Bastion is awful

Literally. You either must be pocket healed or stay behind a barrier or both in order to be useful to your team.
His turret mode is just… You stay still and be the easiest target to be taken care of. His survivability is beyond awful.


Everyone but the developers apparently have known this for 2 years…

I don’t think they even remember that they made a character called bastion.


I believe that the word “Bastion” comes up once if you do a find on the developer posts page, though I don’t remember the context…


So true. I hope Blizz does something. His recent emote screams “Help me. Don’t forsake me”.


I mean what do you want them to do? His character design is flawed by the fact he is locked is a fixed position which is the worst thing for a game like this.


I think Bastion was perfect in beta, but changed him since you could have 6 of him on a team.

If they changed that now, I think he’d be perfect

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Being immobile isn’t his issue. It’s very easy to simply leave Sentry mode ever since his rework lowered the transform times. His issue is the fact that Ironclad and his extremely high spread encourage Sentry mode over Recon mode too heavily. He just needs a new version of Ironclad (without a passive damage resistance) that can affect Recon mode as well, and for his Sentry mode spread to be reverted.

Something kinda like this
  • Configuration Sentry
    • Reduce maximum spread to 2° (Currently 3°)
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.2 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Headshots added
    • Ammo count reduced to 200 (Currently 300)
  • Ironclad
    • Damage resistance removed
    • Now allows Bastion’s self-repair to over-heal him with 75 armor
    • This armor cannot be healed by other healers, only Bastion
      • The over-heal is “orange” armor, similar to Torb’s armor packs
  • Self-repair
    • No longer consumes resources when it cannot heal Bastion
    • Startup delay reduced to 0.1 seconds (Currently 0.5 seconds)
    • Able to reload while repairing
    • Healing resource increased by 25%
      • Allows for 375 healing (Currently 300)
  • Configuration Tank
    • No self damage
      • Still applies the same self knockback, but does 0 damage to Bastion
    • Tread sounds reduced slightly
    • Adds 75 normal armor
    • Instantly applies 75 Ironclad armor (in addition to the normal armor)

i remmeber those times of hero stacking. I mean blizzard has done some questionable balance decisions over the past year and a half but them legit going to balance the game when you could stack heros is probaly the worst decision they thought they could handle

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It probably had to do with the damage fall off buff that some characters received recently, that’s the only mention of bastion i can think of.


Their marketing team must have, they made that lego thing for Bastion available not that long ago.

You guys just can’t help yourself, can you?


We cannot


To be fair while they are not helping him balance wise, they sure are giving him a lot of love cosmetic wise this year. We’ve seen Bastion get a skin for Christmas, a new highlight intro for the blizzard world update, a skin for anniversary and now the cool zombie emote (which is the only emote that was added for this year’s halloween might I add).

I believe Bastion has gotten the most cosmetics from events this year out of every other hero.

I hope however we hear something about Bastion changes at Blizzcon 2018, even if It’s just “We are looking at Bastion but can’t say any details about what we are doing with him yet” in interviews they do that will make me pretty happy… but I’ll be pretty upset if we hear nothing though.


They probably just thought that it was one of those robot things from the reinhardt animated short.

I seem to be in an extreme minority of people who think Bastion is just fine. People just don’t understand that he requires a completely different approach than any other hero.

This can be seen as bragging, but

I have been wrecking quick play all day today on Bastion. I actually raised my 10-minute-damage average from 4.8k to 5.9k and my win percentage from 50% to 57%. I just keep getting better at playing him. I have constant and countless 22+ elim games with less than 5 deaths (0-1 deaths fairly often), I get a card in at least half of my games, I get POTG in seemingly 30% or more of my games, and I get at least 1 gold medal in almost every game.

A few hours ago I had a game with 42 elims, 3 deaths, 13,000 damage, 4,500 self-healing, and of course, play-of-the-game.

-You have to play Bastion like he’s all 3 roles combined.
Know when to sit in the backline and provide cover. Know when to dive a bit and catch the other team off-guard. Know when to stick close to the team and fend off opposing aggression.

-Know when to retreat and heal and do it A LOT. I cannot express enough that Bastions self-healing is actually his greatest asset. Use it to the fullest extent. Even if that means withdrawing because you took a little bit of damage.

-Know when to stay still, know when to keep moving, don’t stay in sentry too long in any spot.

-Run from Genji & Brigg in 1v1, they’ll almost always win.

-Don’t try to out-snipe Hanzo or Widow at long-range, they’ll win.

-Don’t sentry in front of Reinhardt too long or he’ll charge you.

-Watch out for Sombra flanking you and trust that your basic gun can still kill her.

-Be wary of Junkrats bouncing bombs and know the map areas he can and will likely spam.

-Keep an eye in the sky if they have a Pharah and be ready to shoot her out of the sky like Duck Hunt, it’s satisfying.

-If Hog hooks you, immediately walk back and keep shooting, sometimes you can either finish him off or your team jumps in just in time to save you.

-Don’t sentry in front of D.Va too long or she’ll blow her mech up in your face.

-Reaper hits hard, but he’s squishy. Hide if you’re not already in sentry and try to either get the jump on him or retreat. If you are in sentry when you encounter him, try to kill him. It can easily come down to who aims better and trust me, Bastion can kill him much faster than he can kill Bastion.

-When you hear Junkrat release his Rip-Tire, listen closely, start backing up, and aim to the ground. You can kill the Rip-Tire before it hits you.

It goes on and on and on.

There is SO MUCH to learn about piloting Bastion to get the most out of him and I think most people fail to see that or to be willing to figure him out.

I honestly wasn’t having that much fun main-ing Tracer. When I picked up Bastion and realized what potential he had, I dropped Tracer and never looked back. I am absolutely obsessed with playing Bastion right now.


Stats say otherwise. He’s been consistently the worst hero across almost every rank for some time now.


I understand why iron clad encourages him to stay in sentry but not his spread. If anything, reduced spread will make him stay in sentry more since it’s more effective.

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Bastion is most likely going to be the next hero reworked.

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We hope that for a while now… BUT THIS TIME it could be our time. It’s sad… I was a Bastion Main and now just play him rarely since the rework because… he is so bad it’s just painfully…

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That’s not a nice thing to say a lady.
Or a robot with a gigantic turret on his back…

Bastion is not that bad, people underappreciate the hero much more than they should.

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