Bastion is being forgotten

Why? Bastion’s winrate in silver is barely average and his pickrate is 1.16%. It’s better than anywhere else but it’s still horrible. This is a case of the git gud-s.

BTW I’m talking about silver stats because he’s silver just to make it clear for anyone else.

Both bastion and orisa are already in the forgotten section so i dont get his statement. :slight_smile:

So you agree it’s throwing to pick him on the best maps for him? Hmm, that seems to be the opposite of saying he needs to be forgotten.

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I have not forgotten him. reposted my ability idea today and will not stop until SOMETHING is done to help our bird loving battletank

ht tps://

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Can you calm down a bit?

You say it’s boring to spam a barrier and get non crit hits, that’s why the most popular idea is to decrease spread and add headshots. Suddenly he can hit things instead of only barriers and has crits so you aim for the head.

BAM! He’s exactly the way you yourself said you want him. Less spam and more aim.

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🔅 Bastion Ability - "Active camouflage"

here I made it a link.

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gratsi, and who wouldnt love a turret that could shred people trying to contest a payload 2CP though is where i think camo would really help he dies once and it’s hard to re position.

What if…

  • Bastion can now place a decoy of himself to spread disinformation and confusion on enemy team.


  • (i belive there was a perk in farcry 3 that worked similar) You get notified (an arrow next to xhair) when enemy is looking at you. This can be proven help full when someone is trying to sneak onto you. Sneaky Tracers and others can play around this problem by just not looking at bastion when moving (bastion not on screen or not.debatable)



The first one is kinda a joke but feel free to work with it if you like it.

thing is it would be going off constantly and be pretty annoying and if it had a time delay it wouldnt be useful. props for thinking outside the box though

That would be good as a new illusion hero. You create fake you’s that deal very little damage and take way more damage than you but in a mass of “yous” it’ll be hard to find the real you.

imma throw that one in the hero concept idea pool lol.


“Gets a kill as Bastion”
Since i have no friends.


Hi guys and girls,

I am writing once again to help keep this thread going as Bastion’s pick rate is truly dismal…

I just saw a video about season 10 heroes pick rate and it is very disappointing for Bastion.

Overwatch | THE ACTUAL SEASON 10 META - What’s The Meta? Stats Report

Apparently, the recent nerfs and changes to the various other heroes did little to help bring lift Bastion up from the the bottom of the barrow when comes to pick rate. He is still the laughing stock of the Overwatch community. If people are not picking him, then there is obviously something really wrong with him that is beyond just a simple tweak.

I am still holding on to the hope that Blizzard will eventually fix him up somehow. I refuse to believe that the Overwatch team would let one of its many wonderful creations be simply forgotten. It is my believe that the developers will eventually get to work on him to make him viable. It amazes me that there are various popular Youtubers out there who actually think that he is currently “balanced” while completely ignoring his genuinely shameful pick rate.


Perhaps I’ve been pessimistic in the past as a Bastion main in how I would consider giving up on him as he is not viable and we are being constantly reminded in every other game the fact that we are either “retarded” or “losers” in playing him.

Instead, I have a change of heart as I identify with this hero and I will not let anybody take the fun out of me playing him. I am a Bastion main and I am who I am after all. Here is the new strategy for us… I am calling for all Bastion mains to continue to play him. Not only that, play him in every game!

Bastion is a legit (original) hero in the game and it is such that he has his place in OW from day one! If you play him and others complain, let them send their complains to Blizzard. Instead of taking our grievances to the OW forum, lets take it into the game!

Not that we are aiming to troll, but we love our Bastion and we want to play him for the win at the best of our ability with the kit that he is given. If others have an opinion that is differing than our’s, let them complain to Blizz that we are “broken” or “unacceptable” in the game so that the developers would address it.

I admire this mega thread (out of the efforts of so many) as it shows how much all of us love Bastion and how we want him to be made viable in the game so that we can enjoy full citizenship in the Overwatch community. Unfortunately, that is fallen to death years.

Let us take Bastion onto the street… in every corner of every game! Let others be our voice in telling Blizz that it is unacceptable to have a Bastion in their team. Let the haters speak for us as they recognize how inept and broken Bastion really is.

We have the right to play Bastion as he is made to be what he is in the game. I for one will play Bastion in winning or losing. The thing is, I am having fun in playing him instead of playing something else that is being forced onto me in which I don’t even enjoy playing.

My friends, please go out there and make your voices count by playing Bastion. I am proud of being a Bastion main and so should you. Don’t let the meta slaves dictate what you should and shouldn’t play. Stick up for your hero and play Bastion as he is our fun in the game. Otherwise, why play the game at all when we are playing for the pleasures and in support of others?

Every Bastion pick by you in every game is a vote to keep Bastion alive! That is the real truth! Don’t ever let others tell you that you are not worthy of the game as a Bastion main!

Go out there and vote in the game by picking Bastion!

  • A Bastion Main

If you love Bastion, then pick him in each and every game. That is a show of force by us Bastion mains. We are here to stay from the beginning of the game. They are not to get rid of us! We are here to stay in ever game. Show our power by the number in playing Bastion!

They can’t ignore us when we are in each and every game! Like it or not! Stand up as a Bastion main.


Way ahead of you.

I’m picking Bastion in every single game where it wouldn’t be deliberately throwing the match.

That is to say, unless no one else will play a healer or tank, I’m picking Bastion.


Well even in qp some “other typical dps” main players will pick bastion before me just to not let me play him…

Jokes on them I instalock orisa and the comp they just picked is fine with me.

I’m trying something new as Bastion: calling out my targets while using Sentry Mode.

Too often, I’ll nearly kill an enemy only for them to duck behind cover. I can keep them pinned behind that cover, unable to attack my teammates, but I was always watching in frustration as none of my teammates finished my target off before they got healed or I got killed.

Well, if Zenyatta players are supposed to call out Discorded targets to let their team know who to focus*, then Bastion players should do the same.

*And as Ana players should always call out targets whom they are ABOUT to Sleep Dart.


Please just fix bastion… Also J. … In bastions current state he is not a tank buster, as he gets countered by most of them.




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