🐟 Bastion Change Suggestions? (Doomfish Edition)

I am still going to stand by my “Generalized rework” for Bastion, as i believe it would solve a lot of issues, and leave the hero playable at almost any rank.

What does this do?

It gives Bastion versatility, preserves the hero, because removal of Configuration Sentry, or her ability to deal harmful damage, is removal of the hero itself.

And most importantly it gives reliable use across the hero, with no “Crutch” that either works or loses you the game, based on whether or not your enemy knows what they’re doing.

This sounds like a great new hero!

This doesn’t sound like Bastion.
At all.

I’m all for Bastion having some kind of healing ability, that would actually be kind of nice for a Tank hero with a small bit if utility on the side… perhaps through Ganymede being used in-game, for a targeted heal similarly to Zenyatta’s.

But outside of that… Bastion is a deadly minigun.
And changing that, removes Bastion.