compared to you.


Welp at least bastion is not doomfist, that means he is important part of this game as a hero that might in future bring some interesting story about him meeting some other heroes than torbion.
What he might bring if he gona be viable? Less doomfist i guess, that positive.

Everyone who’s saying Bastion is a bad character or bad for the game, I don’t think you understand what he can or should bring to the game. The way I see it, his DPS heavily punishes brainless play where you just charge forward and stand out in the open. One thing I don’t like about Overwatch is fights frequently devolve into mindless brawls and spam.

He has the potential to make the game more strategic and skillful like PUBG or CS where you actually need to stay behind cover and make clean peeks. Widowmaker or Hanzo is similar but she is countered by barriers.

I already have several times in all of my post. I’ve literally said it quite a few times, if you lack reading comprehension skills… I’m sorry?

It sounds like someone did cheese comp in your competitive match and you lost because you couldn’t get through the orisa barrier

He should bring a unique playstyle of trading mobility for damage.

Now if you have said it so many times, what is his job?


Are you kidding me? REAPER IS A MUCH better character than Bastion, reaper is a character that DOES need attention. There is no reason he should be in the back of the line the way he is. He is ten times more verstile and requires ten times more skill, not only can he duel and beat enemy DPS but he also is a tank buster through and through. He is a character that deserves a much needed buff and the reason he sucks, unlike bastion, is because his counter play is efficient in current meta. If shield bash wasn’t a thing and wraith wasn’t so buggy he would be much better. His shotguns are incredibly inconsistent as well. Get outta my face you bastion loving… Oof.

Well sorry to say buddy, Bastion is not fine. He’s been trash since his rework! Which is more than a year ago.

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Wow… just wow.

I don’t even play Bastion and can see soooo many things wrong with the post. Also, calling any character “brain dead” is a sure way to make me roll my eyes and never really care for any further opinion stated on the subject.


as a bastion main . bastion is not fine too many risks and low reward

I’ve already said it, and to counter what you said. He does trade mobility for damage as we can see in any bastion game play. he literally sits there, I kid you not and just fires. He has consistent damage at that and when on point he can clear ANY hero except Zarya who is a reasonable counter because she feeds on damage.

Attacking people for playing a hero they want to play. What the hell is wrong with you?


Then… why comment. That’s like me going to a Falcons game and saying ‘oh man I hate the Falcons, why am I here…’ and then I just sorta… buzz off back to the mental ward.

Extreme bias confirmed, obviously they both need to be buffed/reworked so i can agree with you there.

It’s not my fault… they can’t do much else besides you know… Sit there.

Okay you know what? The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement is gonna quarantine this post now

Sincerely, The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

I’ll be your back up, this thread is going nowhere.