Bastion is being forgotten

I prefer the idea of an “Overclock” kinda thing that buffs all his forms in an ult, but Tank on E is pretty much a necessary change at this point.

I could totally get behind removing the crappy tank cannon and replacing it with the regular Sentry Gun. Mobile Sentry Gun.

Give Sentry mode tank treads by default, and pressing E roots Bastion in place. Tank Sentry has same spread and lack of headshots as Sentry does now, rooted Sentry has better accuracy and headshots… :thinking:

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Sure, great, let’s do that.

Let’s do anything.


Bastion should be a hybrid hero, you press shift to transform from dps into a tank or a support (??).

Oh boi, finally i can play multi-class. Flexing can get even better!

I’m perfectly fine with ALL Of these suggested changes…
As long as they come with a Sentry Revert.


Replace Bastion’s bullets with Ana’s darts

sleep darts?


No no, her healing darts… At 30 rounds per second… with 300 ammo

Actually wait, sleep darts would work too… maybe give him a dart that does both. And it’s still a hitscan

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I figured out what the voiceline is… It’s his “They have a shield generator” line…

Or maybe a teleporter… not sure which one it is

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Oh yea i love that one, i wish it was a voice line that you could use.

I want to datamine it and use it as a notification sound on my phone, but Blizz made it harder to datamine stuff :cry:

I can’t find an audio file anywhere…

If it’s on YT You can just download it Right from there. :wink:

It’s a whole video though, I’d have to cut that part out :confused:

I use This At very least for if you want the audio.
Got that link from a friend, so… caution.

Can we get tank bastion the ability to use his recon gun as well as fire tank rounds? I think that would help out a lot.

I want the power to cancel Tank Mode by left-shifting straight into Turret Mode.

And I want him to be viable :stuck_out_tongue:

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What does bastion actually counter atm? …winston…and?..?..?

oh …and don’t say doomfist, atleast not in above diamond/masters… i have yet to meet a doomfist that i can reliable counter in any fashion.

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I can usually win against a Winston, Doomfist, and a lone I’ll normally need a 2v1 for much of anything else…