Bastion is being forgotten

Do you think it would help if the movement and jump/crouch keys did stuff in sentry mode (not necessarily movement but maybe sentry-only abilities, like if hitting jump fires a projectile-destroying flak shell) or would a good E be enough?

I think Sentry should get at least a majority of it’s damage back, but not mobility. If he were to get that damage back, I don’t think he would really need an E to be usable, but it would definitely help with him being viable. I would really like to have Tank on E, as well as some minor Sentry buffs (lowered spread, 1.5x headshot damage).


i mean, i just want them to look at bastion like they did hanzo and junk lol…
At the same time … maybe decide what role bastion has, is he a “reaper” style hero or a longer range hero. because hes just bad at everything atm, what i mean by that is that for him to be effective, he has to avoid all his counters, wich is pretty much all the other heroes in some manner AND be in range to kill things…


Oh I didn’t mean letting him move during sentry, I mean binding some sentry-only functions to his movement keys, like maybe he can adjust balance between spread vs. damage on the fly by pressing forward and back, or fire a special knockback shot with jump

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Bastion counters anyone who is unaware of his presence lol. And besides winston that’s about it.

Personally i can kill brigette and zarya with bastion reliably but that might just be me and the bracket I’m in.

Dva. Maybe.
Doomfist. Still a hard no there. If you counter doomfist, then that doomfist played poorly. He can pretty much rocketpunchninjahit you, jump over you shoot you in the head, and you are dead, even with perfect tracking.

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Oh right, forgot about Brigitte… She’s somewhat easy to take out if she tries to solo you, but if she has her team, you’re probably done…

Zarya though, I can hardly ever kill… I’ll think I can get a kill on her, so I’ll break her bubble, get her to about 30 HP because half of my shots go in some other direction, and then she’ll go around a corner…

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Prior to Brigitte’s release I thought Bastion could’ve been a good anti-dive hero if he was given knockback in sentry mode and could temporarily armour up allies like she does.

But it turns out a lot of people dislike Brigitte so I dunno if that would’ve worked out anyway. :frowning:

I think that might be a bit confusing. Even if you tell people about it in the hero details thing, it seems kinda counter-intuitive…

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No, brigitte takes bast in most situations. Only if she gets suprised by you (or tries to solo you from RANGE) does she go down.
1v1 is not really a thing bastion does anyway, as he can rarely pursue anything, and if he tries to go full recon, then yeah he might get that solo tracer in a corner, but that goes for most heroes, even ana can counter stuff like that.

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Its a 60% in brigittes favor… if you cant react quickly you are dead.

just bring back old turret (long range bast) …or 35% ic …(reaper style bast) …either is kinda “fine” … im just so tired of feeling like there is only one place bastion works and that is the “suprice” bastion strat thing. Oh i allmost forgot the “tickle the enemy so they get annoyed and preform badly” strat.

I really really really want Tank on E to be a thing, and I can definitely see them doing it with what they’ve been doing recently, but I would also be happy with just a revert too… I would rather have ranged Bastion, but close range Bastion would also be acceptable with 35% Ironclad back. I don’t think they’d go that route though… It wouldn’t be broken like it was back then, but I still don’t think they’d do it…

I still love playing surprise bastion but the worst thing about itis usually to get into a position where you’ll surprise the enemy team you need to go out of position which leaves you unable to escape the 1 vs 2/3 or just the 1 vs 1 vs someone who wont let you run to safety.

Bastion has “too many weaknesses compared to his strengths”, he needs a buff too :cry:


That is part of the problem… he dont have strengths in the moment


Maybe if his punch acted like Brigitte’s shield bash. Not as in the stun by I mean it’s a cooldown ability that only works in sentry. It’d probably do something like push the enemy away and slow them. It’s like a knockback version of Orisa’s Halt.

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What response? Where?

He meant he’d me perfectly happy with any of the changes suggested and a response from the devs. He didn’t say there was one he just said he’d be happy with one.


3800 replies and zero Blizzard response.