Bastion is being forgotten

This is also true. :thinking:

If it got busted tho it would need a loooong cooldown. I’m worried this much defense would force a nerf on his offense and he would wind up back in the gutter not being able to do much vs enemy tanks.

The idea that I and a few others came up with is that he can’t regenerate his shield until he stands up in recon. It’s the same as Brigitte’s and Rein’s where you can’t regen them while they’re in use.

It buffs sentry while also encouraging more use of recon.


thats not too bad of an idea. If it could only regen in recon form that would lessen the hate. but then you’d have bastions trying to YOLO to get shields & kills or hiding from fights while they charge back up to feel “safe”

idk he has armor too so adding shielding just seems like a bad idea inn general to me, one or the other would probably have to go and i’d rather have the armor.

Im really curious to see how the new sym turns out before i could get behind a shielded bastion to be honest. Even have the 75 from shield barrier currently significantly buffs his ability to survive in turret form since he can repair it as well.

Not shields as in blue HP but the barrier.

Shields is just kinda a tank & symmetra thing for the most part if its not hp like zenyatta, and symmetra might not even have that ability soon. I think he needs a new ability definitely but as much as i’d love using him, id probably hate facing him since i primarily play tanks in comp. I can just see myself going “KILL THE BASTION!!!” and my teams shouting “WE"RE TRYING, SHUT UP AND KEEP HOLDING UP YOUR SHIELD!!”

I wouldn’t mind seeing the shield added. It would counter roadhog hooks which would make it 1 less counter for bastion.

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And yet, EVERY new skin has kept the apparent shield-projectors that his pauldrons unfold to reveal. This suggests to me that they never completely gave up on the idea, and have always allowed themselves a backdoor to bring it back if they saw fit.

Except for Roadhogs that put in the effort to flank and hook the Bastion from a blindspot. Which is counterplay that I can happily accept.

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Um, who or what is Bastion? Isn’t that french for fort or something?

I’ve been seeing a lot more Bastions lately, at least in quick play. Many teams had had one on attack and/or defend. A friend even asked one if there was a particular reason and the answer was bursting down Brig’s shield ^.^

Yes, it’s like the current Pharah locust plague… a lot of Bastions popped up out of nowhere… apparently it’s an easy answer to Brig or so they say. I think most just enjoy the high skill challenge of holding the mouse button down for 30 seconds at a time.

I still use bastion to counter pharah mercy in QP. Tried to use him any other way besides “surprise bastion” and its way less effective than having another tank or healer. Usually get countered by hog, tracer, genji, or hanzo.

He usually does well against Brigette and if he was buffed some im sure he could help counter the current meta a bit.

Bastion was a pretty good counter to Pharah though… not now as even if you aim accurately spread means you miss. If Pharah has a Mercy tailing her she’s unkillable. Many of the problems in OW right now exist because Bastion’s spread has been nerfed. You used to be able to use him to suppress and provide cover fire over distance, but no longer.

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Spoken like someone who doesn’t play Bastion, and therefore remains willfully ignorant of the high skill challenge of SURVIVING as a Bastion, and fighting the maximum spread, no headshot spray-and-pray to try and have any effect at all.

Speaking of ineffective fire:

I just came away from a few custom games where I use infinite Tank Mode against 4-to-5 bots.

I knew that tank shells had smaller hitboxes than the animation suggests, but I had no idea how SMALL the explosions are. This explains how a player-controlled Reaper was able to JUMP over a shell I fired AT HIS FEET and be totally unharmed by it.


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Remember that time where Genji had a bug with his ultimate that would give him an extra slash with his sword if the latency was off so they acknowledged this with a buff rather than a fix? I love blatant favoritism.

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It took them HOW long to fix a bug with Bastion that kept him from firing a tank shell for the first second of his Ultimate? Was the bug in the game from launch?

I suppose we should be thankful they didn’t make it an official nerf!


Reading some of these, I’m actually kinda sold on the personal shield thing again… I didn’t like it at first, because it seemed like it would just be another thing for people to complain about (and I’m sure it still would be, because reasons…), but having it only regen in Recon would be a nice balance to it, and if it were only around 500, it could defend against something like a storm arrow volley and allow Bastion to not basically instantly die from 3 miles away. It still allows some nice counterplay by sneaking behind the Bastion, which is also nice.

I would still want his sentry to be a tiny bit better damage-wise though. Maybe reduced, but still always maxed spread, and a weaker form of headshots. I would prefer a nearly full revert of Sentry (minus the repair and transformation times) without the shield, but I think the shield could be a pretty nice re-addition to his kit. Obviously, Ironclad would need to go, but that’s fine, it’s not all that useful anyway… And if Ironclad does go, add his armor back to Tank mode.

I think I still prefer the E tank, but this would make him much more self-sufficient, which is what he really needs right now to be viable.


Isnt it easy how to fix bastion? Go back to the original plan. Give bastion his shield back.

On the topic of Bastion buffs: What if Tank Mode worked like Storm Arrows?

Increase the duration to 12-15 seconds (Valk territory), but limit it to the 7 shots he can currently do. Same firepower, but now you can save those shells for when it really counts and/or transform somewhere safe before moving in.

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No, thats a complete change. His change doesnt has to be so complicatedm just replace repair with a switch to turn on/off the original idea with the shield. This will make him more independant. Shield tanks dont havr to babysit him and if a tracer gets behind him, he turns around, flicks on his shield and he wont lose all his hp.