Bastion is being forgotten

I would rather wait three months with a slowly improving bastion then have a repeat of what happend last time they changed him like they did.

But i guess we will have to agree to disagree :slight_smile:

Fixing Bastion:

  • Fix Tank bug (finished)
  • Rework Tank into a normal ability and replace ultimate with an “upgrade” ult
  • Revert Sentry spread (not crits)
  • Give self-repair 5% damage resistance while in use
  • Give Tank 30% damage resistance
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Lol this was posted March 14th. Its still going


Yeah man we ain’t stopping until we see an orange post in this thread


a month isn’t that long considering it almost has 1k posts.


We’ve been put down and ignored for so long and now we’re going to take over the world

Let the Omnic Crisis begin!


Actually there have been tons and tons of posts and a few have gotten quite popular about Bastion so it basically would be the omnic uprising. Just showing up in the middle of the forums and start blowing stuff up.


I hardly to never play Bastion, I actually play his counter. However, I NEVER see him. He is in dire need of a buff, or a re-work (for the better). He is, in my opinion, the hero I see the least in the game.


I think someone said earlier Blizzard doesn’t like posting in these large forms. So we should get a fresh one that has all that we have come to consensus on a s a Bastion community and have all of us Bastion Mains support it to keep it alive.

Maybe then we will see the mythical orange text. :wink:


Well, I’d rather not jump ship or any new thread we create might die. If we could make another one, what would it be about anyways? Everything that needed discussing has been discussed so it’d basically just be asking for a buff of any sort but there would be no meaningful conversations or arguments because it’s all already been said. At this point we just have to keep posting until something happens.


I mean don’t have yo abandon this form as much as summarize our discussion in order to simplify it for new reader and/or blizzard. I believe the OP said they can’t edit the main post anymore and I’m sure that the randoms that just read forms casually don’t want to read over 910 posts in order to get more of an idea of what we, as Bastion mains, want/would settle for.

I believe that our views of the character in terms of what can be done have expanded some what through discussion which is a beautiful thing if you thonk about it :slight_smile:

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I added this post in the visible, non drop down portion of my megathread so it’s easily visible. IDK if adding the drop downs was good or not. It hides info so people might not read it but I believe it’s better than a wall of text.


I actually think drops downs are amazing. I think its a great way to catogorize the information so people don’t have to be inconvienced to go out of their way to get the info they want.

Which are the suggested buffs/reworks. The explaination of the character and its weaknesses are a nice touch but people mostly read to see those changes.

So it streamlines the process imo.

So you, sir, have done a great thing there with your megathread :slight_smile:


Still though, tommorow is my day off so I’m gonna try and fail to put a new thread with all the ideas we have come up with.

Would appreciate the help because I have no idea how to to do drop downs or anything :sweat_smile:

I’m not part of the ULT rework camp, It’s stronger than most people here give it credit for.

I do like the idea of a Roadhog style Damage Reduction while self healing, I think that would be a decent way to fix the issue of being focus fired on, while not being able to deal damage.

Tank IMO just needs it’s temporary armor back instead of damage resistance. I still don’t understand why they got rid of it in the rework…


I’m also strongly opposed to the idea of making Tank Mode an E ability, and think that presenting that radical idea as part of the package, without any alternatives, will turn away consideration.

I offered an extensive list of options earlier, for a variety of directions Bastion could be buffed.


Headshots, Lowered Spread, And armor in Tank mode.

That’s all i’m hoping for. :joy_cat:

Give us our Glass Canon Back…

I mean, it makes perfect sense as to Why Bastion would have more “Armor” In Tank mode, as he is Transforming into a Smaller Build, with the Armor facing in all directions, instead of just on his front.

It just seems logical to me…


When I make this form I’ll qoute your input :slight_smile:

I hope Devs takes a good look at this


This is a gigantic mess so I’m sorry

Use this format but remove the spaces. The words between summary is what you see before you click on it and the stuff not between summary but still between details is what you see when you click on it like this:

< details > < summary >This is the summary< /summary >This is the details< /details >


< details > < summary > < /summary > < /details >


This is the summaryThis is the details

you can put another drop down inside of a drop down like this:

< details > < summary >This is the summary of the first drop down< /summary > < details > < summary >This is the details of the first drop down but also the summary of the second drop down< /summary >This is the details of the second drop down< /details > < /details >

basically you repeat the whole drop down thing inside of the first one before you put the < /details > for the first drop down.

for you to see it better I’ll show it like this:

< details > < summary > < /summary > < details > < summary > < /summary> < /details > < /details >


This is the summary of the first drop down
This is the details of the first drop down but also the summary of the second drop downThis is the details of the second drop down

you can put multiple drop downs in one like this:

< details > < summary >the main drop down< /summary > < details > < summary >the name of the first drop down inside the main one< /summary >the stuff inside that drop down< /details > < details > < summary >The summary of the second drop down inside the main one< /summary >The stuff inside this drop down< /details > < /details >

or < details > < summary > < /summary > < details > < summary > < /summary > < /details > < details > < summary > < /summary> < /details > < /details >


the main drop down
the name of the first drop down inside the main onethe stuff inside that drop down
The summary of the second drop down inside the main oneThe stuff inside this drop down

basically whatever you can think of like adding even more drop downs inside others so it’s dropdown-ception should work.

I also put this - – between main drop downs to separate them.

The way you do it is push enter, use this - – then push enter again. You have to have the space between the dashes and you have to have it on a new line of text away from everything else. It would look something like this:
these words are just filler so it doesn’t complete the tag - –

it makes things easier to read.

Like this:

this is how you would put everything together:

single drop down: < details > < summary > < /summary > < /details >

filler - –

double drop down: < details > < summary > < /summary > < details > < summary > < /summary> < /details > < /details >

filler - –

multiple drop down < details > < summary > < /summary > < details > < summary > < /summary > < /details > < details > < summary > < /summary> < /details > < /details >


This is the summary of the single drop downThis is the details

This is the summary of the double drop down
This is the summary of the drop down insideThis is the details of the drop down inside

this is the summary of the multiple drop down
summary of first drop down inside details of the first drop down inside
summary of the second drop down inside details of the second drop down inside

notes: sometimes the - – tag will not work so just push enter so it’s on another line and it will fix itself. You can keep repeating the double drop down as many times as you want within itself