Bastion is being forgotten

I think that’s the point. He should be doing more damage in sentry through low spread and headshots but the transform time was slightly longer before. He can’t just swap instantly and kill you.,


Yeah. On Junkertown. Almost exclusively on that map, no other hero is so map dependent and you don’t always see him there either.


Now you can be a DVA without the mech and run up to Bastion and there’s a good chance you can shoot him to death with your stupid little pistol before he gets you.


his spread is big enough that she’s like a toothpick even point blank compared to how much of his bullets will actually hit her.


I normally get to at least half before enough shots hit her to actually kill her. If she has any healing, I just have to either hope a teammate shoots her, or I run away… run away from a ZERO SUIT D.VA… this game…


Yes. At close range DVA is so large you can’t miss if you are aiming half properly even with the spread but the counterplay seems to be this little Japanese girl having lost her incredibly powerful mechanised armour to a big metal turret with a Gatling gun runs towards it with a little pistol and kills it!

Yes, I frequently kill her too, but that sort of play should be considered suicidal, not a risk that a skilled player may take.


No thanks, Bastion is still annoying to play against at lower tiers. Also there’s pirates ship… I don’t wanna see any buffs because he’ll still be useless in the higher ranks except for the 2 people who main him and he will just dominate the lower ranks

If they make him more skill based, he won’t be annoying to play against at lower tiers. With his spread, he hardly even has to aim to get kills (though it does take a very long time to get those kills). Pirate ship has many counters, just get the Bastion off the payload, and you’ve pretty much won. Ice wall into hook, Orisa grav into teammate’s fire, Zarya grav + dragonstrike, just a normal dragon strike…

If they buff (or more preferably rework) him correctly, he’ll be slightly harder to use in lower tiers, but actually viable in higher tiers.

Here’s a few reworks to do that if you’re interested:

Another quick note, his pickrate is something like 2% in bronze, 1% in silver, and well below 1% in all other ranks, so it’s not like he’s super dominant…


Everything you just said is factually inaccurate, aside from the fact that Pirate ship exists.
Mei is annoying to play against, so is Genji, and Tracer. Old Sym and Torb Dominate Low tiers too, which makes that a senseless reason to balance anything.


he has a negative winrate in low tiers and annoying isn’t a reason to keep a hero bad. IDK about you but I thought of a counter in 2 seconds. Dragonstrike can sometimes be good enough because everybody is together, but a grav+dragonstrike which is meta keeps everyone already gathered on the payload, on the payload, then Hanzo dragon strikes. If they have a zen on the pirateship damage boost the Hanzo and it outdamages trans.

Isn’t that how most heroes work? Not good when used by an inexperienced player (which means he won’t dominate in bronze or high tier) but experienced ones will not be held back by RNG spread. It doesn’t matter how well I track if RNG says no.


Geez 3750 already? What’s the rate, now? 300+ per week?

Still no orange text though…

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What happened to Bastion…


Oh man, too real…


Played yesterday bastion on two maps the hole time. Rialto and Ilios. Won both… does this mean he is fine? No!

Rialto we started with pirate ship and they also then we and then they. We won but not because I played better then a 2 hours in all modes on vacation player… no just because I had more support.

Ilios the same… it not comes down to skill often times its teamwork to 90%. Ilios my was confused but after I shot 4 heroes in a row down they had faith in me and supported me. Then the enemy had the same idea and I had to switch to reaper and won the round… I wish skill was more important with him… not just stay and pray…


I hope he will remaked after torbjorn.


My sense is he will, but since Bastion is easily the most polarizing hero in the game, I don’t blame them for keeping quiet as to prevent preemptive backlash

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I am thinking they should remake him by adding tank as normal skill. Ultimate as tankbody+sentrygun.

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I wouldn’t want Sentry as an ultimate, but I would want Tank on E. If he did get that, I’d rather have a buffing ultimate that buffs his different modes instead of just changing to a specific mode.


Nono Moving sentry as ultimate. fixed sentry remains skill. and Damage reduced tank as normal cooldown skill.

Oh, I see… That might be neat.