Bastion is being forgotten

I see plenty of bastion doing just fine in gold, he’s disguisting if you can’t get to him in medium and short ranges. I’d rather not see buffs just so people play him more

And I Would rather see buffs, so he functions out of gold! :upside_down_face:

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Sombra gets nerfed, fixed in less than 4 months.

Bastion gets destroyed, it’s been about a year and a half with no end in sight


I have to ask, how aren’t you killing him at almost any range? Hanzo is broken vs Bastion and even before storm arrows he still was and there are many, many other ways to counter him in those ranges.


Possibly a lack of healer. Bastion actually does pretty well against teams that don’t have a strong healer, because he’s basically the king of chip damage.

I don’t think most people think about the fact that Mercy and Ana are incredibly strong counters to Bastion.

But doesn’t that mean he’s the king of killing people so slowly they don’t notice they’re dying? Is that a good thing?

Bastion kills people slower than fast food.

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No, it’s not good for Bastion because most teams will have the healing available to counter him. I’m just remarking about his strength in low rank play that people perceive even though the numbers don’t show it. Bastion can feel oppressive when he has a healer and you don’t, perhaps more than any other hero.

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Jeff plis come to our thread too :cry:


On the bright side though, fixing Sombra removes one more hero from the waiting list, putting us closer to a potential buff…

Or they’ll just put another hero in the list right after.

Yea… It’s been so long, this is like… the Third List we’ve been on.

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I mean, there aren’t that many f-tier and/or troll picks left… They’ll probably still ignore Bastion, but maybe hopefully not…

It was the F tier list, which they then announced and he wasn’t on it. Then it was the “someone else” list, and it appears to have been Sombra. Now Reinhardt has also been talked about having what appears to be coding changes. I think he has his own list but he’s the only one on it and it got swept under the rug.


Jeff obviously shredded it long ago.

Along with the Contracts Mercy mains signed with her.

For me, Bastion exemplifies what it means to rise to the occasion and overcome mental illness like I did, which is why I play him, among other reasons. He’s a big, lumbering robot with a few loose rivets and some rusty circuitry, but a big heart of untarnished gold. He can’t talk, he can’t quite imitate human actions and emotions, but he can move on from a dark past and develop emotions where there never should have been any. He’s the enigma, the outsider, the underdog, just like I was as a kid. He’s got a bird friend, and a nasty side that comes out from time to time. He’s friendly but wary of others, and lives in isolation. His only form of communication is a sort of auditorial game of charades of beeps and boops and some gestures. So simple, yet so much more than a combat robot. The devs designed these characters to be relatable, but Bastion seemed to be the only hero who seemingly no one could relate to, except me. To me, Bastion is the truest translation of who I am into an Overwatch character; I don’t just love Bastion, I feel like I KNOW Bastion. I know what it’s like to wake up one day without the ability to feel emotions, and then wake up the next as an emotional wreck. I know what it’s like to be rejected by everyone around you. I know what it’s like to be Bastion. I’d rather piss my SR away than stop playing Bastion.

I will never give up on Bird Machine.



At least Mercy is still played a ton.


I wish i had the confidence to say such things…

I was always the outcast kid, not just in general… I Literally never went to school, Never had a genuine friend, I was always just… there.

My only friends throughout life who didn’t try to hurt me were animals, and… Nearly all of them weren’t exactly… Around long…

I myself have dealt with a few things… Depression, (Technically Ptsd to some form or another) and the like.
That’s a Huge a part of why i relate so directly to Bastion.

And when no one else played said hero, i said to myself… There it is, MY Hero.

Still… I haven’t been through what others have, but i will never deny that i love this hero more than any other in this game.

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Well, here we go… We are about to reach 4000 posts soon.

Will i continue holding out for another year, for a greedy obviously manipulative company to fix their game?

Will we get even a single WORD About Bastion by then?

Lets see…

I once thought only time could tell… I was more wrong than i imagined.

Does it Really Take nearly two years and 4000 posts from annoyed players to even get a response from the Devs?

Like, even a: “We’re working on it”
Come on… i expected more than this.
And my expectations are Very Low.

Well that’s not fair to them either or they’d just start cranking out dlc or “Overwatch 2” and wouldn’t balance the current game or add the new features they’re adding.

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