Bastion is being forgotten

Only if Bastion can sing a happy tune while using it. :blush:

(Proceeds to murder Everyone on the payload while humming a happy tune)

I know it doesn’t matter cuz I’m in silver but I also have over a 100 hours on bastion <3

If you want to be able to buff bastion without making protect the president the meta you need to make his turret transformation a temporary transformation with a cooldown. The longer he’s in turret form the greater the cooldown. I’d give it a base of 5 seconds up to 20 second cooldown. Then you can really buff him up and make him the hero we all want.

How’s about No? :upside_down_face:

That would gut Bastion.

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How about we make him a KING, hes been a president for wayy too long.

hmm, is bastion russian? :thinking:

Hold up, when were the elections?
put the elections on ptr first before live servers next time.

“bastion now slides off the payload, preventing from setting up and riding in turret form.”

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Or we could not ruin him completely?


That’s basically just turning Turret Mode into an Ultimate. An Ultimate objectively worse than Pharah’s because Bastion can’t jump high into the air before locking himself in place.

“Protect the President” is a boring strategy that no one wants to USE, and it has the same counters that Bastion already has. Giving Bastion other ways to compete will actually REDUCE the instances of “Protect the President” because those strategies will require less coordination around a single hero AND those other strategies will be more dynamic, fun, and flexible.

ht tps://

doing pretty well with him at petra.

You might not know this, but…

Im actually really good at bastion and he really shines
in practise range.

Training bots die fast so i guess he might secretly be meta! :octopus:

Please dont get upset by any jokes (funny or not) i make on forums. They are not made to insult you in anyway. I do not wish to make fun of your skill or rank. If this sounds toxic to you then i highly apologize.

All jokes aside , i dont even know where to start.

  • First clip, i presume the rank is not high as brigg totally forgot about both shift and stun and just carried on with swinging.
  • 2nd one boi, not sure if that was the same brigg from the 1st clip but here we go again, playing passive instead of being aggressive leaving bastion to fully heal up while she is wasting her shield.
  • 3rd one, moira… is like winston vs bastion, predictable outcome, carry on.
  • 4th the spicy one, here we see a good joke we can use: 2 tracers walk into a bastion… Both of them died while moving slowly without blinks towards you, in a straight line. One died because of slow reaction time and lack of awareness (and short memory?), the other tracer just did a suicide stick from the front.

8/10 bastion seems strong and comp ready.

(plus its console, bastion will always be a bit bit bit better than pc)


Yea, those tracers…

In my games they already would have landed a 360 no scope Pulse from half the map away, off the back of a clueless doomfists head.


Well if u don’t want sacrifice turret duration and turn it into something similar in power to a mercy rez then you have to leave turret form as is and buff recon some more and ultimate.

Some recon buffs might be an additional ability added that overloads bastion and increases his movespeed and rate of fire while in recon.

A recon buff where he activates combat mode from before he was damage and became friendly. And this mode would eliminate any bloom on his rifle for a limited time and instantly reload his gun.

I think he had a game made about him years ago.

Or you could just make him more self-sufficient in sentry mode… Like tighter spread, tweak the healing a bit to make it slightly less clunky (make the actual healing instant instead of the delay it has now, only use resources when he actually heals), give headshots back, reduce the ammo… If he’s good on his own, he won’t need a team to babysit him, hence why Soldier and McCree aren’t used in protect the president comps…

Recon is fine where it is, maybe it could use a slightly faster reload speed, but overall it’s pretty good. Sentry is where he struggles, and since that’s the main tool in his kit, he struggles overall.


We don’t have to do anything you say. We say it’s a bad idea and there are plenty of good ideas out there. Just because we don’t like yours doesn’t mean it’s the only option.

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Looks like all these Bastion mains just want turret mode to be amazing against all heroes again and just sit there and right click their way into play of the game. That’s how bastion got into the state he’s in to begin with.

No, we want Sentry Mode to actually function as it Should.

When we give up any mobility, we want to be a threat to anyone who dare come near us.

We want our skill, Positioning, and mechanical aim, to be a factor in our success.

If i do a 180, Shooting right at head level, Right as a Tracer uses All three blinks to blink right up to my back, She should be punished out right for having not gotten the drop on me.

That’s how counter play works.
Not “I picked X Hero, so you must switch now”
Certain heroes DO Further counter others… But they should NEVER Force a switch by simply being picked.

Hell, i have even seen a good Roadhog main Force someone on the enemy team OFF Of reaper… Simply because he kept out playing him.


he really does need a new ability, on console i have 4 shoulder buttons and ones and voiceline because theres nothing else.

maybe this?
ht tps://

Four shoulder buttons And triggers? :thinking:

If so, that’s pretty lucky.

Which console do you play on?
(My Pc isn’t wanting to load things correctly right now. X3)

lol i count the triggers as shoulder buttons old habit from PS2 days when it was L1 and L2 hahaha Xbox now.

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OH. I’m a dumb. Lol

I don’t remember if i bound mine differently or not… But i definitely don’t have any extra room. X3

I even have the Xbox elite controller, Which means my Y X B A Buttons are bound to the Back paddles.
(Even though the ones on the front still are bound, And cannot be changed without binding the back paddles at the same time. FeelsGreatMan)

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