Bastion is being forgotten

Maybe it’s because I play on console, but the people I play with are constantly complaining about pirate ship whenever we talk about balance.

I guess you could say I’m playing devil’s advocate? I want to promote more of a disscusion. Never can have enough of those :slight_smile:

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I play on Console Also. o-o

And i literally never see it work tho. X3


Ps4? And yeah I don’t either. But hearing it first hand from others makes me want to keep them in mind as well.

So I still feel like it would need to be addressed when buffing the character.

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Xbox. Lol…

And yea, But it’s like… Hard countered by at Least five or so Different heroes…

Not to mention Hack/Emp, alone.


Right. I agree. A random thought floating through my head: what if sentry form had recons spread? Would that make bastion more of a “skill” based character? Maybe less of an issue at the lower tiers?

Food for thought.


In what way?

People forget that Mercy was a huge factor in pirate ship. Sure, Bastion sits behind Orisa’s barrier but his 20% IC only acts like 60 HP.

And it’s funny that this gets brought up, because even with Pirate Ship Bastion is the least picked hero except Bronze and Silver. You can’t say he’s a problem when he’s really not. The stats back him up, and the reason why he’s only relevant in Pirate Ship in the first place is because the payload is a hop and a skip from the spawn, so take that away and Bastion reall doesn’t have anything.

He should not be held back due to the stigma against him nor the basis of ma design. Small changes to him won’t make him better than dive, it makes him more viable outside of Pirate Ship.

No, because fundamentally that’s not the point of Sentry. Sentry isn’t based around accuracy. It’s based on high DPS, and if you make it a pinpoint lazer it will shred anything. However the crux of his current problem is that he’s suppose to be weak against heros like Tracer, Genji, etc, but also sucks against tanks.

His spread is actually suppose to help the enemy not get shredded, which is why it got nerfed during his rework. Less of his bullets hit smaller targets, and so they don’t die as fast.

However, his rework failed and he has watered down Gatorade for Ironclad while having DPS that tanks simply aren’t afraid of.

He was only a pubstomper when people didn’t know Genji existed, but after everyone found out he fell from popularity. He actually takes skill. But those sitting from the sidelines not playing him think he’s fine, or even OP when he’s sitting at rock bottom since his rework gutted him, and pirate ship just makes everything seem OK when it’s not.


I understand and also want to say thank you to you and chibifox for discussing. The main thing is that if bastion gets buffed I want him to stay buffed. I don’t want him to be nuetered like he was previously. So I feel like playing devil’s advocate for the sake of furthering discussion was a good idea.

I love Bastion :slight_smile:


his pick rate is so low.
i never heard of “pro bastion” maybe this is the reason why

pro genji, tracer, soldier, junk (lul) , etc. but there’s no “pro bastion”


he can be countered easily by good pharahs


Isn’t that Kolorblind?


Kolor is one of the best, if not the best, bastion out there and he cant even keep top 500 anymore somewhat after his rework.


Kolor is the #1 Bastion player.


I am so glad that the devs have gave us a little light in the darkness. I think they just don’t say that it is bastion that they don’t release a shi*storm.

And wow! So many new people and even Kolorblind, the Bastion master himself joined the thread! It’s a honor, sir.

Let’s continue to fight for him. <3



There aren’t that many Bastion players, So let us Band together!
We might have actually made a Difference… If Jeff was talking about us, Which Most Of the information points towards that being a Yes.


-ChibiFox :fox_face:
Have faith my friend, Us Omnics will Return.-
(It would be Pretty Crazy if we got a Buff for our favorite Omnic During Uprising… As unlikely as that is… But it would at least fit the Theme… And perhaps help with the Backlash? lol)


Lets hope that one day we can enjoy him again and prove that good bastion players are a unstoppable force that should not be hated!


I have been playing Bastion since The Very beginning… It has been hard, but i have Lived through the Nerfs…

As i probably said in this thread somewhere, I Once Won a round of Deathmatch On (Console) With Bastion recently… :sunglasses: So, it may not be impossible to pull some fun out of it, But it sure is a Chore nowadays…

I can jump in as Tracer, for instance… And feel like i’m at LEAST On par with most other Players/Characters And i don’t even play Tracer Or other such “Meta” Characters much… Yet, even though i have over 100 Hours on Bastion, It shouldn’t always feel so… Hard… To get in, just to play around, ya know?

Someday, They Will Know how skilled us Bastion mains are…
Someday, We will carry Games again… :smirk_cat:

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Wait until I have some likes again…


Lol. X3 no need to waste them on Somebody like me…

Also, Why do we even HAVE A “Number of Likes”? ;-;


I think to make them more meaningfull and I am glad they did that. In this thread especially it’s hard to DON’T like something by all the good ideas.

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I think the fact that I took time out of my day to read someone else’s post and then click the button under it makes my likes meaningful already.

High DPS isn’t worth anything if your bullets don’t go anywhere near the thing you are aiming at. Bastion’s purpose before the rework was–to use your words–to shred anything. Repurposing the mode to dedicate Sentry Bastion to shield breaking rather than “shredding” people took an already niche hero with an abysmal pick rate and made that hero even more of a niche pick.

When anyone else shoots Bastion, Bastion dies because he has Roadhog’s hitbox but with only half of Roadhog’s health. When Bastion shoots anyone else, they need to die. That is why Bastion needs his old Sentry gun back, with a tight bullet spread and critical damage multipliers. Buffing Ironclad isn’t the way to go. We already saw how that worked out. Buffing Bastion’s effective damage output is the only other way to go without giving him added mobility.