Bastion is being forgotten

I wouldn’t want a shield if it meant replacing repair. Repair is one of his best defenses against damage, and a shield couldn’t compete with that. Replacing the repair would just shift his reliance from tanks to supports, which would mean if your team has a Bastion, you pretty much have to dedicate a support to him. A shield is going to be melted pretty quick, but self-heal can save him from a lot more.

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Bastion has Self-Heal because he can’t use human language to say “I need healing!”

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I meant the curved barrier itself not the glowing bits on Bastion.

“a projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions.”

If I understand that correctly it’s the things on the sides

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He can fire for 10 seconds straight.

I like it. It could use more ironclad but other than that I love the tank cannon. I love making Phara tilt when I airshot her.

It happened because people were getting different results. The people who got the bug tended to get it a lot so it was normal for them. They had to pick a standard so they chose one.

That would work better with the rework I and some other people came up with. It’d put his ult on E with stats similar to Phara’s rockets (projectile speed stays the same) and his ult boosts all modes. It wouldn’t limit the number of shots at all though it’s up to you to make use of all modes.


He has his E ability open if you were thinking we meant replace healing.


The tank cannon isn’t good enough to make up for how radically different it is from Bastion’s normal play experience. You get absolutely no practice time using it in real play or on the practice range.

It wasn’t until Infinite Ultimate Duration became an option in Custom Game Modes that we finally got a method to properly train with the tank cannon… and learn just how precise you actually have to be.

The shell’s hitbox is as small as a bullet and the explosive radius is quite possibly the smallest in the game.

I shot a shell at a Reaper’s feet and he completely avoided all damage by JUMPING over it.

And once again, I’ll point out how the mode is terrible for actually fighting squishies despite ostensibly being intended to kill them. But while we’re on the subject, WHY does his Ultimate completely change his target priorities? Does that happen with ANYONE else’s Ultimate?

And the rocket jumping!

No Ultimate should require such dedicated practice just to get some kind of basic return for using it!

I think it’s good enough and I have practice enough to airshot people pretty reliably.

Is it really the size of a bullet? Because the size of a bullet is pinpoint, like 1 pixel big kind of size.

Its splash damage does suck though, you’d think the splash would have hit him there.

I think it’s fine for killing them.

Kill the tanks or if it’s a Rein/Orisa just their barrier then ult. 3 shots kills Rein and 2 kills Orisa. If you don’t want to prioritize them the squishies no longer have a barrier.

But I like rocket jumping ;_;

I think Blizzard doesn’t want to buff Bastion because they are now scared of how well players who are bastion mains are going to do in bronze silver gold. That does not make it right but I’m pretty sure that’s what they are thinking

his winrate is 48% in gold so the whole dominates in bronze thing is a lie. Or at least people just keep perpetuating it without looking at stats.

yeah I’m saying that’s what people in bronze and silver think cuz blizzard loves listening to low skill baby’s

They remember the 1 game they lost not the 10 they won.

-.- yeah
people who whine about bastion aren’t the most logical

If a newbie can miss three tank shots at a Pharah DIRECTLY OVER THEIR HEAD, within that enormous reticle, then something is wrong.

Have you tested tank shots against thin targets like road sign-posts? Like the ones you see in Numbani and Hollywood. It’s ridiculous! One hair off and you miss.

Not if they’re not around to kill. Tank Mode is too dangerous to use when ANY enemy is in line of sight, and squishies will run away and hide to wait for your next two seconds of complete vulnerability.

And this is leaving aside how bad the cannon is at actually hitting anything small and agile.

In what world can Bastion do that? Orisa plops down her second barrier or pops Fortify, and Reinhardt ducks behind a corner before his shield breaks or else gets close enough to Charge.

But you shouldn’t NEED it to make Tank Mode useful!

I was trying to reply to the guy above me, he mentioned replacing the repair with a shield. It didn’t actually hit reply for some reason though… Mobile :rage:

Yeah, putting shield on E is great as long as he can still heal. I would even be happy with a permanent shield (on sentry), and you have to go into recon to recharge it…

No hero in the game is that skinny though.

That’s not the point a cannon shot should have a bigger hitbox size than a pin point