Bastion is being forgotten

Had a Genji dive onto me recently in deathmatch, While i was ulting.

Decided to test something… I looked and shot Straight Down at the ground…

And Genji got the deflect kill on me.

(I was half health, so… Yea… I had already fought an ulting doomfist beforehand. And a Roadhog. And a reaper… it was literally a panic ult by that point.)

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I’m always trying to shoot at people’s feet with Tank Mode. Genji can ALWAYS deflect it.

And everyone else can just jump OVER it! Even a Roadhog bounced around all over the place and avoided every shot, even after I reduced my mouse DPI to 1/10 and got a bigger mousepad.

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I got a huge mouse pad recently… I decided to go the way of breaking my arm to do a 180 with Mccree on Pc. X3

(I use a mix of wrist and arm aiming, so it actually did help, lel.)

@blizzy, can we atleast get one of those “-We are looking into it…” ?


I think were going to hear about Torb LONG before the “other hero”…

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I think the other hero was Reinhardt. Didn’t they say they’re going to change him recently?


They’re remaking his kit from the ground up, not sure how long that will take though… Probably another 1.5 years :cry:

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:musical_note: ”Don’t you, forget about me” :musical_note:


They’re remaking the tech behind much of his kit, but as far as I’m aware they’re not planning on fully reworking him

I think they’re recoding his ultimate because sometimes it stuns after it has happened and sometimes it’s stopped by nothing.

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Yeah, just remaking, not reworking… I think they said they may give him something as well, but I’m not sure about that part…

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Yeah, that’s kinda annoying too… I’ll be somewhere that I shouldn’t be affected, shoot the Rein even after he ults, and then be knocked down…

I’m glad they’re finally fixing him, but I still really wish they’d just say something about Bastion…


Another fake orange post… This is from like a Hanzo post or something…

Hopefully the same principle applies to Bastion as well, and they are indeed working on him or at least thinking about what they want to do…

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Fake orange post? How?

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I am also confused and curious.

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I mean like it’s not actually an orange replying… didn’t want anyone to quickly scroll through, and think there was an actual orange post… get their hopes up


I don’t even know what to say to all of this. I never thought Bastion was loved so much even with just a small amount of the playerbase. I always thought that he was considered just a cheap and useless character by pretty much everyone, even those who didn’t even play the game. That however, didn’t affect how I played, and didn’t effect my love for playing the character. I think of Overwatch as a game I have incredibly mixed feelings about, not when looking at the OWL, which in my opinion does not interest me in the slightest, nor does it make me happy or benefit the game in my eyes. However, that being said, when I look at Overwatch via the characters, I look at them via balancing, I look at them with there abilities, I feel fond of the hours I had, even when I was mad at Blizzard and cursing them all the time.
It’s probably not that hard to see that most of my playtime was with a certain robot, which I had mixed experiences with. Everyday I played Bastion, there was not a day after the rework where I felt the character was fitting with the game in its current state. I loved Bastion before the rework, and like a previous said above, I did not voice my opinion on the rework of Bastion, the changes he would recieve and nor did I respond to those who voiced their opinion about the changes. Simply, I kept quiet, not because I was afraid or anything but because I didn’t feel the like the changes were needed. About 1 year ago now, or maybe near Halloween I stopped playing the game entirely. I was bored, tired and overall done with Overwatch. The seasons were becoming stale and I was just as a player, not improving. Yes, it was my fault for not becoming better, but Overwatch failed to keep me interested where games like Team Fortress did for a few years. Ever since, I’ve always looked at Bastion. He was the most fun during Season 1 in my opinion. I always loved playing a game with him because at that point, he wasn’t strong due to the changes in the open beta, but he wasn’t the useful pile of bolts he is now. After the rework, I found him less fun but still enjoyable to play, but noticeably harder when working with a team, not because he was a bad pick (I mean, yes, he was) but because he either needed a team to revolve around him, or you needed a very specific setup, map and enemy to use him to his full potential. I pulled all the way to when Junkertown released (I don’t remember the period that even came out, I’ve forgotten too much about this game) and then quit out of just being bored and tired.
Looking at the support Bastion still has, and the dedicated people who play him and main him, all I can say is, How?
How have you managed for so long, since the start of the game, seen this character you love been constantly ignored at the beginning of the game, then seen left to rust, only then to be ignored even longer and still counting to this day. I wish I could say that posting on the forums, that making this megathreads or ultrathreads will change something, will make people at Blizzard listen, but if Bastion’s changes taught me anything about Blizzard and how they “listen” to players, its that they really, really don’t. You might think they do, but it is obvious to me and should be obvious to you, that they do not.
I could go on for hours, tell you everything in ‘The Last Bastion’ that doesn’t even make sense according to the release date and the status of Bastion at the time. The countless times that people like you have made threads, talking about this, trying to get Blizzard’s attention, yet does it ever work?
Thank you. Thank you for sticking so long for something that I wouldn’t try to fix, considering the track record that Blizzard now have with this game. The question now I think for Bastion mains, isn’t that “When is Bastion going to get a change or a GOOD change?” I think it is now “When are you going to get bored, tired of being angry, of being okay with this?”.
I have no hatred towards any of you, in fact, I like a lot of you because you obviously have more soul than I ever had to continue and try, but I don’t think this is going to achieve anything.


I ask myself that sometimes…

You see, i have always seen myself as a “Collector” Of sorts…
The person who owns the old books and other random things no one else wants, or cares about anymore… But when first playing this game, i picked up the most hated hero that no one would play, and decided i would main it.

And i haven’t quit since.

I Can’t say i agree with ya, but i see exactly where you are coming from.
For some ungodly reason i have spent over 100 hours on this poor robot, on Console controls, and yet… i’m still not leaving this game entirely.

With how i see it… If i don’t talk about these issues, Who will?
(Yes i know Some people still will, but… one less out of the few.)

I’ll never abandon my hero, the one i first fell in love with at the start, and the one i’ll never forget. the one with which i had the best gaming experience of my life. (So far at least)

And i’ll hammer that into these forums till changes are made, or they’ll have to silence me and continue ignoring their problems, even when they yell back.

Bastion may have been forgotten by most already, but i’ll never let them, nor blizzard, forget entirely.

-ChibiFox :fox_face:
Proud Bastion Main~
(Nice first post, Btw!)


Oh hey, this thread is still alive. Good. It still doesn’t have an orange post. Not good.

How do we get the devs attention? I know there’s no way they could each individually read every post ever made on the forums, but I would be thrilled to see even an acknowledgement about the state of Bastion. Even a hey, we hear you but it’s going to take 6 months would give me some faith.

Overall, I thought this thread had real promise of getting that kind of attention. This is the 3900th post, and we’ve done a pretty good job of staying on topic and discussing lots of ways to fix Bastion. I’m liking the idea of a frontal shield for Sentry mode that only regenerates in Recon mode. I think that’s the best idea I’ve seen so far to actually enable Bastion to act independently as a shield-breaker, and I would accept that even if I wouldn’t prefer it to having his old pre-rework damage model back.

I’m concerned, though, that good ideas like that one are going to get buried in a thread of thousands of posts that nobody ever sees.


Looks like jeff just confirmed changes for Sombra coming soon.
Not like he’ll confirm anything for Bastion, AmiRight?