Bastion is being forgotten

More and more players make new posts about bastion everyday, ppl want changes.

Hope one day we will get some love. For now? Orisa. She sometimes melts like good ol bastion. Brings me happiness.


What if bastion had HAMR (Heat Adaptive Modular Rifle) type of sentry weapon, so when you start firing it goes from fast firing high spread into a bit slower fire rate and more accurate. So if you wanna have a high dps upclose you tap / burst to maintain high RoF.

Would probably make bastion worse in some situation.

For reference look up FN HAMR from black ops 2.

On the other hand im gonna tell ya that sombra small weapon buff actually made her a bit better in gun fights, plus we know bastion is good upclose.

So what about that? If we only got a spread decrease i would be fine with it. For some time, to see if its enough.

Not sure if spread plus better damage drop off tho, sounds a bit too much maybe. Debatable i guess.

So yea, smaller spread and we gucciBASS clap.

Or make it consume ammo twice as fast but the damage stays the same.

All i want is for Sentry to actually kill things, when they willingly look down the barrel.

Like… If that genji chooses to Deflect right in front of me, Watching me Not shoot him, And i Fire into his face the moment he is done flailing his swords, He needs to die.

Not just laugh as i tickle him.

Winston does more damage, at a higher range… to Genjis.
With less aim required. (<This part is debatable when it comes to Rng spread.)

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A fire rate increase on Bastion? That’s alot of bullets.

I never said it actually increases his firerate. If he had an ability that makes him more accurate it could just consume 2 ammo per bullet making his max sustained fire 5 seconds instead of 10 without changing his firerate or damage.

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Ah ok I overlooked that. My bad. Really anything that helps his spread is a plus in my book

Is it against the rules to hold polls about things?

I wanna hold a poll to see how many people fear Bastion, and keep their distance, and how many just Run towards one whenever they see it.

I think the Results would be… Shocking To most people.

Anything related to bastion is pretty much against the rules. :somebastionemoji:

Im not sure, but what about that one poll where players picked their idea for bastion change?

How do you post links? It says I cant :confused:

Please explain what you mean, because I don’t think there’s any range at which Bastion performs well.

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Doomfist without shields, can last like… What, 30 full seconds fighting a Bastion?
At point blank range?

Often times outputting MORE Direct damage, Especially when Stuns are involved?!!?

Something needs to change.

NO ONE Should last very long at All Fighting a Bastion in Sentry mode, Within Ten Meters.

(And yes, i have been on Both sides of that fight. -.-
Literally feels Cheap fighting against the poor thing.

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I think it’s against the rules to hold “vote with your comments” polls. I think links are fine though.

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You have to be trust level 3, I am currently and you’re trust level 2 right now.

From what we can tell people need to have visited at least 50 days and read 20k posts.

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I wanted to know just how bad Bastion’s spread actually was, so I did some maths on it…

At 15m, his spread is about a 0.80m (2.62 foot) circle
At 20m, his spread is about a 1.04m (3.41 foot) circle
At 25m, his spread is about a 1.31m (4.30 foot) circle
At 30m, his spread is about a 1.57m (5.15 foot) circle
At 35m, his spread is about a 1.83m (6.00 foot) circle
At 55m, his spread is about a 2.88m (9.45 foot) circle

35 meters is the beginning of his damage falloff, yet his spread is wider than most characters are tall, meaning that most of your shots aren’t going to hit because they’ll just fall outside of the hitbox, even if you’re aiming dead center on the enemy.

At 55m (roughly, I couldn’t find an exact measurement in the practice range), it takes Bastion about 200 (give or take) bullets to kill a training dummy, while it takes Soldier 18 with all of them being headshots. Bastion in Recon mode takes 17 headshots to kill a training dummy. Soldier takes 36 shots to kill with all body shots, Bastion takes 34. All of these are ignoring Soldier’s Helix Rocket, and only using his primary fire. Also note that Bastion’s bloom kicks in before Soldier’s does, (Bastion’s is 2 bullets in, while Soldier’s is 3), but Bastion has a lower max spread (1.5° compared to Soldier’s 2.4°)

From what I can tell, training bots are about 0.89m (2.92 feet) tall. I got this by positioning Bastion so that his crosshair with bloom matches up with the training dummy’s model, then doing the calculation on that distance to find his height. It’s not exact, but that should be fairly close. They are close to the same width too, only slightly skinnier than they are tall.

For anyone interested, I used the formula
( 2 * Distance ) / tan(88.5°)
to find these measurements.
The 2 is to account for this only being half of the triangle (I split it in half to get a nice pretty right triangle, then doubled it at the end)

Edit: Added more stuff to max range info


Wish i could post a vid or at least a gif :confused:

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put this button ` (the one directly above tab) before and after a link. It makes it gray and unclickable but is easily copy pasted into a browser.

Thanks GrantMan…

Interesting analysis!

I think even without the math to back it up, any good Bastion main could tell that his sentry mode now just tickles the enemy team (when being more then a few meters away) while letting them know of your exact location so that they can come after you.

Two viable Bastion strategies (currently):

  1. Have your team babysit you so that you can be in the middle of the fight without dying instantly from being focused fire upon.
  2. If not, camp out around a corner somewhere and let your enemy (by chance) walk in front of you.

That is why Bastion is a joke as he is right now. Anything good coming out of him is considered to be “cheese strat” either out of your team babysitting you or just from pure luck out of camping around a corner as a surprise to the unlucky few in the enemy team walking by.

Bastion gets no respect! He is both a joke to your own team and also to the enemy team. That is what hurts the most being us Bastion mains. Any Bastion POTG is a comedy show that invites salt. In fact, I personally don’t like to get POTG anymore as it often resulted in toxic comments from both teams. I am getting to the point where I feel the need to apologize to the shields and heals as it is so ingrained in the Overwatch community that Bastion is less than deserving even if you achieve a complete team wipe.

No mater how you did in the game, you are a loser for playing Bastion.

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This discussion seemed to be doing pretty well, but then I guess it fell off the front page and was forgotten? I wrote the last post, so it won’t let me write another until someone else does.