Bastion is being forgotten

Didn’t he use to have some kind of mine ultimate in early stages of the game?

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Yes but I believe it was basically an RC-XD. You drove it around them you could make it blow up like Junkrat’s ult.

At one point his ultimate allowed him to shoot through walls :3


Ok good I thought I heard that they had something like that early on.

That’s what we need to make him balanced; a railgun.


Railgun mode would be nice

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I’m down for a rail gun. I think an ability that pierces walls could be interesting lmao.

Then you combine it with infra sight/sonic arrow :smirk:

Makes me want it more lol

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But it will cause more whining though. “but I was safe!” is the one single cry I know will happen on the forums.

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Something tells me that most of them would be sniper mains complaining about that

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Maybe limited range or something idk. Imagine if they balanced Bastion as an attack hero lol

Would the railgun shot go through barriers?

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It would be interesting if it went through walls but not barriers. Counter play I guess.

Or make it so it can only go through one wall.

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Some games with railguns have it to where the shots do less damage the further they go through a wall so that could work also

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Just bring less spread.

Its too asś aiming at an enemy team that’s slightly far as bastion now, You sprinkle them rather than actually showering them like bastions used to


Everytime I play Bastion I frag out and the enemy team gets steamrolled.

The catch? I’ll only play Bastion on Route 66 attack in qp and only in a stack of 3 or more. I’ll need Orisa to shield me and another tank to make space, oh and also a mercy for the pocket heals and rez. Then and only then I’ll pick Bastion and enjoy riding the payload… until I die and can’t be rezzed, then I swap lol.

That’s a lot of requirements to make him viable and only for a few maps lol.

Also tank mode sucks. Your so squishy you can be burst down before you finish transforming :confused:


[quote=“Jzx-1645, post:874, topic:32040, full:true”]Also tank mode sucks. Your so squishy you can be burst down before you finish transforming :confused:

I can’t bloody HIT anything. I was killed by a Symmetra who dodged at least three shots at close range.

Literally, HOW?! These things are explosive AOE! How can it be THAT hard to hit someone with even one shell?

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Honestly I don’t have much trouble with the ults, but that’s because I use It behind a wall in the back so I waste 3 seconds so I’m actually safe :confused:


Sometime I feel like I have 500 iq sniping a ulting mercy with it.

Other times I cant hit baby dva right it front of me.

There is litterally no inbetween.


Bumping for the Bastion love


We gotta keep talking about bastion before they lock the thread :smiley:

More ideas less bumps :white_check_mark:

Too bad we already talked about it all already, is there anything else to do?