Bastion is being forgotten

I’ve DONE IT. :joy_cat:

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Never seen it even in the Overwatch League

I bet you have :joy:

The OWL is basically just grav and dragonstrike right now and was just dive before.

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Now turret meta/ dive meta/ snipe meta Should be ROCK_SCISSORS_PAPER relation

Oh i intend not to take his remarks seriously from this point already, just clarifying it for what it is.

My “active camouflage” topic could use some constructive criticism tho.
ht tps://

How about tank mode as normal ablilty(with dmg reduce)
and ULTIAMTE as sentry gun with tank’s body?(moving sentry)

poor guy doesn’t get that the point was simply, Bastion/Orisa comps are Majorly countered to the point where you can’t even use them any more.

Nothing has been “Derailed” If anything, my point has been further proven.
Thanks for your help.

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Sad that this guy never understood the strength of that comp and their lack of counters. He even went on a personal vendetta and completely took this thread off on a tangent.

Just ignore him. He’s not worth our time. If anything flag him for personal attack and trolling like I did.

stop fueling him, i already flagged him directly insulting people here, suggest you do the same till the mods decide if his comments have any merit here not really constructive, just offensive.


Oh, i’m ignoring him. I never even responded to him. He’s just still here reading it all. X3

I’m literally laughing at “Lack of counters” Right now.

Finally we can get back on topic. Bastion and his strengths and weaknesses.

Lmao at “Majorly countered to the point where you can’t even use them any more.”

ht tps://

good or bad? what would you change?

Lets get back on Topic.

I have been putting a LOT Of thought into this, and… I’m thinking there actually IS A Chance of this coming back:


  • The assets are already there, More than likely.
  • Bastion’s issues involve being non Independent.
  • Bastion would be able to act as a Defensive Structure again.

Lets talk about the Concept a little further.

How much health would you prefer, And how would you want it to be maintained?
(I love the idea of only recharging in Recon, But you could make it able to be “Healed” at expense of the Healing Bar Bastion already has… But that one might be a bit complicated.)

Someone also mentioned a possible nod to this, in new skins.
The shoulder armor opens up, when in Sentry, showing lights inside.
(The only skin without this however, is Dunebuggy… as far as i can tell)
And the idea is, what if those lights show where the shield is projected from?

It sure is interesting to say the least.

Can we please calm down and stop the name calling? It’s only causing enmity and will go nowhere good. I don’t want this thread locked for being derailed as well.

They might have deleted the assets. I know it’s a horrible idea to delete important things but if they were never planning on bringing it back they may have thought “why keep it?”

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I dont think we’ll see the personal shield coming back not unless it was something small like 200 shield because the forum would probably implode from all the hate bastion would get. Personally i dont think i want to fight that kind of bastion either. There would be much use for rein or orisa if had his own shielding.

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Hmm… If not shielded bastion…



I think 300-500 would work as a shield. The same as his HP or half of the original shield.

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I mean all the assets for the E Tank and Overclock rework already exist in the game :man_shrugging: