Bastion is being forgotten

I do miss my elite controller especially with pharah but fixing it twice already the 3rd time i reverted back to the basic. They break easily, the cost of performance i guess.

But yeah i did put alot of effort into making the ability “fit” bastion. I assume people are here because they want to help bastion so a little love or criticism in the topic i link would be great to keep eyes on it.

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I’m on my second One. X3

They really are Fragile.

I’m considering turning it into a project, and giving the dang thing a Metal Skeleton/Body.

I literally JUST Got this one recently, In box, Unopened.
And the Rubber on the sides is already coming off. :confused:

definitely made sense why you can get “customization kits” either for flair or upgrades.

Tell this to all the cheesers running bastion + orisa + torb…

I can’t see what you replied TO… So… uh… What? O-o

bunker-comp is a legit strategy like dive-comp especially for defense and moving a payload, though a nuke or EMP utterly destroys it.

As i said earlier in a different topic, i Literally Got BOTH Of Sombra’s Achievements playing Defense on Junkertown, In a Single comp match.

No it’s what they did to it that got us here. The general consensus from hundreds of Bastion mains and non Bastion mains alike (I do have numbers if you want them) is to reduce spread and allow headshots and that’s it.


EMP like anything sombra does is worthless. D.Va nukes have been nerfed into the ground that those don’t do much either. I have seen people try and mostly fail to counter that cheese comp

EASY to do…

now i know your just trolling. 1000 damage is “bad” in your book and EMP on a 6 characters is hardly not effective if the team actually pushes and sombra didnt just suicide for no reason.

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I beg to differ. Lol.

Staying alive long enough to hack 15 enemies?
Hacking an entire Team all at once?
(Which was HUGE Since my team was smart enough to follow up on it. Got an instant team kill.)

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Typical tactic to show you don’t know about the game. Yes it is. DVa used to be able to team kill in an single ult. Now she’s lucky to get 3 kills. EMP is like poking your friend in the arm with your finger. It’s annoying but far from the end of the world.

I smell bait but im not hungry

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Yup. 100% Sure you are trolling.

(Or you just need to Experience a Coordinated team wipe.)


You can beg to differ but it really isn’t that hard. You said you did it to them in this comp. That means they are super close together. = EZ

Usually healers are smart enough to stay BACK Away from the middle of their team, Perhaps you haven’t seen that before down in Silver?

Guys can we just calm down and forget anything about “bait” or “trolls”? This is getting out of hand.

Take the L. It is calling for you.

Bc team wipes never come from sombra EMP’s. Not in Gold not in platinum.

Actually they do I’ve seen it.

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